I use Pharma/ China Pharma and hope for the best :)
You talk a lot about proper science and protocol but at the end of the day you just cross your fingers and hope for the best. Not me, and fortunately not most people are so lackadaisical with sending off thousands of dollars when their wives are begging for a new washer/dryer that will last a decade, and you're trying to send your kids to a private school. The HGH serum test and even the IGF test has kept sources on their toes. Back in the day, when everybody was like you, crossing their fingers, we were at the complete mercy of the sources. Not anymore. Word spreads fast. When you are talking this amount of money for a product people pay attention and aren't so quick to put their full trust in someone across the world who doesn't give a shit about you.
If you test one brand and score a 25 and then another you score a 10 which one are you going to take?

This is bro science

elevated Gh Serum indicates growth hormone

the higher number doesn
’t represent a better product

these are blood serum test

they are used as biomarkers

not to indicate product quality

that is what lab testing (HPLC) is for

there’s a thread posted years back where guys where serum testing each vial in the same kit then slamming the source for overdosing some vials and under dosing other vials

Complete Looney Toons bat shit crazy

it’s wasn’t the vials

it was the blood serum :)
You didn't answer the question. You just dismissed it. And yes, we ARE measuring an elevation in GH. It is a given that it doesn't measure purity and quality. Back in the day most of use weren't getting any GH at all or a very under dosed amount. This was a huge step forward. We also have the IGF test which will tell use how our body is processing the GH. The measuring system that doctors use. That's the whole point. So if one brand tests consistently at 10 and another consistently at 30 you would just flip a coin?

Call it what you want, bro-science or looney toons, most of us "loons" see 30 as greater than 10 and will choose 30 every time.

And you are not being honest and are losing credibility. The real question is, why you want to dismiss any testing by users to protect themselves. Are you a source?
You didn't answer the question. You just dismissed it. And yes, we ARE measuring an elevation in GH. It is a given that it doesn't measure purity and quality. Back in the day most of use weren't getting any GH at all or a very under dosed amount. This was a huge step forward. We also have the IGF test which will tell use how our body is processing the GH. The measuring system that doctors use. That's the whole point. So if one brand tests consistently at 10 and another consistently at 30 you would just flip a coin?

Call it what you want, bro-science or looney toons, most of us "loons" see 30 as greater than 10 and will choose 30 every time.

And you are not being honest and are losing credibility. The real question is, why you want to dismiss any testing by users to protect themselves. Are you a source?
Yea your exactly right, and yea you will never test the exact same everytime because of the timing when the blood was drawn and how you metabolize it. That would be like saying that getting a testosterone test is bro science and has proven to be looney toons because taking the same dose out of the same vial doesn’t test the same everytime. I’ve never tested less than 40 with pharma grade gh.
Can anyone tell me if this looks normal for a 40+ yo guy or is it elevated?

IGF 1, LC/MS 304 NORMAL 52-328 ng/mL 02
can be normal or can be high.
You need a baseline to compare it with.
If this is your baseline without hgh - yes,it is quite a high number
I didn't really want to admit it but I didn't get a baseline. This is my number 3.5 hrs after pinning 2IU. I probably didn't get the protocol right either?
I didn't really want to admit it but I didn't get a baseline. This is my number 3.5 hrs after pinning 2IU. I probably didn't get the protocol right either?
That protocol is to tesg HGH serum, not for the IGF-1. IGF-1 requires time to increase and can be checked on your daily routine dosage.
So i got to ask anyone just ever fall out or have some serious issues after taking 10iu for that blood work? Id think it might kill me or go into a blood sugar issue or something???
So i got to ask anyone just ever fall out or have some serious issues after taking 10iu for that blood work? Id think it might kill me or go into a blood sugar issue or something???
You kidding? No I don't think so, if your blood sugar shifts that drastically off 1 10iunshot, probably shouldn't be taking it
So i got to ask anyone just ever fall out or have some serious issues after taking 10iu for that blood work? Id think it might kill me or go into a blood sugar issue or something???
Naw I’ve done the protocol many times and felt great. The problems start when you do it like that everyday. You will get high blood sugar and thats why a blood glucose monitor and insulin is necessary. If you go to that extreme be careful do your homework, it can be dangerous.
Can anyone tell me if this looks normal for a 40+ yo guy or is it elevated?

IGF 1, LC/MS 304 NORMAL 52-328 ng/mL 02
The reference range s clearly stated, and to make it even more obvious, it specifically states "NORMAL".

What was the real reason for this post? Showing off?
The reference range s clearly stated, and to make it even more obvious, it specifically states "NORMAL".

What was the real reason for this post? Showing off?
BTW, I meant the "showing off " comment tongue in cheek. I forgot to add an emoji
The reference range s clearly stated, and to make it even more obvious, it specifically states "NORMAL".

What was the real reason for this post? Showing off?
"NORMAL" for who? I was hoping this test would tell me if my GH was real.
I know. I should have gotten a serum test and followed the protocol Alphalfa outlined above. Now I know for next time.
"NORMAL" for who? I was hoping this test would tell me if my GH was real.
I know. I should have gotten a serum test and followed the protocol Alphalfa outlined above. Now I know for next time.

I think you said you were running 2 or 2.5 iu a day. If so this is good results for your igf1 level
"NORMAL" for who? I was hoping this test would tell me if my GH was real.
I know. I should have gotten a serum test and followed the protocol Alphalfa outlined above. Now I know for next time.
Normal for human beings. Although there are specific and unique differences between human beings, biologically/physiologically we are identical. We live and breathe under the exact same principles that apply to everybody. The applications and response will vary but the principles are the same. If not, if we were all different, then medicine as a science would not and could not exist. What works for one person has no application or similarities to another which everyone knows is false.

For example, if you have a bacteria infection then you need to be treated by an antibiotic. That applies to everybody. What antibiotic varies a bit. I am allergic to Penicillin so I am treated with another antibiotic, Tetracycline. So the specific varies among individuals but the general principle, treated by an antibiotic remains the same and applies to everybody.

There is a range of hormones, oxygen, temperature, calories... that we all require to live. That range has long been determined by decades of study and research.

So, again, as is clearly spelled out in the report, the reference range, a range that has been determined by decades-long studies by very, very smart people that make a living doing this.

If for some reason you think you are special and have some sort of Alien DNA where normal standards don't apply I'm sure they would pay you handsomely as a study and test subject.
"NORMAL" for who? I was hoping this test would tell me if my GH was real.
I know. I should have gotten a serum test and followed the protocol Alphalfa outlined above. Now I know for next time.
BTW, that's why, in the case of IGF testing, you need a baseline. That way you can compare your IGF when you are on nothing and when you add GH to the mix.

For instance, My IGF tested 163ng/ml while on a certain brand of HGH. If I didn't take a baseline I would have deemed the product fake but my baseline IGF is 53 ng/ml. So there was GH in there as it tripled my levels and now that I am able to get an HGH serum test I will be able to determine if it is underdosed or not.
BTW, that's why, in the case of IGF testing, you need a baseline. That way you can compare your IGF when you are on nothing and when you add GH to the mix.

For instance, My IGF tested 163ng/ml while on a certain brand of HGH. If I didn't take a baseline I would have deemed the product fake but my baseline IGF is 53 ng/ml. So there was GH in there as it tripled my levels and now that I am able to get an HGH serum test I will be able to determine if it is underdosed or not.

yeah, i assume he knows it but as he stated he has non.
But one can assume that his natural IGF-1 being close to 50 years old is not over 300, therefore one could assume the GH is real.
Of course just assumption but the chance they are true is high