HGH Dosing Time

Trying to gauge how full of it you are vs telling truth? So you pin 2 iu all day? Do you bring syringes with you non stop?
I preload 5iu into a syringe when I wake up. I spend pretty much all day at home unless im training or lifting. So I set a timer on my phone every hour and a half to go pin I normally pin half an iu every time. If im not home all day ill pin whatevers left before bed.
Diet recommendations on what to eat and not eat?
Lean meat, rice, fruit, green vegetables

Never ever eat fast food or processed foods
If you want to look and feel like an average American Walmart shopper then eat like them
If you want to look and feel like a bodybuilder then you must eat a bodybuilding diet
Drugs and HgH will not make up for a shit diet. Taking gear and HGh with a shit diet will produce side effects and shit results.
Hope that helps

Me personally I only eat chicken breast, rice, egg whites, fruit, green vegetables, supplement EFA’s
Intra workout meal is EAS and Cyclic Dextrin paired with HLog insulin
I never have a “cheat” meal
I never eat an item not listed above
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I never have a “cheat” meal
I never eat an item not listed above

I was like that for a period of half year and then i had some mental breakdown that lead me to binge eating and gain 100 pounds of fat. Definitely not a good advise for the average or even above average gymbros who want to maintain a good physique a good health, physically and mentally.

You can cut some slack and out of the 35-40 meals per week have just one cheat with some burger and fries or whatever everyone craves. For me eating 24/7/365 everything 100% clean is like having sex without finishin lol.

No offence, if you like to do it then keep doing it, i'm just saying this is not the only way or the most optimal for everyone.
I was like that for a period of half year and then i had some mental breakdown that lead me to binge eating and gain 100 pounds of fat. Definitely not a good advise for the average or even above average gymbros who want to maintain a good physique a good health, physically and mentally.

You can cut some slack and out of the 35-40 meals per week have just one cheat with some burger and fries or whatever everyone craves. For me eating 24/7/365 everything 100% clean is like having sex without finishin lol.

No offence, if you like to do it then keep doing it, i'm just saying this is not the only way or the most optimal for everyone.
I agree with you completely

I gave my advice and then simply shared what I do at the end. That part you quoted was just me sharing not giving advice
What I’d do works for me because I have unbreakable self-discipline when I decide to do something. It’s not normal or healthy by any means. Zero balance, everything else suffers. But that’s me.

My advice was to eat lean meat, rice, fruits and vegetables and to not eat fast food or processed food
Solid advice because I’m not wrong lol
I agree with you completely

I gave my advice and then simply shared what I do at the end. That part you quoted was just me sharing not giving advice

Gotcha, but the guy asked for recommendations and i thought this was yours. Anyways, i don't judge ofc, this requires an immense self control and discipline. Doing it short term it's eazy peazy but in the long run for most people starts to affect them, you can't have a dinner outside of your house, you'll avoid social meetings that require food or you just have to be a weirdo that orders nothing and gets to the parking lot to eat in the tupperware. I've been there and as i'm saying anything is doable short term, like the last 10 weeks of a prep or something.

I've lost serious friendships because of that and it's not that they had problem with me i just didn't want to be EVERY saturday night in the dinner table where we used to hang out in different restaurants and not able to eat with them.

My advice was to eat lean meat, rice, fruits and vegetables and to not eat fast food or processed food
Solid advice because I’m not wrong lol

Well yeah, definitely solid advise. It's what most of us do, just with a free meal a week.

