sounds like you have a membership to one of those gyms that assigns you a personal locker, hands you a towel, massages, happy endings, etc. must be nice. I hate to assume something because you know what that does, however, I would assume that if he had his own private locker, he would have already been doing that. Otherwise keeping it in a locker at the gym where you DON’T have private access, is a great way to give way your cycle to cleaning crew, and/or maintenance man. Since they would be the ones clipping the locks 3days a wk, in the morning before the gym opens, like they do at the Gold’s I work at; every Sunday morning before 8am like they do at some 24hr fitness’ and planet fitness’ that are open 24hrs. a day. Funny when the maintenance workers are fucking yolked and the front desk and PT are all skinny-fat.