Operation Gym Candy Shuts Down Major Ugl In Pennsylvania

those stupid cops would do better service to the nation in North Iraq.

as soon as you start posting all over the internet that you sell in high volume it is a matter of time before they get to you.

it is always safer to sell bunk gear, selling 10 ml of corn oil is legal or 10 mg sugar pills
Shouldn't they be on the manhunt for the kid that shot a few of their own! I'm sure the resources would be better utilized for a cop killer!!! Oh no wait ... Let's spend a few months watching these kids get fucking swole on gear and then bust them right before the cycle ends or they get too wealthy (which ever comes first)... Or better yet is it election time... Have to get those numbers up!!!
Well, i gotta be the one to ask and I hope all our soldiers are safe and sound. That being said, I got a pm from concerned member asking if I thought it coincidence that a popular Underground guy that has a couple of active threads as this time hasn't been heard from today?(I don't know if he posted up yesterday or not?)
The thread starting Underground dweller apparently had shipped from PA. PA is a big state relative to others that surround it and there could be more than 1 ugl in the state? Anyone.
Well, i gotta be the one to ask and I hope all our soldiers are safe and sound. That being said, I got a pm from concerned member asking if I thought it coincidence that a popular Underground guy that has a couple of active threads as this time hasn't been heard from today?(I don't know if he posted up yesterday or not?)
The thread starting Underground dweller apparently had shipped from PA. PA is a big state relative to others that surround it and there could be more than 1 ugl in the state? Anyone.

Very first thing that came to mind, not good
Well, i gotta be the one to ask and I hope all our soldiers are safe and sound. That being said, I got a pm from concerned member asking if I thought it coincidence that a popular Underground guy that has a couple of active threads as this time hasn't been heard from today?(I don't know if he posted up yesterday or not?)
The thread starting Underground dweller apparently had shipped from PA. PA is a big state relative to others that surround it and there could be more than 1 ugl in the state? Anyone.

I've been following this topic since Millard posted it today kinda gets a person to really thinking about the severity of things.

I'm not sure were wondering about that same people but I pulled out the calendar it's been a day or two I'd say.
The member was concerned that ASTRO may have been involved as he ships from that 1/3 of the country and from the men I spoke with he hadn't been heard from in 2 days.
However, my old friend the "geek" had communication today which would lead me to believe that our boy escaped the dragnet. Good for him and good for all of us.
I reached out to our guy an hour ago asking if he has any idea who was involved and if he's in the clear.

If you guys have ears on other boards let's figure out what lab this is.

I would hold tight to anything you have in the works right now.

I've been trying to find more articles and other links in regards to this particular piece of news and I stumbled upon this thread on another board where members were discussing and trying to figure out who the lab was.

The link is below-


Some members over there believe the lab was MLG, based on the pictures in the news. I'm not sure how credible or reliable that information is, but I believe its worth mentioning and staying on the side of caution.
So we can keep these evil AAS out of the hands of the populace, but we can't keep dangerous crackpots from entering and walking around inside the fucking White House, and we don't really seem concerned with ebola until it's walking around the country either?
Yep, we got our priorities straight.:mad:
Our guy just got back to me and said it was NOT him. He wasn't sure the lab name but evidently they were not playing it close to the chest.

I thought I'd add that the PA-AG press release states there were three individuals brewing AAS ("suppliers") and TWO "transcontinental steroid rings".

Does this mean there were two UGL labels involved?

Or does the second ring refer to the Vicodin/Oxycontin/Percocet distribution?

13 in NEPA charged in intercontinental anabolic steroids, diversion rings

HARRISBURG - Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane today announced charges in a case involving two transcontinental anabolic steroids rings. In all 13 people were charged, including a probation officer and four current or former corrections officers. The charges allege that the individuals shipped hundreds of thousands of pills out of five Northeastern Pennsylvania counties, and also ran a ring that sold illegal prescription drugs. The charges followed a 17- month investigation conducted by the Office of Attorney General's Bureau of Narcotics Investigation in cooperation with local law enforcement.

As part of the illicit operation three of the individuals charged, Brian Laubach of Berwick, Richard Piccarreta of Plymouth and Paul Dougal of Plymouth, allegedly imported raw materials from China that they manufactured in their homes by stuffing anabolic steroids into caplets or cooking the raw materials to fill vials so that the drugs could be injected. Keith Kilgus of Danville allegedly worked for both rings by picking up the packages that came in from China and delivering the materials to the three suppliers, as well as shipping packages for both rings.


Sheree Senausky of Trucksville allegedly operated a prescription drug ring involving Dougal and one other of the anabolic steroids ring suspects, Nick Baloga of Scranton.

"Anabolic steroids can cause deadly side effects, and are as much of a public health risk as heroin or other narcotics, especially when users 'stack' them," Attorney General Kane said. "This illegal manufacturing has been shut down and will no longer be able to supply dangerous drugs that can do great harm to people's long-term health."

Attorney General Kane said the ring operated out of Montour, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne and Lackawanna counties and shipped to dozens of states including Hawaii.

The criminal charges state that most of Brian Laubach's alleged sales were online and he shipped up to 300 packages for profits of roughly $16,000 a week. A search warrant at Laubach's residence yielded more than 90,000 anabolic steroids pills, 2,800 vials; gallons of unpackaged manufactured liquid anabolic steroids; kilos of raw anabolic steroids and $445,000 cash. Laubach allegedly hid the proceeds in the name of his brother, Marc Laubach, who was also charged today.

Materials to manufacture anabolic steroids were seized at Dougal's residence, along with more than 10,000 pills and 112 vials of anabolic steroids. The estimated street value of all of the seized evidence associated with the two anabolic steroids rings is more than $500,000.

Sheree Senausky allegedly diverted a minimum of 400 pills a week from her employer that were mostly Vicodin or a combination of Vicodin, OxyContin and Percocet, that she sold for $1,300 a week in profits. One of her alleged customers was Dougal, who sold the pills to Baloga, according to the criminal complaint.

Investigators from the Bureau of Narcotics Investigations said members of the anabolic steroids rings used the drugs for their own personal use, and believe some took prescription drugs to alleviate pain associated with excessive exercise and weight lifting.

The investigation, dubbed "Operation Gym Candy," began in April 2013. Of the 13 charged five are current or former probation or correction officers: Marc Laubach (Columbia County Probation officer); Richard Piccarreta (former Montour County Prison officer); Nick Baloga (Lackawanna Prison guard); John Taffera (Luzerne County Correctional Facility guard); and Pete Fisher (Luzerne County Correctional Facility guard).

"It is particularly troubling that five of the people who participated in these rings have been entrusted by our citizens with overseeing parolees or guarding prisoners," said Attorney General Kane. "They worked every day with individuals who are paying the price for breaking the law. It is shameful that they decided to break the law themselves."

The defendants will be preliminarily arraigned before Magisterial District Judge Richard Cronauer and will be prosecuted by Deputy Attorney General William Abraham of the Attorney General's Drug Strike Force Section.

Attorney General Kane thanked the Berwick Police Department, Edwardsville Borough Police Department, Kingston Borough Police Department, Nanticoke City Police Department, Newport Township Police Department and Wilkes-Barre City Police Department for their assistance in the investigation.

An additional defendant, Kristen Pietrzyk, was charged today but is not associated with any of the drug rings.

Below is a fulllist of the defendants and the charges against them:

Brian Laubach, 36, 1225 5th Ave., Berwick, Columbia County, is charged with: two counts of manufacturing anabolic steroids; two counts of corrupt organizations; one count of delivery of anabolic steroids; one count of possession with the intent to deliver anabolic steroids; one count of possession of anabolic steroids; one count of conspiracy to deliver anabolic steroids; one count of dealing in unlawful proceeds; and one count of conspiracy to deal in unlawful proceeds.

Marc Laubach, 36, 1225 5th Ave., Berwick, Columbia County, is charged with one count of dealing in unlawful proceeds and one count of conspiracy to deal in unlawful proceeds.

Paul Dougal, 31, 935 Country Club Road, Apt. 2, Bloomsburg, Columbia County, is charged with: one count of manufacturing anabolic steroids; one count of delivery of anabolic steroids; one count of possession with intent to deliver anabolic steroids; one count of possession of anabolic steroids; one count of conspiracy to deliver anabolic steroids; two counts of corrupt organizations; one count of dealing in unlawful proceeds; and one count of conspiracy to deal in unlawful proceeds.

Richard Piccarreta, 49, 75 Wood St., Plymouth, Luzerne County, is charged with: one count of manufacturing anabolic steroids; one count of delivery of anabolic steroids; one count of possession with intent to deliver anabolic steroids; one count of possession of anabolic steroids; one count of conspiracy to deliver anabolic steroids; two counts corrupt organization; one count of dealing in unlawful proceeds; and one count of conspiracy to deal in unlawful proceeds.

Keith Kilgus, 40, 600 Bloom St., Apt. 1, Danville, Montour County, is charged with: two counts of delivery of anabolic steroids; twocounts of possession with intent to deliver anabolic steroids; two counts of possession of anabolic steroids; two counts of conspiracy to deliver anabolic steroids; and two counts corrupt organizations.



Brian Clarke, 24, 239 1st St., Hanover Township, Luzerne County, is charged with: four counts of delivery of anabolic steroids; four counts of possession with intent to deliver anabolic steroids; four counts of possession of anabolic steroids; four counts of conspiracy to deliver anabolic steroids; two counts of corrupt organizations; and one count of illegal use of a communication facility.

Matt Valanoski, 25, 833 W. Spruce St., Coal Township, Northumberland County, is charged with one count of possession of anabolic steroids.

John Koch, 24, 505 Chestut St., Hanover Township, Luzerne County, is charged with: one count of possession with intent to deliver anabolic steroids; one count of possession of anabolic steroids; one count of delivery of anabolic steroids, one count of criminal conspiracy to deliver anabolic steroids and two counts of corrupt organizations.

Nick Baloga, 44, 2223 Capouse Ave., Scranton, Lackawanna County, is charged with: two counts possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance; two counts of possession of anabolic steroids; two counts of conspiracy to deliver controlled substances; two counts of corrupt organizations; and one count of illegal use of a communication facility.

Kyle Goyne, 23, 58 Brown St., Ashley, Luzerne County, is charged with: one count of delivery of anabolic steroids; one count of possession with intent to deliver anabolic steroids; one count of possession of anabolic steroids; one count of conspiracy to deliver anabolic steroids; two counts of corrupt organizations; and one count of illegal use of a communication facility.

John Taffera, 39, 328 Highlark Drive, Larksville, Luzerne County, is charged with: one count of delivery of a controlled substance; one count of possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance; one count of possession of anabolic steroids; one count of conspiracy to deliver anabolic steroids; two counts corrupt organizations; and one count of illegal use of a communication facility;

Sheree Senausky, 29, 169 Staub Road, Trucksville, Luzerne County, is charged with: three counts of delivery of a controlled substance; four counts of possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance; two counts of corrupt organizations; and one count of illegal use of a communication facility.

Pete Fischer, 54, 1 Brown St., Ashley, Luzerne County, is charged with one count of possession of anabolic steroids and one count of illegal use of a communication facility.

Kristen Pietrzyk, 27, 340 E. Broad St., Nanticoke, Luzerne County, is charged with: two counts of possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance; two counts of delivery of a controlled substance; one count of illegal use of a communication facility.

(A person charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty.)
Source: http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/press.aspx?id=8185#