Oral non-responder


New Member
Anyone else just get absolutely nothing from orals? I'm running my first cycle of 500 test c and wanted to spice things off by kickstarting it with some anavar. Unfortunately, anavar literally just made me sleepy and didn't give me insane pumps or veins. So I stopped after 3 weeks of 30mg and wanted to try something else. Since most people would run anavar for like 8 weeks at 30mg, I figured I still had 5 weeks to run another oral at a similarly hepatotoxic dose. I narrowed it down to dianabol and anadrol and chose anadrol because I wanted to feel something as people claim anadrol does a lot of shit. So far, I've ran it at 50mg for one week while eating 6500 calories 300g protein and just absolutely nothing has changed. Should I just drop it too since I don't want to be stressing my liver for no gain. Anyone have this same issue?
IMO skip the orals bud, this is 2024 not 1984. At least until u have some more experience.

I’m against kick start and I would only use an oral as a finisher or plateau buster “mabe” and probably only 4 weeks not past 6, even though for me anavar is the most mild. But I never ran over 25mg and ur already at 30 ur first cycle. U probably don’t know what to expect u think anavar is gana give u strength like a drol or sdrol.

I would defiantly do my first cycle at 500 test only. Learn each compound 1x1 meaning just test or test plus 1 anabolic don’t try mixing 3 yet, not many people will tell u that.
IMO skip the orals bud, this is 2024 not 1984. At least until u have some more experience.

I’m against kick start and I would only use an oral as a finisher or plateau buster “mabe” and probably only 4 weeks not past 6, even though for me anavar is the most mild. But I never ran over 25mg and ur already at 30 ur first cycle. U probably don’t know what to expect u think anavar is gana give u strength like a drol or sdrol.

I would defiantly do my first cycle at 500 test only. Learn each compound 1x1 meaning just test or test plus 1 anabolic don’t try mixing 3 yet, not many people will tell u that.
I'll just get some NPP or Deca instead of this oral nonsense. At least that will work and probably be healthier. Whole damn point of orals was supposed to be their potency and power yet they haven't done shit for me. Going to be BnC for a while so I'm not worried about the shutdown. Anyways, anavar obviously is mild, so that's why I got adrol but adrol seems mild asf too. I'm not worried about "going too fast" either. Testosterone at 500mg is a mild dose well tolerated in many studies hence why I wanted to spice things up. If bloodwork is fine I see no reason to not add nandrolone into my next cycle.
I'll just get some NPP or Deca instead of this oral nonsense. At least that will work and probably be healthier. Whole damn point of orals was supposed to be their potency and power yet they haven't done shit for me. Going to be BnC for a while so I'm not worried about the shutdown. Anyways, anavar obviously is mild, so that's why I got adrol but adrol seems mild asf too. I'm not worried about "going too fast" either. Testosterone at 500mg is a mild dose well tolerated in many studies hence why I wanted to spice things up. If bloodwork is fine I see no reason to not add nandrolone into my next cycle.
Cool u got ur stuff figured out somewhat.If u wana try nand imo start with npp just in case or any short ester ass mast p ect in case u have problems u can bail easy and quickly without suffering sides unnecessarily long.i love decca and npp but they do have their own share of problems.

I’ve read grapefruit juice with ur oral makes it more bio available, I’ve tried Dbol anavar and Adrol. Adrol gives me the most by far.
It's your first cycle and you're already adding in nonsense with no actual goal in mind. 250 test until you stop growing. Up the food, not the drugs. Once results stall, increase the drugs.
Consider coming off and doing more research before approaching this again. You're not sam sulek and never will be.
It's your first cycle and you're already adding in nonsense with no actual goal in mind. 250 test until you stop growing. Up the food, not the drugs. Once results stall, increase the drugs.
Consider coming off and doing more research before approaching this again. You're not sam sulek and never will be.
This bro, OP just the classic low IQ roider. Drugs aint the problem
This bro, OP just the classic low IQ roider. Drugs aint the problem
I would focus on eating lots of carbs and protein, doing 5×5 or 5,3,1 for strength training followed by 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps machines/dumbbells. If he combines a strength training program with proper diet and drug protocol he should notice good results. It just takes time which people don't seem to have now days.