This is a good burst of discussion and what so many of us have been looking and hoping for. It definitely restores my confidence with Opti and will get an order together within the next week or so. One thing I do find a bit odd is that even though, in my personal experience, that Opti's communication has been more than satisfactory, that he doesn't regularly monitor this thread and see what the mood and discussion are regarding a product, one that is not inexpensive, that he provides.
I have been on 4iu/day split am/pm of Opti's 280iu kits for a few months now. I've had to back down to 2iu/day for the last week because my hands are so numb that I can barely close my hand and it's started to affect my work. The numbness has steadily continued since I started them months ago and has just gotten worse. I was hoping I would eventually acclimate to it, however, it has very slowly progressed and has gotten the best of me this last week.

Even at 2iu per day for the last week the symptoms still are getting worse and I can barely sleep at night because my hands are so numb it hurts almost... If this doesn't stop by the end of the month I'll have to cycle completely off for a bit which is what I expect will likely happen.

Best I've ever fuckin looked in my life lol. Thanks Opti. Always quick shipping.
I have been on 4iu/day split am/pm of Opti's 280iu kits for a few months now. I've had to back down to 2iu/day for the last week because my hands are so numb that I can barely close my hand and it's started to affect my work. The numbness has steadily continued since I started them months ago and has just gotten worse. I was hoping I would eventually acclimate to it, however, it has very slowly progressed and has gotten the best of me this last week.

Even at 2iu per day for the last week the symptoms still are getting worse and I can barely sleep at night because my hands are so numb it hurts almost... If this doesn't stop by the end of the month I'll have to cycle completely off for a bit which is what I expect will likely happen.

Best I've ever fuckin looked in my life lol. Thanks Opti. Always quick shipping.
I've been on 2iu the morning and my hands get numb at night too.
I have been on 4iu/day split am/pm of Opti's 280iu kits for a few months now. I've had to back down to 2iu/day for the last week because my hands are so numb that I can barely close my hand and it's started to affect my work. The numbness has steadily continued since I started them months ago and has just gotten worse. I was hoping I would eventually acclimate to it, however, it has very slowly progressed and has gotten the best of me this last week.

Even at 2iu per day for the last week the symptoms still are getting worse and I can barely sleep at night because my hands are so numb it hurts almost... If this doesn't stop by the end of the month I'll have to cycle completely off for a bit which is what I expect will likely happen.

Best I've ever fuckin looked in my life lol. Thanks Opti. Always quick shipping.

Same happened to me at 3iu a day. Took a month off started back up at 1iu for 2 weeks then 2iu for 4 weeks been at 3iu for a week and so far it hasn’t come back.
I moved up to 2iu morning 2iu afternoon months ago, can't remember when. I was using Opti but when I went out of the country I decided to finish my red tops from PS. I figured if something was to get seized I would rather it be those.

Anyways, I didn't start getting the hand numbness until I was almost done with the red tops, and it's continued with the Opti greys. Luckily its not too bad, mainly when I'm laying down or when I'm on the computer for a while. Hanging them by my side for a minute or two helps.

I had previously been on 2iu/day for maybe 3 months, 3iu for a few weeks, then 4iu for a few months now. All spilt doses.
I noticed it coincided with dropping my AM cardio due to not being able to sleep much. Probably a coincidence though.

BTW, I read a lot of people saying they get better sleep with HGH. Is that with any particular dosing schedule? I tried taking my 2nd dose in the evening but that didn't seem to help.
I moved up to 2iu morning 2iu afternoon months ago, can't remember when. I was using Opti but when I went out of the country I decided to finish my red tops from PS. I figured if something was to get seized I would rather it be those.

Anyways, I didn't start getting the hand numbness until I was almost done with the red tops, and it's continued with the Opti greys. Luckily its not too bad, mainly when I'm laying down or when I'm on the computer for a while. Hanging them by my side for a minute or two helps.

I had previously been on 2iu/day for maybe 3 months, 3iu for a few weeks, then 4iu for a few months now. All spilt doses.
I noticed it coincided with dropping my AM cardio due to not being able to sleep much. Probably a coincidence though.

BTW, I read a lot of people saying they get better sleep with HGH. Is that with any particular dosing schedule? I tried taking my 2nd dose in the evening but that didn't seem to help.

If I pin 2iu at night I do notice better and deeper sleep. More vivid dreams too.
My first go around with hgh my cts was excruciating. It was self inflicted as I’m not one to listen and am more of a live and learn type. Anywho started to high and paid the price. That was a few years back. Now the only time I find that I get cts is when I fluctuate. Like if I only use M-F and take the weekend off usually Sunday evening my fingers go numb. Weird as it’s not something you hear/read about but happens like clockwork to me.