I know there is a new batch of Grey tops testing a bit lower but is the purple tops 280iu still the same Batch or is there a new one. Haven't seen any new testing regarding those.
I know there is a new batch of Grey tops testing a bit lower but is the purple tops 280iu still the same Batch or is there a new one. Haven't seen any new testing regarding those.

When I ran the purples In the spring I had 461 IGF1 on 3.11 IU a day. I’m a hyper responder so to speak so pull very good numbers.
Anybody notice less water retention on the grey tops vs the red tops say about a year ago or so? I remember having alot of water retention on the reds vs the grey's. Everything equal
Was this ever confirmed?
How would one confirm that?
Either way people's igf numbers coming back pretty great I'd say who cares it's real and it does what it's supposed to. I've been using 6-12ius a day of his Grey or purple tops for about maybe 6 or 8 months
Lol ya I took his word for it when he started up, opti is the shit.
I’m just joking. There’s no way to confirm it. It could be a lie by Opti, it could be true as far as he knows and a lie from his factory, it could be completely true. At the end of the day you just have to look at the product.
I’m just joking. There’s no way to confirm it. It could be a lie by Opti, it could be true as far as he knows and a lie from his factory, it could be completely true. At the end of the day you just have to look at the product.
Anyone that has worked in manufacturing understands that “GMP” is really kind of a joke anyways. There’s no external certifications or inspections from regulatory bodies for being a GMP facility (it literally stands for Good Manufacturing Practices) it’s just an arbitrary thing manufacturers say to let you know they have an internally created standard. And that standard can be whatever they want it to be.

I could create my own UGL, and say that I am a GMP facility based on my own standards I created for my clean bath tub
Anyone that has worked in manufacturing understands that “GMP” is really kind of a joke anyways. There’s no external certifications or inspections from regulatory bodies for being a GMP facility (it literally stands for Good Manufacturing Practices) it’s just an arbitrary thing manufacturers say to let you know they have an internally created standard. And that standard can be whatever they want it to be.

I could create my own UGL, and say that I am a GMP facility based on my own standards I created for my clean bath tub
Yup you're absolutely right and there's a lot of fun wordplay you can get along with. Not to mention that enforcement/regulation of GMP certification is..... shoddy at best, especially in China. Really seems to compare to municipal health and safety inspections of restaurants.
Recently pulled some blood work on @opti gh, grey tops 4iu per day, single dose in the morning. Been running Optis grey tops for about 6 months now and have pulled bloods on them 3 times now. Current igf reading at 324. For reference my baseline was around 150-160


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Recently pulled some blood work on @opti gh, grey tops 4iu per day, single dose in the morning. Been running Optis grey tops for about 6 months now and have pulled bloods on them 3 times now. Current igf reading at 324. For reference my baseline was around 150-160
Not worried about alt? Mine gets 10 points over and I get paranoid lol.