Oral non-responder

You're right, gonna be bigger . Anyways hilarious to see 5heads saying basic orals are "nonsense". You think I don't know food is more important? I'm eating 6500 calories lmao. The whole take it slow thing is a fucking myth that needs to die. I read a post the other day where a dude was on his 6th blast and still couldn't bench 315. I got to 405 naturally while cutting. So spare me the crap. Anavar and anadrol aren't nonsensical compounds to add especially at mild doses such as 30mg and 50mg. Already gained a lot of size off test alone and body composition is the same with some bloat of course. My goal is to get huge and you don't get huge taking 250 test unfortunately. In my mind, Levrone's second cycle was 600 test and 400 deca with 50mg adrol last 4 weeks and that was considered a good bulking cycle which is still realistically mild compared to the shit people take. So that's the same steps I'll take, because obviously I'm not going to have Levrone's elite genetics and go to Mr. O after two cycles, but nandrolone will make you blow up regardless and that's the goal.
The funny thing about those people you mentioned is, you're not them.
It's hard to believe you're eating anywhere near 6k calories. But since you've got it all figured out run superdrol and halo while you're at it. Test obviously isn't working for you