Is there a quality difference between the 120iu and the 280iu kits? 120iu kits are Grey Top while 280iu kits are Blue Top right?
Had some confusion on one of my orders, reached out to Opti about it and he made it right without any bullshit.

I feel like a source is really only good if they are willing to provide solid customer service and make stuff right with the customer, Opti did that 100%. Thanks again man
Is there a quality difference between the 120iu and the 280iu kits? 120iu kits are Grey Top while 280iu kits are Blue Top right?
I believe the 280 kits are purple tops, they come from a different facility than the 120 grey tops.

The grey tops are top notch, I posted my labs in here recently while running them
Mountainside medical now has Hospira bac water in stock. Figured I’d share as it’s been out of stock everywhere for a minute and you may want to jump on it as I’m not sure if it’s just a small batch or if it’s officially back.
Mountainside medical now has Hospira bac water in stock. Figured I’d share as it’s been out of stock everywhere for a minute and you may want to jump on it as I’m not sure if it’s just a small batch or if it’s officially back.
Appreciate it, I grabbed 2. I saw a cheaper site saying their restock is 1/31, so looks like it's coming back.
Mountainside medical now has Hospira bac water in stock. Figured I’d share as it’s been out of stock everywhere for a minute and you may want to jump on it as I’m not sure if it’s just a small batch or if it’s officially back.
My local pharmacies have been out of BAC for a longass time so I'd recommend other people listen up here and get some as well.
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I've ordered bac water from here for the past year + and never had an issue. Bacteriostatic, Three Bottles - 30 ML
What about vaxxen from Amazon?
Someone on here bought from that seller, said it was good. I grabbed a 20ml one from the other seller on Amazon and it worked fine. But look on Google, I think hospira is back in stock.