OxygenPharm - Canadian Source for AAS

Hello Everyone,

We have received new test results from Janoshik!

Primobolan - 101.98 mg/mL

NPP - 99.92 mg/mL

Trenbolone Enanthate - 200.34 mg/mL

Masteron Propionate - 153.02 mg/mL

Nandrolone Decanoate - 294.21 mg/mL

MENT - 47.73 mg/mL

Testosterone Enanthate - 247.41 mg/mL

Masteron Enanthate - 214.07 mg/mL

Ostarine - 20.10 mg/tablet

RAD-140 - 10.33 mg/tablet

Daily Cialis - 5.49 mg/tablet

Winstrol - 23.33 mg/tablet

We have more new items coming soon and will be posting the test results when they are available.

Hope everyone is having a nice spring!

Best regards,

What impurity testing is done?

Residual solvents?
Structural impurities?

More info:

Product concentration and identity isn't up to standard for Pharma products. Disclose impurity testing results please.
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What impurity testing is done?

Residual solvents?
Structural impurities?

More info:

Product concentration and identity isn't up to standard for Pharma products. Disclose impurity testing results please.

besides oxygen there is no UGL IN Canada that i know of that even does Jano testing a couple of times a year like oxygen does, never mind impurity testing or what ever that is.

you should just go find that UGL that offers impurity testing, perhaps look into the land of ferry tails.
besides oxygen there is no UGL IN Canada that i know of that even does Jano testing a couple of times a year like oxygen does, never mind impurity testing or what ever that is.

you should just go find that UGL that offers impurity testing, perhaps look into the land of ferry tails.

well said.
I've heard this brand mentioned quite a bit in the gyms I train at. I will have to give them a try.

Thanks for posting the testing as well. Is there any done for your peptides? Apologies if I over looked and missed them.
I just started taking OxygenPharm's tren ace. ( 50ml eod ) Now it's like my dick has a mind of its own. Is that common? Not that it bothers me.
The Pornstar tablets are fucking awesome, I was getting the Cialis and Viagra from Oxygen before and decided to try these ones out on my last order and holy you can go for so much longer lol that Priligy shit works. I was skeptical cause I read that it can give you headaches and stuff but no issues with that for me at least. They're expensive but definitely worth it. I don't cum in 30 seconds normally anyway but if any of u guys have a problem like that these will definitely for sure help and make u last longer lol.

love how sexy the packaging is of all the oxygen products too and being able to split the tabs perfectly down the middle is perfect. I've tried the Test-Cyp and Primo also, everything has been top shelf product. not shilling, just being honest. I've reviewed all the other company's I've boughten from on Meso on their respective pages too.

Also, I should mention, literally was in my hand within 48 hours of payment.. unreal from west coast to east coast Canada, just sick!

thank you oxygenpharm, cheers!
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Just placed an order for some melanotan and anavar, needed melanotan for my show and just threw the anavar on the order to have on hand, communication and payment went smoothly, just waiting on confirmation from oxygens side of shipping etc but will keep updating (not complaining, simply sharing experience so far)
Order place on 28th of march, touchdown on April 3rd, packaging looks good, products are in clean well produced vials, tabs aren’t powdery or fall apart, just pinned 500mcg of melanotan 2, all seems in order and cannot complain, came with a nice shirt too lol, all in all good ordering experience