Operation Gym Candy Shuts Down Major Ugl In Pennsylvania


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Operation Gym Candy shuts down major UGL operating out of Pennsylvania with 14 arrests. Anyone know the name of the UGL(s)?

Five of those involved were current or former prison guards or probation officers. One was a former Dallas Cowboy football player who was signed and released over the summer.

The ringleader shipped 300 packages every week and made $16,000. 90,000 anabolic steroids pills, 2,800 vials, several gallons of liquid anabolic steroids, several kilograms of raw steroid powders and $445,000 cash was seized at his house.

Grandstanding Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said steroids were "deadly" drugs that were just as dangerous as heroin.

Following a 17-month investigation deemed “Operation Gym Candy,” authorities allege the individuals shipped hundreds of thousands of pills out of five Northeastern Pennsylvania counties, and also ran a ring that sold illegal prescription drugs.

Three of the individuals charged, Brian Laubach of Berwick, Richard Piccarreta of Bloomsburg and Paul Dougal of Plymouth, allegedly imported raw materials from China that they manufactured in their homes by stuffing anabolic steroids into caplets or cooking the raw materials to fill vials so the drugs could be injected, authorities said. Keith Kilgus of Danville allegedly worked for both rings by picking up the packages that came in from China and delivering the materials to the three suppliers, as well as shipping packages for both rings.

Sheree Senausky of Trucksville allegedly operated a prescription drug ring involving Dougal and one other of the anabolic steroids ring suspects, Nick Baloga of Scranton.

"Anabolic steroids can cause deadly side effects, and are as much of a public health risk as heroin or other narcotics, especially when users 'stack' them," Attorney General Kathleen Kane said. "This illegal manufacturing has been shut down and will no longer be able to supply dangerous drugs that can do great harm to people's long-term health."

Kane said the ring operated out of Luzerne, Lackawanna, Montour, Northumberland and Columbia counties and shipped to dozens of states including Hawaii.

The criminal charges state that most of Brian Laubach's alleged sales were online and he shipped up to 300 packages for profits of roughly $16,000 a week. A search warrant at Laubach's residence yielded more than 90,000 anabolic steroids pills, 2,800 vials, gallons of unpackaged manufactured liquid anabolic steroids, kilos of raw anabolic steroids and $445,000 cash. Laubach allegedly hid the proceeds in the name of his brother, Marc Laubach, who was also charged Wednesday.

Materials to manufacture anabolic steroids were seized at Dougal's residence, along with more than 10,000 pills and 112 vials. The estimated street value of all of the seized evidence associated with the two anabolic steroids rings is more than $500,000.

Sheree Senausky allegedly diverted a minimum of 400 pills a week from her employer that were mostly Vicodin or a combination of Vicodin, OxyContin and Percocet, that she sold for $1,300 a week in profits, according to authorities. One of her alleged customers was Dougal, who sold the pills to Baloga, according to the criminal complaint.

Investigators said members of the anabolic steroids rings used the drugs for their own personal use, and believe some took prescription drugs to alleviate pain associated with excessive exercise and weight lifting.

The investigation, dubbed "Operation Gym Candy," began in April 2013.

Of the 13 charged, five are current or former probation or correction officers: Marc Laubach (Columbia County probation officer); Richard Piccarreta (former Montour County Prison officer); Nick Baloga (Lackawanna Prison guard); John Taffera (Luzerne County Correctional Facility guard); and Pete Fischer (Luzerne County Correctional Facility guard).

"It is particularly troubling that five of the people who participated in these rings have been entrusted by our citizens with overseeing parolees or guarding prisoners," said Kane. "They worked every day with individuals who are paying the price for breaking the law. It is shameful that they decided to break the law themselves."

Source: http://citizensvoice.com/news/probation-officer-prison-guards-charged-in-steroid-rings-1.1763474

Brian Clarke, 24, of Hanover Township, formerly a starting guard with the Bloomsburg University Huskies, signed as a free agent with the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys in May. He was waived by the team in August following an injury.

Source: http://www.timesleader.com/news/local-news-news/50412417/
Just as dangerous as heroin? A statement like this doesn't suprise me coming from a politician. The general public incoherent for the most part also.
what can you do,

they have to bust somebody from time to time or they will be busted for doing nothing.
what can you do,

they have to bust somebody from time to time or they will be busted for doing nothing.
What can they do? Oh, i don't know, maybe do what we expect police officers to do? Catch criminals in crimes of a more serious nature that involve actual physical harm and concrete losses. Thieves, murderers, rapists, that kind of thing. When a guy gets a 4 month sentence for crap like this: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/...onths-for-Sexual-Asault-of-a-12-Year-Old-Girl

Yea, that seems fair. 4 months for sexual abuse, but lets give guys some prison terms for steroids. Of course it doesn't stop there. My house was robbed years ago. The police could be bothered to file a report, but that was about it. Guess they were too busy doing important things like writing seat belt tickets. They go for the easy money instead of doing the job(s) most of us would like to see them doing, like going after violent criminals.
What can they do? Oh, i don't know, maybe do what we expect police officers to do? Catch criminals in crimes of a more serious nature that involve actual physical harm and concrete losses. Thieves, murderers, rapists, that kind of thing. When a guy gets a 4 month sentence for crap like this: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/...onths-for-Sexual-Asault-of-a-12-Year-Old-Girl

Yea, that seems fair. 4 months for sexual abuse, but lets give guys some prison terms for steroids. Of course it doesn't stop there. My house was robbed years ago. The police could be bothered to file a report, but that was about it. Guess they were too busy doing important things like writing seat belt tickets. They go for the easy money instead of doing the job(s) most of us would like to see them doing, like going after violent criminals.
But that doesn't put there name in all caps on the front of "The Bullshit Daily." Devil Dog I agree 100%.
What can they do? Oh, i don't know, maybe do what we expect police officers to do? Catch criminals in crimes of a more serious nature that involve actual physical harm and concrete losses. Thieves, murderers, rapists, that kind of thing. When a guy gets a 4 month sentence for crap like this: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/...onths-for-Sexual-Asault-of-a-12-Year-Old-Girl

Yea, that seems fair. 4 months for sexual abuse, but lets give guys some prison terms for steroids. Of course it doesn't stop there. My house was robbed years ago. The police could be bothered to file a report, but that was about it. Guess they were too busy doing important things like writing seat belt tickets. They go for the easy money instead of doing the job(s) most of us would like to see them doing, like going after violent criminals.

Wow, wtf.. mutts like this should be fuckin skinned alive and left to bleed out.
Yeah, these steroid users are out of control. Each day when I go to the gym, there they are, 3 or 4 of them lined up on the side walk begging people for money just so they can go around the corner and get 5 dbol tabs, or a cc of test. One juicer snatched a ladies purse last week in a fit of (roid) rage trying to get up enough money to order a bottle of tren.:rolleyes:

The reality is, if we had MORE people responsibly using AAS we'd be a healthier, more productive society. Obese people drain our medical and financial resources. Also, the average juicer has a stronger work ethic and more discipline. The AAS user usually prides themselves on being succesful at what they're doing.

Besides, if it weren't for us, who would the soccer mom's and the wives of the fat business men fantasize about?!;)
It's really a sad story. I see swole gearheads riding their bicycles around the neighborhood at all hours of the night looking like king kong on a tricycle. They're always wanting to suck your dick for some pharma gh. I know they stole that bike from the poor meth chronic. What is the world coming to these days?
You didn't have to look far for a steroid connection in that prison. Do you think they sold supplements? Meth, heroin or protein powder.
Just as dangerous as heroin? A statement like this doesn't suprise me coming from a politician. The general public incoherent for the most part also.
I gotta tell ya...I'm looking a bunch of heroin and a bunch of gear? Neither look that menacing. Blaming the substance is nonsense.
Former cops and co's...some currently employed in the capacity of LE? Well, DUH!! There's the issue. Throw in some chemicals and hormones with those motherfuckers and I'd liked to have locked them in a room together in hopes of them destroying one another.
As bad as heroin? Shit man it's way worse than that. Last time my boy ran out of test he started pimping his girl out to get even one more vial then would beat her cuz she was too ugly n couldnt bring home anymore loot.....shit not really real real fast
Sucks there was a few in the NEWs not to long ago.

Is this becoming a STREAK? Shoot I hope not!

Not sure who this could be, I wish them the best, they will need it going through the system.

$445.000 in cash, sounds like I am in the WRONG business. WOW, that is the most I have heard of in a bust. Atleast that I can remember.
Who knows their side of the story, not all stuff some one has comes from what they consider (illegal) means. But you think the SYSTEM cares, they will snatch it all up, never mind from where is came. Burden is on the innocent until proven guilty to prove where they got their assests from.

Ridiculous.. war drugs, war on aas, war on anything the govt. can't get a piece of the profit on...How about war on poverty! An effort to improve the lives of struggling American citizens. A health care that is ACTUALLY affordable..