Nice, Opti hit me back right away. My emails were going to spam. Instantly copped another order of his sinotropin

This shit is legit pharma. I've been taking 4iu EOD on cruise for a few months now. My IGF-1 came back on trough at 320 and 330, exactly the same as when I was using pharma humatrope before Turkey shipping started getting seized.

I'm getting almost zero water retention on this stuff. It's phenomenal for a domestic product. The dude is also very professional and ships with stealth and excellent packaging. Good shit.
Is there any recent testing? I only see the lab results from like 2020. Could’ve missed something in the last couple pages of the thread though.
Nice, Opti hit me back right away. My emails were going to spam. Instantly copped another order of his sinotropin

This shit is legit pharma. I've been taking 4iu EOD on cruise for a few months now. My IGF-1 came back on trough at 320 and 330, exactly the same as when I was using pharma humatrope before Turkey shipping started getting seized.

I'm getting almost zero water retention on this stuff. It's phenomenal for a domestic product. The dude is also very professional and ships with stealth and excellent packaging. Good shit.
Why 4iu EOD. Do you find an advantage to every other day dosing ?
Why 4iu EOD. Do you find an advantage to every other day dosing ?

I first got the idea by reading a study which I discovered on reddit, which suggests that EOD dosing mitigates the "shutdown effect" of taking exogenous HGH, rapidly speeding up recovery to baseline levels when discontinuing use in comparison to ED dosing.

However, this study was conducted on children and there are other limitations that imply the results may not be generalizable to healthy adults. I am a phd student and I concur that the results may not be generalizable, and to blindly generalize like the folks on reddit do is folly.

Despite that, I enjoy the advantage of not having to inject every day. I also find my IGF-1 blood levels to be very stable between trough and day of injection (I pull bloods every 2 months as a matter of habit). So given the extra convenience, similar results, and the possibility that EOD dosing may reduce recovery time to baseline when I eventually quit bodybuilding, I choose to go with EOD.

YMMV. This is just my opinion and I am making no statements of fact. You gotta do your own research and make up your own mind, research on PEDs is limited.
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Opti completed my order within 8 minutes or so. Unbelievably fast, will post again on T/A time.

For these 12IU vials, are you guys still putting in 1ml of bac water?
Opti completed my order within 8 minutes or so. Unbelievably fast, will post again on T/A time.

For these 12IU vials, are you guys still putting in 1ml of bac water?
I've been doing 1.2ml for this batch. Previously I did 1ml and haven't noticed much difference. Actually got a bit more neuropathy with the slightly lower dose at first.
Actually my package arrived yesterday, I should have checked the mail. So Turnaround time for me was 3 days, crazy.

I am doing 0.6ml bac per 12iu vial, for a 2iu per 0.1. Since I am taking 2iu 2x a day
This is what I was thinking about doing just so I can inject less liquid.

Doing 1.2ml will make each 0.1ml/10 unit 1IU instead but I'm not really clear on why people want to inject more water into themselves than they need to.
Actually my package arrived yesterday, I should have checked the mail. So Turnaround time for me was 3 days, crazy.

This is what I was thinking about doing just so I can inject less liquid.

Doing 1.2ml will make each 0.1ml/10 unit 1IU instead but I'm not really clear on why people want to inject more water into themselves than they need to.
Agreed And with bac water harder to come by saves on it as well.
Opti completed my order within 8 minutes or so. Unbelievably fast, will post again on T/A time.

For these 12IU vials, are you guys still putting in 1ml of bac water?
Just to be clear, it does not matter how much water you put in them.

Decide on how many iu you want to run, and then put in the amount that makes math easiest.

For example, assume you want to run 4 iu a day, one shot. The vial contains 12 iu. If you put in 0.9ml of water, then each 0.3 ml shot is 4 iu, because each one is 1/3 of 9 ml.

Want to do 2 iu morning, 2 iu evening? Maybe consider 1.2 ml of water, and draw 0.2 ml for each shot.

I hope that explanation makes sense. Decide what you want to run, then decide how much water to put in the vial.
I was checking out the GH sources here and you by far have the best labs. Maybe the best I've seen for any generic.

I've had the same source for years and order int but if I ever get in a bind and need something fast you'll be the guy.

Props dude.
I was checking out the GH sources here and you by far have the best labs. Maybe the best I've seen for any generic.

I've had the same source for years and order int but if I ever get in a bind and need something fast you'll be the guy.

Props dude.
Yes this is the one right here