I am indeed referring to the 120 greys. Can you tell us roughly when you ordered? Month/year?

To reitierate, the reason I'm asking others this is to try and determine if there's a certain portion of this "batch" that was affected. Perhaps all later orders have been 100% vacuum sealed?

Order placed on March 9th.
Thank you all who replied to my inquiry. It would seem I and a few others were unlucky and got a portion of the batch that was not well-sealed.

I hope others will continue to post if they find issues with any recent orders.Hopefully it was a one-off situation.
In my experience with high doses of gh meaning 20iu a day. I’ve done it two ways. 10iu in the morning and 10iu post workout, obviously with insulin to keep blood sugar in control. Or if have the luxury of pinning 3iu every couple of hours is less side effects, the cts is not nearly as bad and I seem to get better sleep. Controlling the water retention is the hard part and by the way the last week of my gh blast at 20 iu I had to take cialis to keep my blood pressure in check. Carb cycling is the only way I could control the water, so no carbs for 3-5 days to lose the water, then carbing up 2 to 4 days. I can gain up to 15 pounds when I’m carbing up, yea crazy swings in weight, It’s not the perfect protocol, but my last run lasted 4 weeks and I ended up ten pounds ahead after losing the water and a little leaner. Remember as time goes by the on that much growth it’s like as if you start becoming immune to insulin. The last week I was taking 60iu of novelin-n b4 bed and 60iu morning and 20iu or novelin-r morning covering two meals and 20iu preworkout, that is on carb days only on the 10iu gh morning and post workout protocol. If your going to do it get a blood glucose monitor and don’t add the insulin until your morning fasted blood sugar gets above 90. Then start with 10iu of novilin-n(long acting) morning and night and titrate up until you get below 90 fasted morning blood sugar. Eventually that will not keep up and you add the fast acting novilin-r and start with 5iu and titrate up as needed. It can be very dangerous, so be careful start low with the insulin use a monitor. And always check your blood before you eat and an hour after to learn how much that dose of insulin knocked your blood sugar down. Always carry juice or carbo gain or something on you so you can guarantee you will never go hypo. Be careful if having any questions feel free to pm me.
Thanks for the detailed response my friend. I have been keeping it simple and right now I am pinning 10iu humulin r about 30 min prewkrkout and then I sip on carb/protein while i train. About 3/4 of the way i pin 1 vial of opti 120 i recon with 1ml of ba water. Finish workout, try to eat but mostly just pass out for a while and couple hours get up and eat a good size meal. Im in my beginning stages still, finding all of this to be super confusing. Really appreciate the info give me couple days to digest and modify my protocol.
Yea, no problem. But I wasn't giving you a jab either. I was hoping Opti would just have an answer. And hoping that it was a reasonable one so we all don't have to speculate.

The testing that's been done shows the product is good. It would be nice to know whether the vials lose their vacuum in the clean laboratory environment or while the bin of mail parcels sit in the open air 3rd world country next to the crate of chickens shitting everywhere.
I think he gave a pretty good explanation about his manufactures process. I just added what he did not.

Let's presume one wasn't vacuumed sealed and was sitting around chickens. It would take a extreme outside force to have that air pushed into the vial and contaminate that vial. And it would take a while to degrade if wasn't
That doesn't make sense to me, if the chamber vacuum seals the vials, why would it matter where I'm the chamber they are? Also the ones I had didn't have a weak vacuum, there wasn't one at all.

Even if it doesn't suck in that still doesn't mean it wasn't vacuumed sealed. The pressure of the seal could equal the atmospheric pressure outside the vial. Making it appear not to be sealed.

I have had plenty over the years that this has happened.

I really don't have much more to add here than what has been said already. If there is a huge concern from the customer, I would suggest looking somewhere else. I personally wouldn't worry about it.

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Thanks for the detailed response my friend. I have been keeping it simple and right now I am pinning 10iu humulin r about 30 min prewkrkout and then I sip on carb/protein while i train. About 3/4 of the way i pin 1 vial of opti 120 i recon with 1ml of ba water. Finish workout, try to eat but mostly just pass out for a while and couple hours get up and eat a good size meal. Im in my beginning stages still, finding all of this to be super confusing. Really appreciate the info give me couple days to digest and modify my protocol.
Good stuff! Looking forward to how you do. Id imagine that’s going to be a more sustainable protocol with less side effects. Let me know cause my next go around I’ll be doing different. 20iu comes with too my side effects, keeping blood sugar blood pressure and water retention under control is a full time job. Sleep deprivation carpel tunnel syndrome and swollen ankles. It’s too much, not worth it especially when you gotta work everyday also. Not sure how this works, but my dick quit working also. Got blood work done and had high prolactin!! And wasn’t taking any norandrolones. First time I did four weeks of 20iu gh. Usually do 1-3 weeks. I can do one week at 20iu all day no prob but 4 is just too much. Probly be better off doing less for a longer duration or I’d imagine there’s a sweet spot in there like anything else. Maybe 7iu twice a day or 5 three times a day or 10 once a day I don’t know. Good luck hope you do well and looking forward to the result of your protocol.


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Good stuff! Looking forward to how you do. Id imagine that’s going to be a more sustainable protocol with less side effects. Let me know cause my next go around I’ll be doing different. 20iu comes with too my side effects, keeping blood sugar blood pressure and water retention under control is a full time job. Sleep deprivation carpel tunnel syndrome and swollen ankles. It’s too much, not worth it especially when you gotta work everyday also. Not sure how this works, but my dick quit working also. Got blood work done and had high prolactin!! And wasn’t taking any norandrolones. First time I did four weeks of 20iu gh. Usually do 1-3 weeks. I can do one week at 20iu all day no prob but 4 is just too much. Probly be better off doing less for a longer duration or I’d imagine there’s a sweet spot in there like anything else. Maybe 7iu twice a day or 5 three times a day or 10 once a day I don’t know. Good luck hope you do well and looking forward to the result of your protocol.
So have you stopped growth hormone completely or what are you doing now?
So have you stopped growth hormone completely or what are you doing now?
Usually I would be doing 2iu morning and night but after this 4 week blast I came completely off and completely off because my fasted blood sugar wasn’t coming down. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve taken any and this morning my fasted blood sugar was 96. So still a little high but it’s coming down. I’m going to go keto for the next couple of weeks to give it a rest or reset.
Nice!! Freak n kill n it brother! No doubt its an excellent product. I appreciate your feed back it’s valuable to me and many others and I wish you the best for your show.
Where are you competing? I’ll be in anaheim California two weeks from tmmo I’m supporting a friend competing for mr. California in the open division. He’s been on opti’s gh and loves it.
For those that do not get a meaningful IGF1 response from HGH have any of you tried using IGF1 itself? I keep seeing ads on this thread for Qore Pharma IGF1(Insubolic). Does anybody have any experience with this product?
Let me first say I dont write reviews much unless its an exceptional experience where the seller goes above and beyond..

@opti has and here is what happened.

I made an order (which I have several times in the past. I received the product in less than 4 days each and every time. Fairly large orders also)

Everything looked good, tracking number was given.. At about the 7th day the tracking showed "in transit" and was stuck with no information. So I waited till about the 2 week mark and let Opti know the situation and asked what his policy was for something like this. Clearly it wasnt his fault the package was stuck in transit.

I Told him I only had about 7 days left of current product. He got back to me right away and told me he would reship my order and if I Got the original order we would square up down the road.

I received the reshipment in 3 days. he confirmed with me to make sure I had it. Product was vacuum sealed and packed professionally.

for me, this service is above and beyond. Not only did he reship, he did it promptly and showed empathy that I was going to run out soon. Without the reship I would have run out of product!

Why anyone would use someone else is beyond me. With so many scammers in this field, this is a good story for us the consumer!

Thank you @opti , you have a customer for life now!

Also- the original order as of today is still stuck in transit. I have never had any issues with USPS ever so i was surprised this got lost.
Good stuff! Looking forward to how you do. Id imagine that’s going to be a more sustainable protocol with less side effects. Let me know cause my next go around I’ll be doing different. 20iu comes with too my side effects, keeping blood sugar blood pressure and water retention under control is a full time job. Sleep deprivation carpel tunnel syndrome and swollen ankles. It’s too much, not worth it especially when you gotta work everyday also. Not sure how this works, but my dick quit working also. Got blood work done and had high prolactin!! And wasn’t taking any norandrolones. First time I did four weeks of 20iu gh. Usually do 1-3 weeks. I can do one week at 20iu all day no prob but 4 is just too much. Probly be better off doing less for a longer duration or I’d imagine there’s a sweet spot in there like anything else. Maybe 7iu twice a day or 5 three times a day or 10 once a day I don’t know. Good luck hope you do well and looking forward to the result of your protocol.
Ive been taking .5mg cabergoline every 3rd day I wonder if thats keeping my sides down?

I did try 10ius post workout and that lasted i think three shots and no mas. I experienced insane bodyweight gain I mean intolerable. Im putting weight on too fast. Not fat. Those 10iu shots put me down for days after. On the couch unless i need to eat piss or lift. Back on the couch.

Im trying 8ius split into two shots. Im finding i tolerate GH much better with slin in my system. 5-10ius humulin r right before i train and then a shot of GH post workout worked real well but i get nervous and cant stand timing everything so sticking with 5 ius slin pre workout and 10ius first thing jn the morning (insulin.) Im basically a virgin with all of this I mean this is my first run of GH in my life same with slin im running eq for the first time anadrol for the first time. Rnow its 500mgs sustanon 600mgs eq 1/2 cc tren ace ed 2 anadrol per day and im not sure about the gh slin just yet. I like the lower insulin dose ive shot as high as 20ius preworkout and was drinking shakes left and right even tho i never went hypo. Lots of weight gain but not quality at all. Bodyweight well north of 250lbs probably 10-15lbs above starting weight in the last few weeks.

GH seems to be best taken in large amounts with insulin already in the system. Im going to work back up to the 10iu dose like i should have the first time. At 40 its very very difficult to be patient. I am putting on size and strength thats fucking incredible. Its very fun. Walking around sucks. I walk around the block once a day thats about it. Anadrol is hands down the best steroid ive ever tried it shits on dbol tbol superdrol etc it lets me breath Im strong when i want to be pumps are insane im leaner every time i look in the mirror. The hard part was never physical for me its mental and emotional and right now im 100% upstairs and im very grateful for that.

Hit 8 on pullovers with 140lb dumbbell today working back. Quite proud of my pullovers. Shit gets dicey getting that thing overhead I start seeing spots and cant really breath.

Hella rambling but I don't care I feel great and my body is FINALLY letting me live a normal life. Day to day its constantly demanding i let it grow and let it loose and because I havent its driven me insane. That probably makes no sense. Whatever.

Btw i watched an interview with Dorian Yates and he stated the most effective GH protocol he found was 16ius taken 3 times per week. I found that very interesting.
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Ive been taking .5mg cabergoline every 3rd day I wonder if thats keeping my sides down?

I did try 10ius post workout and that lasted i think three shots and no mas. I experienced insane bodyweight gain I mean intolerable. Im putting weight on too fast. Not fat. Those 10iu shots put me down for days after. On the couch unless i need to eat piss or lift. Back on the couch.

Im trying 8ius split into two shots. Im finding i tolerate GH much better with slin in my system. 5-10ius humulin r right before i train and then a shot of GH post workout worked real well but i get nervous and cant stand timing everything so sticking with 5 ius slin pre workout and 10ius first thing jn the morning (insulin.) Im basically a virgin with all of this I mean this is my first run of GH in my life same with slin im running eq for the first time anadrol for the first time. Rnow its 500mgs sustanon 600mgs eq 1/2 cc tren ace ed 2 anadrol per day and im not sure about the gh slin just yet. I like the lower insulin dose ive shot as high as 20ius preworkout and was drinking shakes left and right even tho i never went hypo. Lots of weight gain but not quality at all. Bodyweight well north of 250lbs probably 10-15lbs above starting weight in the last few weeks.

GH seems to be best taken in large amounts with insulin already in the system. Im going to work back up to the 10iu dose like i should have the first time. At 40 its very very difficult to be patient. I am putting on size and strength thats fucking incredible. Its very fun. Walking around sucks. I walk around the block once a day thats about it. Anadrol is hands down the best steroid ive ever tried it shits on dbol tbol superdrol etc it lets me breath Im strong when i want to be pumps are insane im leaner every time i look in the mirror. The hard part was never physical for me its mental and emotional and right now im 100% upstairs and im very grateful for that.

Hit 8 on pullovers with 140lb dumbbell today working back. Quite proud of my pullovers. Shit gets dicey getting that thing overhead I start seeing spots and cant really breath.

Hella rambling but I don't care I feel great and my body is FINALLY letting me live a normal life. Day to day its constantly demanding i let it grow and let it loose and because I havent its driven me insane. That probably makes no sense. Whatever.

Btw i watched an interview with Dorian Yates and he stated the most effective GH protocol he found was 16ius taken 3 times per week. I found that very interesting.
Lol! Mike your kill n it! I’m excited for you! Your going to get more compliments in the gym than ever and everyone going to ask what your on? Lol! I encourage you to tell them simply bring your nuts to the gym! Lol!!!! At least that’s what I always say. Awesome brother! And the weight will keep coming on. Watch out for the sleep apnea I develop it eveytime when putting weight on like that and my wife gets pissed and nags and begs me to lose the weight which usually shows up with the water retention. How’s the ankles? How the CT’s? Bp?
Ive been taking .5mg cabergoline every 3rd day I wonder if thats keeping my sides down?

I did try 10ius post workout and that lasted i think three shots and no mas. I experienced insane bodyweight gain I mean intolerable. Im putting weight on too fast. Not fat. Those 10iu shots put me down for days after. On the couch unless i need to eat piss or lift. Back on the couch.

Im trying 8ius split into two shots. Im finding i tolerate GH much better with slin in my system. 5-10ius humulin r right before i train and then a shot of GH post workout worked real well but i get nervous and cant stand timing everything so sticking with 5 ius slin pre workout and 10ius first thing jn the morning (insulin.) Im basically a virgin with all of this I mean this is my first run of GH in my life same with slin im running eq for the first time anadrol for the first time. Rnow its 500mgs sustanon 600mgs eq 1/2 cc tren ace ed 2 anadrol per day and im not sure about the gh slin just yet. I like the lower insulin dose ive shot as high as 20ius preworkout and was drinking shakes left and right even tho i never went hypo. Lots of weight gain but not quality at all. Bodyweight well north of 250lbs probably 10-15lbs above starting weight in the last few weeks.

GH seems to be best taken in large amounts with insulin already in the system. Im going to work back up to the 10iu dose like i should have the first time. At 40 its very very difficult to be patient. I am putting on size and strength thats fucking incredible. Its very fun. Walking around sucks. I walk around the block once a day thats about it. Anadrol is hands down the best steroid ive ever tried it shits on dbol tbol superdrol etc it lets me breath Im strong when i want to be pumps are insane im leaner every time i look in the mirror. The hard part was never physical for me its mental and emotional and right now im 100% upstairs and im very grateful for that.

Hit 8 on pullovers with 140lb dumbbell today working back. Quite proud of my pullovers. Shit gets dicey getting that thing overhead I start seeing spots and cant really breath.

Hella rambling but I don't care I feel great and my body is FINALLY letting me live a normal life. Day to day its constantly demanding i let it grow and let it loose and because I havent its driven me insane. That probably makes no sense. Whatever.

Btw i watched an interview with Dorian Yates and he stated the most effective GH protocol he found was 16ius taken 3 times per week. I found that very interesting.
A member on here said he was going to try that routine next with his Serostim, he said a couple other members swore by it. If I'm not mistaken @brutus79 was dosing like that at one point