MESO-Rx Sponsor PCT 24X7 "1 stop shop for all day healthcare"

How does telmisartan compare to losartan? Doc put me on losartan instead of telmisartan

Telm is significantly superior to Losartan.

There's a 6 hour "hole" in Losartan effectiveness between doses, which, if you take it in the AM, usually hits during the very early morning surge in BP (that starts to wake you up) which is frequently when heart attacks and strokes kill people.

Telm doesn't have this problem and provides continuous protection.

When I Iooked into why docs default to one ARB over another, I learned that many choose the cheapest drug so their uninsured patients would pay the least. Losartan costs about $10 for 90 vs $35 for Telm.

Simply calling and asking if you could be switched to Telmisartan is all it usually takes. If they ask why, simply tell them you heard it provides equal BP reduction, but has a longer duration for better protection.
How does telmisartan compare to losartan? Doc put me on losartan instead of telmisartan
While this is just a meta-analysis they conclude Telmisartan provides superior protection when compared to Losartan.

Plus the half life for Telmisartan is 24 hours compared to Losartan’ active metabolite which has a 6-9 hour half life.
I don't know if you were asking him specifically but I can tell you I've ordered 3 times this year (New administration) from the other Indian pharmacy and they've each taken almost exactly two weeks from payment shipment to delivery. Two went through UAE and one straight from Mumbai. No issues with any of them. I placed an order with these guys almost a week ago at this point and still don't have tracking. Not that I don't think it's coming, I'm just used to it being faster from other, similar vendors.
Hi there we ship out the packages within 48 hours too from pharmacy and we received your order on Wednesday . but it takes 1-2 days in domestic transit too and it was Holi festival holidays with weekend following together that’s why I have to wait till Monday to share trackings as my shipper will be back to work on Monday .

Our regular customers know that our shipping time is 2-3 weeks too via UAE post but sometimes outer factors ( change in rules / holidays / weekends / issue of postal services ) create delays . some packages via India post just got delivered within 9 days to USA .
Hi there we ship out the packages within 48 hours too from pharmacy and we received your order on Wednesday . but it takes 1-2 days in domestic transit too and it was Holi festival holidays with weekend following together that’s why I have to wait till Monday to share trackings as my shipper will be back to work on Monday .

Our regular customers know that our shipping time is 2-3 weeks too via UAE post but sometimes outer factors ( change in rules / holidays / weekends / issue of postal services ) create delays . some packages via India post just got delivered within 9 days to USA .
I appreciate the update! I didn't think there were any issues at all, considering what everyone's said. I was just commenting my experience. I'm sorry if it came off that way. Thanks for the clarification!
Yes in the end of February there were strict checking imposed on packages by Indian customs as BBC published article about how Indian companies are pumping Opioids , Indian customs put the packages on hold of all vendors for 3-4 days that’s why some people who ordered on 26 February- 1 March received packages late . Now this holi festival holidays + weekend became obstacle in our speed and flow of work . Just checked India post packages they got delivered within 11-15 days time frame :-) ,
I appreciate the update! I didn't think there were any issues at all, considering what everyone's said. I was just commenting my experience. I'm sorry if it came off that way. Thanks for the clarification!
Telm is significantly superior to Losartan.

There's a 6 hour "hole" in Losartan effectiveness between doses, which, if you take it in the AM, usually hits during the very early morning surge in BP (that starts to wake you up) which is frequently when heart attacks and strokes kill people.

Telm doesn't have this problem and provides continuous protection.

When I Iooked into why docs default to one ARB over another, I learned that many choose the cheapest drug so their uninsured patients would pay the least. Losartan costs about $10 for 90 vs $35 for Telm.

Simply calling and asking if you could be switched to Telmisartan is all it usually takes. If they ask why, simply tell them you heard it provides equal BP reduction, but has a longer duration for better protection.
I asked to switch in November and he made it seem like it was working fine and if it wasn’t they would move to telmisartan. Any good info to nudge him to switch? He knows I’m on test but doesn’t prescribe for me
I asked to switch in November and he made it seem like it was working fine and if it wasn’t they would move to telmisartan. Any good info to nudge him to switch? He knows I’m on test but doesn’t prescribe for me

Tell him you have frequent diarrhea that started shortly after starting my losartan and you think that might be the cause. (it's. a common losartan side).
I’ve ordered from PCT24x7 probably 10 times and it’s always been between 18 and 28 days IIRC. I was just curious if actual time in customs has changed as of late.
I’ve had 6 packs multiple vendors clear customs in the last couple months all have cleared in hours or by next day. The UAE route takes about a week longer than straight from India but is one of the ones that clears in hours.
I’ve had 6 packs multiple vendors clear customs in the last couple months all have cleared in hours or by next day. The UAE route takes about a week longer than straight from India but is one of the ones that clears in hours.
Wow! That’s super fast. Mine’s been there about 4 days already but I’m not worried.

