TD 3 days as always. I’ve ran the 120 kits for the past year with a 2 month break a couple of months ago. I’m now on that last kit from my order from over a year ago and will introduce these new 120’s into the regimen in a week or so at the same dosage(3iu’s). I’ll update if there is any more or less bloat, CTS etc., in a couple of weeks. Hopefully it’s a smooth transition...
Just bought grey tops from Opti, very quick communication. I asked several questions prior, and they answered same day, within the hour.

IGF-1 level 119 prior to use. Started 1 week ago, will retest bloods and post.

Very nice, strong, discreet packaging.
Just bought grey tops from Opti, very quick communication. I asked several questions prior, and they answered same day, within the hour.

IGF-1 level 119 prior to use. Started 1 week ago, will retest bloods and post.

Very nice, strong, discreet packaging.
We'll be looking for your IGF-1 in a month or so.
What else are you taking?

Was on Test Cypt TRT at 200 per MD (and levels shitty), but have increased to 300mg weekly split into 2 doses. Not trying to get huge, but this increase in Test has been great for me. Not planning to go larger doses of GH , plan is to take at 3iu and taking it longer term for wellness/aging.

Will keep it here, and retest IGF and testosterone in about 6 weeks.

Looking to lose fat and build muscle. Need to avoid a lot of water weight, I already have blood pressure issues (controlled on meds).

Ive been a slacker in the weight room, have just started back lifting and feel great with the increase in testosterone.

Considered a run of Anavar, but will likely see where I am in 6 weeks.
Has anyone tried optis Jintropin or Sinotropin. I cant find very much info on either compared to his 120/280. This will be ny 1st run with gh. Seems most like the 120/280 but its hit or miss with the sides. From reading through everything it seems that pharma seems to have less sides.
Has anyone tried optis Jintropin or Sinotropin. I cant find very much info on either compared to his 120/280. This will be ny 1st run with gh. Seems most like the 120/280 but its hit or miss with the sides. From reading through everything it seems that pharma seems to have less sides.
I have used the 120s, Sinotropin, and his Jintropin. I just tested at 387 on 2IU of the 120s back in Jan. It was the 2020 batch. Just finished the Sinotropin I had and started the new 120s this week. I'm definitely holding more water with 120s at 2IU than I was with Sinotropin. Other than water retention, all other things have been pretty equal in my experience.
I run 2.3 roughly twice a day. I mixed it with 1.2 ml of water and take 10 units twice a day. makes the vial last 6 days which is 4.67 iu per day.
Quick touchdown as always. Grabbed some more grey tops, bumped my
Gh up to 5iu and am running 4iu humalog with pre and post workout meal. Will be pulling more labs soon and will update with blood work.