cjk said:
dude not for this little stack. maybe a little clomid at the end and perhaps some nolva on hand JUST IN CASE
I think you were searching and found this on a website. I remember WHEN I first started searching i found a website that had stacks that were built like that. REAL LOW on the winny.
dbol aromatizes big time for me. And unlike most bros on this board, I treat estrogen like the enemy. I dont wait for sides before taking nolva or femara. I suppress that sucker as much as I can (keeping in mind you can never get your levels down to zero no matter how much femara/nolva you take)
Having nolva on hand in case you get itcy nips is like saying having a cast ready in case you get in a car wreck and break your legs. Makes no sense to me seeing as estrogen dosnt do you any good. (yes you need some of it during cycles but that little bit remaining after you suppress it with femara is enough for growth)
it makes you fat, gives you headaches, makes your prostate swell, raises your blood pressure, increases the stress on kidneys, makes you look smooth and not vascular, and the uncontrolled levels with bros who have nolva "on hand" are selling themselves short in their cycles cus they let so much of it aromatize...even if they dont see sides.
anyway, back to this oral only cycle, 4 weeks is plenty for your liver esp on 3 orals.
have milk thistle, cranberry, liv52, tylers detox, vit C, E, R-ALA, and 2 gallons of water per day, plus your anti-E. for post cycle HPTA recovery have your nolva ready. unless of course you want to spend more money on PCT, want more zits, want more hormone fluctuations, in which case go with clomid.