What’s up meso!!! So my month home I ordered some kits from opti and ran them at 8iu a day split 4iu am 4iu pm. I was running test at 125mg every 3 days 50mg provi a day 100mcg t4 a day.

Sleep was great for sure but I came of trest to run this. Wanted to make sure no other factors would fuck with my numbers.

I started April 6 and pulled bloodwork on may 2nd after my first shot in the AM.

Now i will keep this thread updates on what differences I see in the next two weeks coming off 8iu a day. Hopefully I lose some water weight. As we say in Saudi “inshallah”

Once I get my results I will update y’all.

I’m still short as shit at 5’4” 215lb around 10% right now. Still have 8 months before I step on a stage here in Saudi. The comp here is pretty intense. But been training at the best gym in the region. Coach’s have been killing me too. Pulled my back on a 593lb dead pull. So taking it easy right now on my back.

Figured at my pace I’m going to slide right in at the 212 weight!!! Time is on my side
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Will update
Damn bro, you look great!!! I'm jealous. I'm 5'4 also, but only 179lbs and like 14% bf. Hahaha.
What’s up meso!!! So my month home I ordered some kits from opti and ran them at 8iu a day split 4iu am 4iu pm. I was running test at 125mg every 3 days 50mg provi a day 100mcg t4 a day.

Sleep was great for sure but I came of trest to run this. Wanted to make sure no other factors would fuck with my numbers.

I started April 6 and pulled bloodwork on may 2nd after my first shot in the AM.

Now i will keep this thread updates on what differences I see in the next two weeks coming off 8iu a day. Hopefully I lose some water weight. As we say in Saudi “inshallah”

Once I get my results I will update y’all.

I’m still short as shit at 5’4” 215lb around 10% right now. Still have 8 months before I step on a stage here in Saudi. The comp here is pretty intense. But been training at the best gym in the region. Coach’s have been killing me too. Pulled my back on a 593lb dead pull. So taking it easy right now on my back.

Figured at my pace I’m going to slide right in at the 212 weight!!! Time is on my side
View attachment 164686View attachment 164687

Will update
Welcome Back! You look amazing!
8 months - so what is the sourcing like for infidels in the kingdom? Does being in that great gym help? I am assuming you are not going to prep and compete on only 125mg (bad assumption?)

You look great, by the way. I was worried something had happened to you.
Bloods on 6iu of optis grey tops. Bumped up to 6 about a month ago from 3iu.

For reference my baseline igf is in the low 130s, while on a blast on 4iu usually around 250 and while on cruise with 4iu my last pull was 324.

Currently on 400mg test alongside the 6iu of gh
Yeah we will see what it is now. That was last year. I ended up coming off of it for about 8 months and I've been back on it for about 6 weeks now.
Did you get some bloodwoork at some point of those 8 months to see where your endogenous IGF-1 was after the rHGH blast? I mean to compare with your pre-rHGH use IGF-1.
Did you get some bloodwoork at some point of those 8 months to see where your endogenous IGF-1 was after the rHGH blast? I mean to compare with your pre-rHGH use IGF-1.
Lol no. I ended up stopping everything cause of covid. Got lazy and didn't feel like doing shit
What’s up meso!!! So my month home I ordered some kits from opti and ran them at 8iu a day split 4iu am 4iu pm. I was running test at 125mg every 3 days 50mg provi a day 100mcg t4 a day.

Sleep was great for sure but I came of trest to run this. Wanted to make sure no other factors would fuck with my numbers.

I started April 6 and pulled bloodwork on may 2nd after my first shot in the AM.

Now i will keep this thread updates on what differences I see in the next two weeks coming off 8iu a day. Hopefully I lose some water weight. As we say in Saudi “inshallah”

Once I get my results I will update y’all.

I’m still short as shit at 5’4” 215lb around 10% right now. Still have 8 months before I step on a stage here in Saudi. The comp here is pretty intense. But been training at the best gym in the region. Coach’s have been killing me too. Pulled my back on a 593lb dead pull. So taking it easy right now on my back.

Figured at my pace I’m going to slide right in at the 212 weight!!! Time is on my side
View attachment 164686View attachment 164687

Will update
Great to see you. Great work brother
Well this is a bummer. On the same 2iu am and 2 iu pm and my igf-1 levels are not even half what they were last year. 5/6 weeks on optis hgh.
Why would this be?? Something else effecting It?

And I have actually been reconstituting with just 1 ml and before I was constituting with 1.2 ml because of his testing reports. So you would think I would be getting more of a concentration in each of my shots than 4ius.


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Talking to some guys, last time when I had the high reading I was not on any AAS. Now I am. That's the reason why it's lower.
Talking to some guys, last time when I had the high reading I was not on any AAS. Now I am. That's the reason why it's lower.
What evidence supports the notion that AAS lowers IGF-1 readings when on hgh?

Is your diet different? Lower cals definitely lowers IGF-1 levels when injecting hgh.
What evidence supports the notion that AAS lowers IGF-1 readings when on hgh?

Is your diet different? Lower cals definitely lowers IGF-1 levels when injecting hgh.
Same calories as before. But different foods.

And cause my bloods are screwed up big time cause of the tren, mast and probably from the sdrol I was taking a few weeks ago. (I'm on test also).
Same calories as before. But different foods.

And cause my bloods are screwed up big time cause of the tren, mast and probably from the sdrol I was taking a few weeks ago. (I'm on test also).
I'm sure if your liver is fucked it would lower your igf1 but to say that while on cycle it's automatically going to be lower I don't think is correct.
So you guys can see what I am working with. Not good!! Haha.


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