He’s trying to make it easier to ignore him, the dumb fuck doesn’t even tag me to respond for whatever reason?

I don’t like being accused of shit that isn’t true. He’s saying that I’m the same person as the hgh source @opti and sounds to me like he’s accusing me of photoshopping the lab reports. Then doesn’t have anything to back it up, go figure.

He's grasping at straws. Supposedly i'm Opti or i'm a shill for him or i'm you or some other far fetched horse shit, despite the fact that i have never used GH, nor have i ever ordered it from anyone, ever. But yeah, we're in cahoots somehow.

His childs play, guess-a-color kits have lost popularity, so this is his attempt to cast doubt on the competition. Even if anyone believed that shit, does he really believe that people are gonna go back to LabMax? i guess that's the hope he's clinging to.
Hello Meso Members, I hope everyone is doing well. As promised I told you that I would test every new batch of Optis I would be putting out in circulation. I have a few Optis batch #1 remaining but batch #2 should be in circulation by the end of next week. This is based on my current demand.

Those who have been following my thread know their was quite a bit of drama and false accusations with zero evidence provided on their behalf. Somehow @bolder, @MisterSuperGod, and I were one in itself, I was paying off @Weights & Measures, fake HPLC reports, etc etc

Before I decided to do the following I asked @Weights & Measures if he tested peptides also. Once he confirmed that he did I asked the Opti manufacturer to send 1 kit with a specific color top other than the original black-top used on my Optis with my order. To spare any confusion, I did not order just 1 kit from the manufacturer. I placed my order for a certain amount of kits and asked that 1 of the kits have a white-top, the manufacturer complied.

I sent in a white-top vial to @Weights & Measures for analysis. He was under the impression that it was a peptide and not Somatropin. A few days after delivery he told me that the results were in and that it tested as Somatropin. I explained to him the reason why I did it, nothing personal, just needed to throw a curve-ball which I am sure Meso Members would appreciate.

Below are the results for Opti batch #2.

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Batch #3 along with a 17iu batch/limited

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Latest batch of Optis. 100iu kits currently being offered by @Opti-Canada. As soon as my current batch of 120iu kits are depleted these 100iu Grey Tops will replace them due to manufacturing issues.

Grey Top 02.20.png
200iu Optis - Blue tops
Test Report #06236.png
Latest batch of Blues available.

Test Report #06235.png
My latest 10iu and 24iu HPLC reports.

Thank you @janoshik once again for the prompt T/A.

Test Report #07059.png

Test Report #07058.png
Thank you @janoshik once again for your prompt turnaround.

This is the latest Optitropin HPLC test. This batch should start to ship next week.

Test Report #07467.png
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HPLC reports for current batches on the market.

Test Report #08201.png
Test Report #07469.png
Meso Members, I hope you and most importantly your loved ones are in good health.

Though I’m not as active on the board, communication and fulfillment of orders continue to be up to par per Meso standards. You can contact me at: opti.hgh@protonmail.com, I check my email frequently throughout the day. We continue to be a supporter of Meso our home board / AnabolicLab.com and have a banner up as well. It is only fair to contribute to Meso whom has accepted and made OptiTropin a top choice for somatropin.

Now to the core of this email, results of my new batch: OptiTropin 12iu Grey Tops, Batch: 05/21

I also sent out Serono Serostim & GenSci Jintropin for testing to compare my Greys to them.

I will share some facts with you the consumer so that you can make the best choice based upon your requirements.

My Grey Tops and Purple Tops are manufactured in different facilities. The Purple Tops are manufactured in a GMP facility while my Grey Tops are manufactured in a licensed GMP Facility. The focal point are my Grey Tops so my emphasis will be on the aforementioned.

Nothing has changed in the manufacturing process from day one to the latest batch acquired. The facility is licensed, gets inspected regularly and meets China Pharmacopeia standards whose somatropin is available both in pharmacies and hospitals. There are a few VET members that can vouch for this and its legitimacy. I am uneasy with the variation of the new testing method results, testing anywhere from 92-96% which formerly was consistently testing 99%. I do not want to make this a back and forth exchange between @janoshik and I, nor will it be. I’m certain both of us will defend our stance.

Meso Members you all are aware that I have never been one to cut corners in regard to testing, try to replace my OptiTropin with an inferior product, etc. etc. nor do I have any intention of doing so. If there is ever a change you will be notified right away. The wide gap between the previous testing and the latest was due to the large batch but if this is not ideal, changes can be implemented.

Without further ado, testing results for OptiTropin, Serostim, and Jintropin.

Grey 08.2021.png

Jintropin 08.21.png

Serostim 08.21.png
Previously, optitropin was up to par with the jins, was it not?

so basically the new testing method used by @janoshik has resulted in almost 7% drop in purity. So where would this 92% purity kits sit with the old testing method?

Is it the quality of the gh or the testing? Or both?
Previously, optitropin was up to par with the jins, was it not?

so basically the new testing method used by @janoshik has resulted in almost 7% drop in purity. So where would this 92% purity kits sit with the old testing method?

Is it the quality of the gh or the testing? Or both?

The product is exactly the same, just the testing method has changed to allow more granularity along both sides of the "peak", geek speak for it allows Jano to more accurately identify the make up of the sample.

I was happy with his product before and I'm still happy with his product now, nothing has changed in terms of results, all this confusion over nothing is really starting to become annoying.
The product is exactly the same, just the testing method has changed to allow more granularity along both sides of the "peak", geek speak for it allows Jano to more accurately identify the make up of the sample.

I was happy with his product before and I'm still happy with his product now, nothing has changed in terms of results, all this confusion over nothing is really starting to become annoying.
Very true, I saw mauves batch #92 tested at 98% China method, jano method 90%. Makes me think if your gh is 90+ with jano then it's good.
Meso, hope you and your loved ones are doing well, blessed with abundance of health.

Though I am not on Meso as much as in the past, you can always contact me at my email. ( opti.hgh@protonmail.com ) I reply promptly as I constantly check my email throughout the day. I have received a few emails regarding the purity of my Optitropins and by the looks of things many on here are questioning them as well. Meso, I am posting this to clear a few things that to my surprise are in doubt, even the legitimacy of where they are manufactured. Possibly a fruit dehydration facility?

Many of you Veterans are aware of where my Optitropins come from. My apologies for sounding like a broken record but my Optitropins are manufactured in a licensed GMP facility, not a regular GMP facility. This facility offers their labeled somatropin kits to hospitals and pharmacies. A licensed GMP facility gets inspected regularly and has to meet certain Pharmacopoeia standards. They did not oblige to manufacture higher IU kits, for example my 28iu vials as it is not in the interest of the manufacturing facility to do so. If during an unannounced inspection a vial tests 50%, 100%, or even 150% more than what they are licensed to manufacture they will be shut down. For this reason I had to resort to have my 28iu vials manufactured by a regular GMP facility.

Now as far as the purity, there was never a variance in purity with the previous testing method, with the new testing method I have seen quite a variation throughout a few HGH sources including myself. Absolutely nothing has changed, not the manufacturer, not the manufacturing process, nothing. I am not here to make excuses nor to speak negatively about @janoshik or the new testing method. Some will mention degradation, this has been proven to be highly overstated.

I do not want this to turn into a back and forth battle of wills & ego so I’ll speak(type) my piece and let you the consumer make a decision based on the facts.

My current batch tested 92.175% back on August 14, 2021. Seeing other HGH sources results throughout various boards with higher purity, well it didn’t sit to well with me. Sent in anonymously the same current batch 7 weeks later for a retest and this time it came back 95.131%, that is a difference of 3.2%. In my opinion quite significant when it comes to somatropin in general. I can assure you that it is the same batch, I’m still a few months away from a new batch being manufactured.

My best to all.

Grey 08.2021.png

Grey 10.2021.png
Meso, hope you and your loved ones are doing well, blessed with abundance of health.

Though I am not on Meso as much as in the past, you can always contact me at my email. ( opti.hgh@protonmail.com ) I reply promptly as I constantly check my email throughout the day. I have received a few emails regarding the purity of my Optitropins and by the looks of things many on here are questioning them as well. Meso, I am posting this to clear a few things that to my surprise are in doubt, even the legitimacy of where they are manufactured. Possibly a fruit dehydration facility?

Many of you Veterans are aware of where my Optitropins come from. My apologies for sounding like a broken record but my Optitropins are manufactured in a licensed GMP facility, not a regular GMP facility. This facility offers their labeled somatropin kits to hospitals and pharmacies. A licensed GMP facility gets inspected regularly and has to meet certain Pharmacopoeia standards. They did not oblige to manufacture higher IU kits, for example my 28iu vials as it is not in the interest of the manufacturing facility to do so. If during an unannounced inspection a vial tests 50%, 100%, or even 150% more than what they are licensed to manufacture they will be shut down. For this reason I had to resort to have my 28iu vials manufactured by a regular GMP facility.

Now as far as the purity, there was never a variance in purity with the previous testing method, with the new testing method I have seen quite a variation throughout a few HGH sources including myself. Absolutely nothing has changed, not the manufacturer, not the manufacturing process, nothing. I am not here to make excuses nor to speak negatively about @janoshik or the new testing method. Some will mention degradation, this has been proven to be highly overstated.

I do not want this to turn into a back and forth battle of wills & ego so I’ll speak(type) my piece and let you the consumer make a decision based on the facts.

My current batch tested 92.175% back on August 14, 2021. Seeing other HGH sources results throughout various boards with higher purity, well it didn’t sit to well with me. Sent in anonymously the same current batch 7 weeks later for a retest and this time it came back 95.131%, that is a difference of 3.2%. In my opinion quite significant when it comes to somatropin in general. I can assure you that it is the same batch, I’m still a few months away from a new batch being manufactured.

My best to all.

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Greatly appreciated opti!
More questions on the this new testing method... 3.2% difference is absolutely significant when it comes to purity in Somatropin