Pale no more -- Tanning peptide melanotan

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kakarot
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Finished my first new cycle of Melanotan today. It's a peptide (synthetic protein) in stage IIIb at several pharmaceutical companies throughout the world. It increases melanin production in mammals via stimulating the melanocorticoids. I just finished my first cycle of 30 mg over two and half weeks and have finally turned a dark and even brown.

And no, it's not on the market yet, I got it through my brother who's a geneticist (research scientists can order peptides direct for "research purposes") The peptide is scheduled to be commerical available in 2007 in a transdermal and sublingual form. I just can't believe how well this works. It took about 24 mg before I actually started tanning. At first I just didn't burn when I went to solariums or sat in sun all day.

Apparently billions of dollars are floating around Melanotan's impending release from all interested parties. Epitan has patent right now and have tens of millions of R&D investment to make up through sales. But apparently you'll only be able to get by prescription and only if you have a fair complection and are exposed to excessive sun. It's being designed in Australia as a preventive to skin cancer -- Australia has highest prevalence per person of skin cancer in the world. Pharm companies are not allowed to design a product that is intended for comestic purposes (being tanned) so they have to claim it's intended to prevent skin cancer -- which it does of course by making your skin much more resilent to the sun. Apparently skin ages slower too. Also, my dry skin is gone. My skin is more like a dark brunette's skin now. Much tougher in general it seems.

I'll post some scientific abstracts on Melanotan from the PubMed database
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Here's an abstract, but first here's a link if you want to read the full article; even though Melanotan isn't commercially available yet, b/c my brother uses (who's also a geneticist) I do too. He says it's very safe and with all the literature I've read on it it certainly seems completely safe -- he has lots of friends in the scientific research community who use MT-II regularly:

Arch Dermatol. 2004 Jul;140(7):827-35. Related Articles, Links

Effects of a superpotent melanotropic peptide in combination with solar UV radiation on tanning of the skin in human volunteers.

Dorr RT, Ertl G, Levine N, Brooks C, Bangert JL, Powell MB, Humphrey S, Alberts DS.

Department of Medicine, Cancer Center Division, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.

OBJECTIVE: Three phase 1 clinical trials of a superpotent melanotropic peptide, melanotan-1 (MT-1, or [Nle(4)-D-Phe(7)]alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone) were performed to demonstrate safety for MT-1 therapy combined with UV-B light or sunlight. DESIGN: Open-label studies at 2 dose levels of MT-1 combined with small doses of UV-B to the neck or buttock or full sunlight to half of the back. SETTING: Dermatology clinics at the Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson. INTERVENTIONS: The first study randomized 4 subjects to MT-1 (0.08 mg/kg per day subcutaneously) and 4 subjects to injections of isotonic sodium chloride (9%) solution for 10 days, followed by neck irradiation with 3 times the minimal erythema dose (MED) of UV-B light. In the next study (n = 12), the MT-1 dosage was increased to 0.16 mg/kg per day for 10 days, with UV-B radiation (0.25-0.75 MED) given to a buttock site for 5 days during (n = 7) or after (n = 5) MT-1 administration. A final study randomized 8 subjects to 3 to 5 days of sunlight to half of the back or to sunlight plus 0.16 mg/kg of MT-1 for 5 days per week for 4 weeks. RESULTS: Tanning in the first study was achieved in 3 of 4 subjects receiving MT-1, and these subjects also had 47% fewer sunburn cells at the irradiated neck site. More skin sites darkened with the higher dose of MT-1 in the second study. In the third study, there was significantly enhanced tanning of the back in the MT-1 group, and this was maintained at least 3 weeks longer than the tanning in the sunlight-only controls, who required 50% more sun-exposure time for equivalent tanning. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: There were no pathologic findings at any UV-B or sun-exposed sites in any subject. Toxic effects due to MT-1 were minor, consisting of nausea and transient facial flushing. CONCLUSION: Melanotan-1 can be safely combined with UV-B light or sunlight and appears to act synergistically in the tanning response to light.

Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Clinical Trial, Phase I
Randomized Controlled Trial

PMID: 15262693 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Here's another abstract, but first the link if any scientists out there wanna read the full article:

Increased eumelanin expression and tanning is induced by a superpotent melanotropin [Nle4-D-Phe7]-alpha-MSH in humans.

Dorr RT, Dvorakova K, Brooks C, Lines R, Levine N, Schram K, Miketova P, Hruby V, Alberts DS.

Department of Pharmacology and Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson 85724, USA.

Seven normal volunteers (six males and one female) with tanning skin types III or IV (Fitzpatrick scale) were given 10 daily subcutaneous injections of a superpotent synthetic analog of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) over two weeks. This agent, [Nle4-D-Phe7]alpha-MSH, also called Melanotan-I (MT-I), was administered at a dose of 0.16 mg/kg/day (Monday-Friday), over a two week period. Tanning was measured serially using computerized light reflectance. This regimen induced tanning at 3 of 8 anatomic sites including the face, neck and forearm by comparison of baseline to (1) the end of the daily dosing period, (day 14), and (2) one week later, (day 21). Shave biopsies of the forearm taken at baseline and day 21 were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography for eumelanin content which was measured as the permanganate oxidation product, pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid or PTCA. Pheomelanin content was measured as the hydroiodic acid digestion product, aminohydroxyphenylalanine (AHP). Eumelanin was also measured in the forehead skin samples of three subjects. The HPLC results show that mean (+/- SD) baseline eumelanin (PTCA) levels in forehead skin (n = 3) averaged 1.38 (+/- 0.87) ng/mg of wet skin tissue weight. Higher mean baseline levels of PTCA were detected in forearm skin (2.06 +/- 0.28 ng/mg wet weight, n = 7). One week after MT-I treatments ended, there was a mean (SD) 49% (+/- 17.6%) increase in forehead skin PTCA levels compared to baseline (P = 0.019, n = 3, by paired sample T-test). The mean (SD) increase in forearm skin PTCA levels was 98% (+/- 25.4%) over the same period (P = 0.003). In contrast, forearm pheomelanin expression following MT-I treatment did not significantly change from baseline. Overall, the MT-I regimen increased the eumelanin: pheomelanin ratio in forearm skin from 51:1 at baseline to 86:1 following MT-I (P = 0.054 by paired sample T-test). These results show that the tanning induced by MT-I in the face and forearm is associated with a significant increase in the eumelanin content of the human skin.
No, actually apparently Melanotan is both neauroprotective and an antioxdant in addition to tanning. B/c my brother lives in Australia and is genetically fair he uses it to stay tanned and avoid skin aging and damage. But he has friends who use it mainly for it's libido stimulating abilities. It actually affects the hypothalamus directly instead of being a mere vasodialator like Viagra and Viagra's analogues, so it's significantly more effective at treating ED. That's why a few American pharmaceutical companies and designing analogues of Melanotan as a treatment for ED and so as not to infringe on Epitan's patent. Rouche is looking for an analogue that's different enough so they can market it for tanning (ahem, I mean "skin-cancer prevention") soon after Epitan and get some of the market.
Has anyone else used Pro-research's MT2? I've had good results with their peptide a while back, but was just curious on if they still sell good MT-2.
I've been waiting for something like this. Not having to worry about getting sun burned would be amazing! And being able to get a tan wouldn't be half bad either. Cool shit. I can't wait to see what this turns into.
I have heard about this stuff as well. Sounds good so far have to wait and see the real long term sides.
I'm just starting a cycle of MT2 from MR. I seem a little darker, but I can attest that it definitely causes spontaneous errections. I've been going to a tan salon twice a week for ~12 minutes. MT2 works much better if you also get some UV exposure.
No, but it will darken your facial stubble for some people. That's really the only hair it acts on and the reasons for which continue to perplex scientists. My hair is blonde and despite almost a year of usage my hair is still blonde.

In many other mammals, it does darken hair. My first experiment with Melanotan was in grad school on a hamster. It darkened it's fur considerably. For whatever reason, it doesn't effect human hair.
No Trisolaren does not AT ALL do the same thing as Melanotan. They are absolutely nothing alike.

Trisoralen is an extremely dangerous drug to use for tanning. It is supposed to only be used for people suffering from Vitiligo (or leukoderma), which is the patchy loss of skin pigmentation due to an auto-immune attack by the body's own immune system on skin melanocytes.

In addition to causing serious sunburns if not properly used, Trisoralen has been reported to increase the chance of skin cancer and cataracts. Also, like too much sunlight, it can cause premature aging of the skin. Therefore, trisoralen should be used only as directed and it should not be used simply for suntanning.

Trisoralen is incredibly dangerous to use for tanning because it makes people very photosensitive (so basically you're hyper sensitive to UVA and UVB rays). There have been studies on pigs given Trisoralen and they developed melanomas rapidly with UV exposure and continuous usage.

ONLY use trisoralen if indeed you have Vitiligo and a physician prescribes it for you.

Other people use immunomodulator's which have dubious scientific evidence to corroborate their usage as tanning agents. Their is some anecdotal evidence immunomodulator transdermal creams can increase localized skin melanin levels, but under scientific scrutiny, these purported effects do not hold up and negliable tanning effect is seen. Besides, immunmodulators would only work for those suffering Vitiligo and on the patches suffering this condition. Not on normal people.

Melanotan is absolutely the ONLY substance currently in existence to actually produce more melanin in the human body and therefore actually achieve a real tan in humans. Of this I am certain.

DO NOT use trisoralen. I've seen what this stuff can do to mammals.
Jesus, Muscle-Research's MT-2 is indeed solid from my experience, but it's really expensive. Check different sources or find a research scientist who can order direct from you if you plan to be able to afford long term usage.
Maetentech, Be careful not to start using ancillary solarium in conjunction with MT-2 too quickly. Get at least 12 mg in your system before doing so if you want the skin-cancer preventing effects of MT-2 to help you and your su tolerance to go up. Sun bed's are terrible for your skin and will result in a more freckly tan if you're not careful. If you're not impatient, just let the tan dvelope without solarium use and just get some natural sunshine, even if it's winter sunshine.
I get my MT-2 for less than $40 dollars per 10 mg right now b/c I'm directly connected to a large peptide synthesizer (EU) facility which has grad school friends of mine working there on proteomics.

So I'm in a rare and auspicious position for purchasing the peptide.
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Kakarot said:
Finished my first new cycle of Melanotan today. And no, it's not on the market yet, I got it through my brother who's a geneticist (research scientists can order peptides direct for "research purposes") The peptide is scheduled to be commerical available in 2007 in a transdermal and sublingual form. I just can't believe how well this works. It took about 24 mg before I actually started tanning. At first I just didn't burn when I went to solariums or sat in sun all day.
Any chance you can get enough extra from your brother to market it to those of us who would like to try it?
I've been supplying Melanotan for half a year from BC to lots of people.

You can check out my new Thread on OUTLAWMUSCLE.COM @

I'm not sure I'm allowed to directly solicit on this forum and would prefer not to do so if I'm not allowed in order to respect the rules so I'm not banned.


I've been getting a plethora of emails regarding dosage and storage, so I'll try to give some insight into details in these and other areas.

Whoever you order from, MT-2 will arrive to you as a lyophilized (or freeze-dried) white crystalline powder in the vials. It is very cold when it arrives. Melanotan when in its lyophilized state lasts slightly over a year in your freezer. So you will store Melanotan in your freezer.

Vials are generally aliquoted to have 10 mg of Melanotan per vial. So if you order 40 mg, you receive 4 vials. Once you receive your vials of Melanotan, you will reconstitute ONE of them and put the others in the freezer, keeping them (lyophilized/freeze-dried) until you are ready to use them.

When I say reconstitute what I mean is you will mix something called bacteriostatic water in the vials. Bacteriostatic water is easily obtained at any london drugs, pharmasave, shoppers drug mart, etc. It's very easy to get and very cheap (a couple of bucks). You DO NOT need a presciption for bacteriostatic water. It is just pure water with an antibacterial agent so that the Melanotan remains 100% stable and sanitized throughout usage. You mix the peptide with the bac water so that you can administer it.

You will mix a vial with 1.5 cc (150 units) of bacteriostatic water -- this is easily measurable by using your syringe to mix it. Then you will vigorously shake the vial with water added for about 2 minutes so that the melanotan dissolves and defrosts properly. And that concludes the process of reconstitution. Remember, you will only reconstitute one vial of Melanotan at a time and use that vial until it is empty. Only then will you repeat process with a new vial.

The reason you only reconstitute one vial at a time is b/c the peptide is much more fragile once you've mixed it with bacteriostatic water and will only last for about 10-11 days in the fridge after this point.

Again, in the freezer in its freeze-dried (lyophilized) state, the Melanotan lasts for over a year, but not once mixed with water and defrosted.

You store the reconstituted vial in your refridgerator (NOT FREEZER) b/c otherwise it would freeze again (the more you freeze and defrost any peptide, the more it degrades). You finish off that vial during the next 9-11 days and then move on to the next.

MAKE SURE you keep reconstituted melanotan in the refridgerator and do not leave it on the counter. It degrades rapidly in room temperature environment and will not last more than a couple of days or less like this.

I hope this clarifies storage and to some degree usage of the peptide.

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A safe daily dosing chart for the initial loading phase of MT-2 administration for tanning:

The following chart assumes a concentration of 0.02mg/kg of MT-II -- this is fairly low dose for reasonable results. This amount is still low enough to produce a tan with minimal acclimation side-effects (which last for about 3-4 days the very first time you use MT-2 for some people -- I'll go in detail on these soon). Although, you could also go with a lower concentration, say 0.017mg/kg -- but you will need a different chart. The chart was compiled assuming that you are using 10mg vials. NOTA BENE: you don't have to be too specific about how much you take. I sometimes skip days, or take 3 mg in one day. MT-2 has been shown to be non-toxic, just don't go overboard. Don't exceed 3.5 mg per day -- you're just wasting peptide & money b/c it won't all get absorbed.

10 mg / 12.00 injections = 0.833 mg --- 42 kg = 92 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 11.50 injections = 0.870 mg --- 43 kg = 96 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 11.00 injections = 0.909 mg --- 45 kg = 100 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 10.50 injections = 0.952 mg --- 48 kg = 105 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 10.00 injections = 1.000 mg --- 50 kg = 110 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 9.50 injections = 1.053 mg --- 53 kg = 116 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 9.00 injections = 1.111 mg --- 55 kg = 122 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 8.50 injections = 1.176 mg --- 59 kg = 130 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 8.00 injections = 1.250 mg --- 63 kg = 138 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 7.50 injections = 1.333 mg --- 67 kg = 147 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 7.00 injections = 1.429 mg --- 71 kg = 157 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 6.75 injections = 1.481 mg --- 74 kg = 163 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 6.50 injections = 1.538 mg --- 77 kg = 170 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 6.25 injections = 1.600 mg --- 80 kg = 176 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 6.00 injections = 1.667 mg --- 83 kg = 184 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 5.75 injections = 1.739 mg --- 87 kg = 192 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 5.50 injections = 1.818 mg --- 91 kg = 200 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 5.25 injections = 1.905 mg --- 95 kg = 210 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 5.00 injections = 2.000 mg --- 100 kg = 220 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 4.75 injections = 2.105 mg --- 105 kg = 232 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 4.50 injections = 2.222 mg --- 111 kg = 245 lbs @0.02mg/kg

10 mg / 4.25 injections = 2.353 mg --- 118 kg = 259 lbs @0.02mg/kg
10 mg / 4.00 injections = 2.500 mg --- 125 kg = 276 lbs @0.02mg/kg

I recommend with 10 mg vials that people simply add 1.5 cc (150 units) of dilutant to vials for reconstitution. This way when you withdraw 15 cc with syringe, that equals 1 mg of Melanotan. Hope this helps.
