Hi ive been blasting and cruising (always low doses)
And im regretting i didnt use hcg to keep the nuts functioning.
Now im trying to wake the nuts up then continue to use it at 500iu a week to keep them working.

Now the main question i have is do i need to come off, do a propper pct and then when theyre all good, jump back on and use hcg throughout, or can i wake the nuts up while on and keep them working with hcg to save me having to crash etc.
On one hand im thinking even if i could "wake them up" while on would they be functioning as good as if i came off.
Of course if i stayed off they would be function better (hopefully) but i mean like would they be functioning better when i jumped back on a dose and used hcg, or woupd they be functioning the same if i just used hcg while on to wake them up.
(If possible)

I know its possoble to some extent as ypu can do a hcg blast before pct if you havent used it throughout. I think its 5000iu once a week for 4 week. Then that will kick start them. But then could you stay on a low fose roighly 500iu a week and they be functiong just as good as if i had used throughout.

If no and i need to jump off i wouldnt mind abit of advice on the pct. Been on for a while etc

Ive just bought 50,000iu of hcg, i already have some nolvadex (out of date if that matters)
I can order more though.
I have 100mcg of triptorelin to try
And i was thinking of chucking clomid in to give more of a chance of a smooth pct

I heard about the triptorelin pct where you take 150mg of nolva, then the next day pin 100mcg of triptorelin and thats it,but i im still abit sceptical of it being that easy. I bpight some though as ive seen other people use it and follow up with a serm pct (4 weeks of nolva 20mg a day)

Im thinking of blasting hcg 5000iu a week x4 (20000iu)

Come off

Let esters clear (using hcg 500iu a week through the 2-3 week period) i might push it to 3 weeks to make sure it's out

Then taking 150mg of nolva,inject the triptorelin, follow with nolvadex 20mgs day for 4 weeks. Also thinking of adding clomid at 50 mgs a week for the 4 weeks with the nolva.

A couple things im worried about is timing of the compounds, like i know some interfere with eachother

Like dont use hcg for 5-7 days before pct,(but i need to run throughout if im trying to stay on?)

Ill probably up my ai through the hcg blast,not sure if anything else i need to know before.

Main thing i need to know is am i coming off or not lol like im about to pin some test and tren and a part of me is thinking do i even inject this lol
The gyms are opening in a couple of weeks (been lifting at home) but im not feeling crashing right when i was loomkng forward to training properly. Or i could use it as a plus, like i might be feeling shit but at least gyms are open now.

If i do come off, im plabni gon dropping the tren, then sticking at 500mgs of test for 1-2 weeks, then drop to my cruise (125mgs) for 1-2 weeks. It just makes sense to me instead of going from all to nothing,or is that pointless?

If i stayed on i would probably go onto a cruise dose and attempt to wake them up then?

Thanks in advance for any help
It would be ideal to find out now too, as i need to brew some more test in a few weeks and not feeling having a fresh 50ml vial sat there when im not using it.
If i come off i can just brew it when i need it again
Do you want to come off or stay on and get your nuts working as you say? What is your goal as you're all over the place man.

Did you do any research on Triptorelin? Here is a post from a quick search.

You don't use HCG if you're going to do triptorelin. Its one or the other. You wait for the esters to clear, take the 100mcg shot. Then start Clomid/Nolva the day after.

When you're on any amount of Test you are shutdown. You can take HCG, horse piss, or deer antlers and nothing will "wake up" your jewels. If you want to PCT lay out a plan and stick to it.

HCG is used throughout cycle to make it easier to come off. At this point leave it alone until you come off completely and wait 14-21 days for the Test to clear your system. Then follow Dr. Scallys PCT protocol as you'll probably need to be aggressive with your PCT since you've been B&C for a while. Yes, you need Clomid if coming off is your intention.
Do you want to come off or stay on and get your nuts working as you say? What is your goal as you're all over the place man.

Did you do any research on Triptorelin? Here is a post from a quick search.

You don't use HCG if you're going to do triptorelin. Its one or the other. You wait for the esters to clear, take the 100mcg shot. Then start Clomid/Nolva the day after.

When you're on any amount of Test you are shutdown. You can take HCG, horse piss, or deer antlers and nothing will "wake up" your jewels. If you want to PCT lay out a plan and stick to it.

HCG is used throughout cycle to make it easier to come off. At this point leave it alone until you come off completely and wait 14-21 days for the Test to clear your system. Then follow Dr. Scallys PCT protocol as you'll probably need to be aggressive with your PCT since you've been B&C for a while. Yes, you need Clomid if coming off is your intention.
So further to your point about being on HCG while on Test: Is taking HCG pointless while on test? Does any amount of test completely negate the effects of HCG?

in other words does HCG not work while taking Testosterone? If that’s the case - why are there recommendations to take 250-500 IU 2-3 times a week to keep them “functional“. By the preceding logic - it seems that it would be pointless but people still do it.

I myself did so while on TRT and I think my nuts stayed relatively the same size - maybe a bit smaller.
So further to your point about being on HCG while on Test: Is taking HCG pointless while on test? Does any amount of test completely negate the effects of HCG?

in other words does HCG not work while taking Testosterone? If that’s the case - why are there recommendations to take 250-500 IU 2-3 times a week to keep them “functional“. By the preceding logic - it seems that it would be pointless but people still do it.

I myself did so while on TRT and I think my nuts stayed relatively the same size - maybe a bit smaller.
There's definitely a point to hcg while on cycle. Like you said, it can keep your jewels from atrophying, it helps to keep you fertile, load size.
So do you blast the recommended 2000iu EOD post cycle even after the 500iu/week maintenance when on cycle?
If I understand correctly, have you been doing blast and cruise and want to stop doing it? what you are looking for is to reactivate your natural testosterone?
Do you want to come off or stay on and get your nuts working as you say? What is your goal as you're all over the place man.

Did you do any research on Triptorelin? Here is a post from a quick search.

You don't use HCG if you're going to do triptorelin. Its one or the other. You wait for the esters to clear, take the 100mcg shot. Then start Clomid/Nolva the day after.

When you're on any amount of Test you are shutdown. You can take HCG, horse piss, or deer antlers and nothing will "wake up" your jewels. If you want to PCT lay out a plan and stick to it.

HCG is used throughout cycle to make it easier to come off. At this point leave it alone until you come off completely and wait 14-21 days for the Test to clear your system. Then follow Dr. Scallys PCT protocol as you'll probably need to be aggressive with your PCT since you've been B&C for a while. Yes, you need Clomid if coming off is your intention.
Cheers man n yeah my head is all over the place trying to figure it out lol

Im basically wishing i used hcg throughout, and now im either trying to start the nuts with hcg and contine to use it while i am blasting and cruising Or if i have to, come off get them working then use hcg throughout next time i go back on and keep them functioning (to a degree)

That helps with the triptorelin and would save me some hcg, you said leave hcg alone but some pcts advise a blast before pct and while waiting for the compounds to clear to kick start the pct, i know if i use triptorelin that would help kickstart the pct but you also advised dr scallys pct, does his include triptorelin?

Im thinking i either do the hcg blast and usual pct (dr scallys) or the triptorelin and nolva and clomid
So do you blast the recommended 2000iu EOD post cycle even after the 500iu/week maintenance when on cycle?
Na from what ive heard if you have used 500iu a week your nuts stay functioning so when you do pct you dont need to do a blast before hand. Thats only for people that didnt use throughout
If I understand correctly, have you been doing blast and cruise and want to stop doing it? what you are looking for is to reactivate your natural testosterone?
Hi i have been blasting and cruising but its not that i want to stop its just i regret not using hcg throughout. So now i am trying to see if i can wake them up without coming off or if i have to come off
So further to your point about being on HCG while on Test: Is taking HCG pointless while on test? Does any amount of test completely negate the effects of HCG?

in other words does HCG not work while taking Testosterone? If that’s the case - why are there recommendations to take 250-500 IU 2-3 times a week to keep them “functional“. By the preceding logic - it seems that it would be pointless but people still do it.

I myself did so while on TRT and I think my nuts stayed relatively the same size - maybe a bit smaller.
I'm on 200/wk TRT myself for the past year. And i regularly take HCG with two week breaks between bottles. But yeah, my nuts are a bit atrophied. Perhaps they'd be smaller without HCG?

But no, not pointless at all. When you're on test, the pituitary gland in the brain stops producing LH which in turns prevents the leydig cells from releasing any testosterone. HCG tricks your body into producing LH. It also helps to maintain fertility, testicular and penis size, cognitive function, and libido whilst on TRT.
Cheers man n yeah my head is all over the place trying to figure it out lol

Im basically wishing i used hcg throughout, and now im either trying to start the nuts with hcg and contine to use it while i am blasting and cruising Or if i have to, come off get them working then use hcg throughout next time i go back on and keep them functioning (to a degree)

That helps with the triptorelin and would save me some hcg, you said leave hcg alone but some pcts advise a blast before pct and while waiting for the compounds to clear to kick start the pct, i know if i use triptorelin that would help kickstart the pct but you also advised dr scallys pct, does his include triptorelin?

Im thinking i either do the hcg blast and usual pct (dr scallys) or the triptorelin and nolva and clomid
Well, you have to make a choice. What's most important to you? Staying on, or coming off and restoring your natural hormonal homeostasis?

If you decide to stay on you can indeed start HCG. Just take 250iu twice a week. Its not too late. Like I said in an earlier post it will make the pituitary produce LH even in the presence of exogenous test. Its cheap so what have you got to lose?

Triptorelin is a completely different mechanism than HCG. Rather than tell you what or why, I encourage you to research it on your own so you better retain the knowledge should you decide to go that route.
I wouldn't even bother with HCG. It was good to use for atrophy when that's all there was. It's a double-edged sword though because it shuts natural production down further.

Kisspeptin 10 is what trt doctors and anti aging clinics have now been using since the ban on HCG by the fda early last year.

It does what hcg does but without suppressing the hpta, and it creates a GNRH like pulse similar to what triptorelin does without trips negatives.

And triptorelin's negatives are major.
I wouldn't touch triptorelin with a ten foot pole. I tried it back in 2017 and it shut me down for a whole year when it wore off. My test levels plummeted down to 62. Tried everything to restart, it was a nightmare. Vowed never to use it again. Triptorelin's really tricky you have to take it when your test levels are at rock bottom. Mine were at around 560. I Fried my hpta with it, probably from having high test level and not running nolva for 4 weeks afterwards either. Please be careful with it!

With, kisspeptin 10,
You need to do a lot of pinning for about 2-3 weeks, (10 micrograms per shot subQ, 4-5 times a day) but it's worth it and a lot less risky.
Well, you have to make a choice. What's most important to you? Staying on, or coming off and restoring your natural hormonal homeostasis?

If you decide to stay on you can indeed start HCG. Just take 250iu twice a week. Its not too late. Like I said in an earlier post it will make the pituitary produce LH even in the presence of exogenous test. Its cheap so what have you got to lose?

Triptorelin is a completely different mechanism than HCG. Rather than tell you what or why, I encourage you to research it on your own so you better retain the knowledge should you decide to go that route.
Ive decided im goong to try 500iu twice a week, apparently 6 - 8 weeks at that dose should bring them back, then i will stay on 250 iu x 2 a week and see of they stay fine. I will only come off if i dont see it working
I wouldn't even bother with HCG. It was good to use for atrophy when that's all there was. It's a double-edged sword though because it shuts natural production down further.

Kisspeptin 10 is what trt doctors and anti aging clinics have now been using since the ban on HCG by the fda early last year.

It does what hcg does but without suppressing the hpta, and it creates a GNRH like pulse similar to what triptorelin does without trips negatives.

And triptorelin's negatives are major.
I wouldn't touch triptorelin with a ten foot pole. I tried it back in 2017 and it shut me down for a whole year when it wore off. My test levels plummeted down to 62. Tried everything to restart, it was a nightmare. Vowed never to use it again. Triptorelin's really tricky you have to take it when your test levels are at rock bottom. Mine were at around 560. I Fried my hpta with it, probably from having high test level and not running nolva for 4 weeks afterwards either. Please be careful with it!

With, kisspeptin 10,
You need to do a lot of pinning for about 2-3 weeks, (10 micrograms per shot subQ, 4-5 times a day) but it's worth it and a lot less risky.
Did some research on this. Wonder why this is the first I've heard about it. Ran across some studies that claimed it caused testicular atrophy. But that was the KISS-54 gene. I'll have to do some more reading. thanks.