Can you detail your insulin protocol? Timing, carb intake, brand of insulin, etc?
Sure. I’m on a 5 meal plan for the time being 150 carbs per meal. 10 units of Novorapid immediately before eating. Super simple, but remember everyone is different. 150 carb meal and 10 units for me will have my bg around 80-85 30 minutes after eating. This same amount could drive someone else’s bg into the ground and having a bg of 40 feels like shit, and can be a bit scary. I always test my bg before and after eating so you end up pricking your fingers 10 times a day minimum.

If I wasn’t running gh I would only use it pre and post workout something like 7IU pre and 7-10 post.

When I’m cutting I never use it because I don’t need it. I will say the pumps and recovery is absolutely astonishing. I truly believe recovery is twice as fast using it if not more. It really comes down to goals. It’s great for getting huge but not totally necessary until the 700-1000 carb range, but like I said this is just for me everyone is different.
Thanks dude! Can you expand on this comment?
Absolutely. Pwo insulin is going to drive all the nutrients into the muscle quickly and will keep your glycogen stores literally at 100%. You don’t want to drive your bg into the ground during the lift so intra drink is a must. 5-7 IU ensures an insane pump and stamina to push even harder. The 10iu post is again going to shuttle all of those nutrients straight into the muscle and aid in recovery at a time when it matters the most, directly after muscle breakdown. Best time for whey protein in my opinion is pre and post workout when insulin is involved. I’ve seen tons of protocols but I spent a good amount of time picking danieltx’s brain on this and this seems to be the way.
Absolutely. Pwo insulin is going to drive all the nutrients into the muscle quickly and will keep your glycogen stores literally at 100%. You don’t want to drive your bg into the ground during the lift so intra drink is a must. 5-7 IU ensures an insane pump and stamina to push even harder. The 10iu post is again going to shuttle all of those nutrients straight into the muscle and aid in recovery at a time when it matters the most, directly after muscle breakdown. Best time for whey protein in my opinion is pre and post workout when insulin is involved. I’ve seen tons of protocols but I spent a good amount of time picking danieltx’s brain on this and this seems to be the way.
Can you clarify your comment about GH? If you weren't running it - you'd only do pre and post?