Could it be possible the products are being exposed to the hot weather multiple times for no telling how long be causing them to degrade?
I don't think so I did a test that was super delayed and it still came back at almost 95% no dimmer (not optis) the transport excuse or heat degradation is bullshit imo
I don't think so I did a test that was super delayed and it still came back at almost 95% no dimmer (not optis) the transport excuse or heat degradation is bullshit imo

Then why would Jano say this when asked why the serostim tested so poorly? Not saying this is why the results are what they are but to say "heat degradation is bullshit" during the hottest time of the year with no scientific data is a bold silly statement.

I don't assume Serostim ought to be any closer to custom manufactured, 40 times more expensive and shipped on ice European Pharmacopoeia reference standard. :)
Sounds like the best idea is to stock up on a years worth during the fall or winter months.

With that said, doesn’t appear there’s any recent Jano results for Opti or Goodlyfe.
Then why would Jano say this when asked why the serostim tested so poorly? Not saying this is why the results are what they are but to say "heat degradation is bullshit" during the hottest time of the year with no scientific data is a bold silly statement.
I'm not speaking facts but I shipped my sample literally during the heat wave. Could affect the results but again mine sat in customs forever and still came back at almost 95
Then why would Jano say this when asked why the serostim tested so poorly? Not saying this is why the results are what they are but to say "heat degradation is bullshit" during the hottest time of the year with no scientific data is a bold silly statement.

This is why he said that:

It is shipped on ice because it is a reference standard.

A reference standard isn’t created in bulk for selling to the public like pharma GH is. A reference standard is produced solely for the purpose of “scientific study.”

The quality control and care taken to produce a reference standard are GREATER than pharma GH. The reference standard is what EVERYTHING else gets compared to in the world of scientific study. You cannot get anything more pure than a reference standard of any compound and thus it MUST be shipped and delivered with the strictest of quality control measures.

Now is being shipped raw (no ice) an issue:

GH starts degrading (although very slowly) the moment it is created. There are factors that will increase the speed to which it degrades (such as not being on ice), however, most seem to agree that the amount of degradation from this to be insignificant.

Is dropping your GH on the ground an issue or shaking up your GH bottle:

Same as above… most agree that the amount of degradation from this to be insignificant.

So Jano was just explaining that the reference standard has the strictest quality control measures, not that it is necessarily required or will cause noticeable degradation if it is not shipped that way.
I’m using his batch now. Wasn’t aware it’s underdosed at 92. Wtf.

I believe calling it under dosed is not exactly accurate. It is overdosed actually and measures at 12.69 iu.

The purity is what is 92%. Do you consider Genos under dosed if it’s not 100% purity? Not exactly…

What is purity? I’ll have to let Jano explain that.

Yeah I know, I’m being extremely technical here. Don’t judge me…
Opti may have dropped and yeah a 4% drop doesn't make sense for a licensed gmp facility
Lol a GMP facility. Has anyone seen pictures of this facility? Anyone seen the certificate that says it’s GMP? Anyone read Mandarin? He says it’s a GMP facility and that’s fine, people who sell drugs are given a pretty wide margin for what qualifies as the truth. But it’s not necessary to actually believe it without proof. And look, I’ve used Opti for a friend that needed GH and he was happy with the results. He always tests his stuff and is upfront about it. He does things about as right as you could. But the vast majority of this stuff is made in fruit dehydration facilities in Wuhan by the clandestine night shift workers with a sixth grade education who pay off the security guard to look the other way. This shit isn’t coming from Pfizer.
Fruit dehydration facilities?
That’s the most common place in China that has the equipment necessary to make GH. Everyone wants to believe the fairy tale about how “generic” GH is made, but the reality is pretty different. Opti could absolutely have his stuff coming from a GMP facility. It could also be certified as GMP as a food processor. It’s not like GMP only applies to pharmaceuticals.
Why is that? HGH is made with genetically modified bacteria. Dehydrating fruit just requires, well, a giant dehydrator, right?

What am I missing here?
Why is that? HGH is made with genetically modified bacteria. Dehydrating fruit just requires, well, a giant dehydrator, right?

What am I missing here?
Moisture and oxygen are the enemy of growth hormone once it has been made. I imagine such facilities are ideal for the finishing stage for the product. You also need dry heat during the process, which such a facility is equipped for. Otherwise it’s not that hard to make once you have the raw materials. (Ok yes it is pretty hard, but not if you have access to machinery that can do the heating and shaking for you and you’re surrounded by raw materials in a country that has a casual attitude towards the exportation of illegal substances) You need a host plasmid, E. Coli, SOC medium, a heating element, a cooling element, and a centrifuge. Anyway, the main point was “it’s not Pfizer making this stuff”.

As a fun aside, have you heard of Kigtropin? Kind of a cheaper, less reputable Chinese GH that’s been around for a while. It’s made by a company called Changland. Some other things that are offered by the manufacturer of Kigtropin? Cosmetics (which are made in a, you guessed it, certified GMP lab in Wuhan).
Ok now that I’m back in the states I pulled my pre bloodwork the other day and waiting results.... hoping my liver and kidney enzymes are back on track. Hope the covid vaccine didn’t fuck them up too much. But, I started the greys mixing with 1 ML of sterile water and pinning half a vial every day pinned mornings.

Taking 100mcg of t4 and after 3 more days 500mg of test. No other aas will be consumed during this run. I will pull blood again before I leave the country so around first of October. I’m looking for 500-600 on the igf1 reading for this to be on par with what I have pulled in the past.

currently sitting at 212lb still short as shit and training every mutha fuccn day!!!! Trying to get my legs shredded but pizza keeps calling my name! This is the same batch I pulled from last time but I ran some sdrol during the test so that may played a roll in the lower numbers than I wished for.

I will keep everyone updated.

I also want to point out someone said you have to take growth for 6 months to see results.... I just want to say.... you are doing growth incorrectly or your diet and training is shit. I usually notice the difference in a month just as long as my diet is on point.