PCT advise


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm coming off a cycle(ish). Since Jan 1, I've been cycling between a TRT dose of test cyp between 200mg's and up to 500mg's. I've dropped back down to about 350mg of test prop/wk, and took anavar for a couple months during the cycle. I've been taking HCG on and off at 250mg 2x's/wk. All of this gear is pharm grade except the prop, which is geneza. I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on my order for PCT tonight, and my plan is clomid 50mg 2x's/day, nolva 20mg/day, all for 30 days. First dose 3 days after my last shot of prop. I'm also thinking of blasting the HCG in the last week. I have a total of 5,000mg of HCG, but I'm considering getting another 5,000. I've had zero testicular atrophy and just feel normal. I don't know for sure, but feel like I haven't been completely shut down. I've done a ton of research on PCT, and this protocol seems to have the most evidence to back it up. The thing is, this is the protocol for guys who've been doing massive doses and blasting and cruising for years. So, is this overkill for me?

1. Is 100 mg of clomid/day too much? Can I do 50mg/day or just cut it out? The sides like the vision problems scare the shit out of me!
2. Can I get away with nolva alone?
3. Should I blast HCG 2500mg 2x's in the last week before I start the PCT meds, or is it unnecessary since I've been on a maintenance dose this entire time?

The PCT I'm getting is all pharm grade and costs about 2x's as much as a cycle at the doses I've mentioned. I want to make sure I'm not a) putting unnecessary drugs in my body and b) not blowing unnecessary money.

DO NOT use HCG DURING pct. use it the last 4-5 weeks leading up to BUT NOT into PCT, i rec 500iu 2x a week.
for PCT i would rec 50mg ed clomid and 20mg tamox but maybe for 5-6 weeks if anything. I dont think you need 100mg clomid ed IMO
Next time why don't you run HCG during your cycle..this way, you wouldn't be
"blasting" toward the end. If you're going to do a Power PCT-you're going to wait at least 72hrs before starting PCT-since some HCG's will still be in your system. You wanna make sure all drugs cleared from your system before starting Clomid/Nolva. As for how many x days.. it depend on each person (thus blood work)- But the average is 3-4 weeks.. Yes, 100mg of clomid is too much and often leads to sides..You probably want to start at 50mg and work down to 40-20mg ed.. as for Nolva, 20mg ed seems to do the trick!
@Juced : thanks for the advise. I was not planning on the hcg during pct, just in the last week of my cycle leading up to PCT.
ahhh cool. well i would aim for the last 4 weeks of cycle leading up to pct if you could. just 500iu 2x a week is good IMO. i mean the last week will help. but i feel a few weeks of hcg before pct is a better option : )
If you did 500iu per week, while on cycle,then no need to blast HCG.. Just keep taking your Ai's until a week out from starting PCT..good luck!
I agree. just run the hcg about a week past cycle and start pct a couple days after last shot of hcg IMO.
I agree. just run the hcg about a week past cycle and start pct a couple days after last shot of hcg IMO.

The thing you have to be careful is that HCG will increase your estrogen and since you're not producing natty test.. it's best to cease HCG treatment and let all drugs clear your system.. it's importance to keep taking your AI's to combat Test to estrogen conversion. If your body "detect" elevated Estrogen it will think that you're making enough Test (which is not the case since you've been injecting and now no longer) and will not produce it's own.. Keep your E2 in check until the start of PCT..
Awesome thanks guys. Do you think it's necessary to add aromasin to the mix? I already have adex, but I've heard it's not the best option. I really don't have problems with estro sides and I'm very lean right now.
The thing you have to be careful is that HCG will increase your estrogen and since you're not producing natty test.. it's best to cease HCG treatment and let all drugs clear your system.. it's importance to keep taking your AI's to combat Test to estrogen conversion. If your body "detect" elevated Estrogen it will think that you're making enough Test (which is not the case since you've been injecting and now no longer) and will not produce it's own.. Keep your E2 in check until the start of PCT..
I usually rec to keep using AI right up to start of PCT . so i agree its good to keep estro in check for sure.
Awesome thanks guys. Do you think it's necessary to add aromasin to the mix? I already have adex, but I've heard it's not the best option. I really don't have problems with estro sides and I'm very lean right now.
dex is fine. dose can vary a little but 0.25-0.5mg eod is usually a good range. i rec start with lower and up it if needed.
I got pharm nolva and clomid. I'm still running HCG. I'm going to run the 50/50/50/50 clomid and the 20/20/20/20 nolva. Hope this works out. Will post pre cycle and post PCT bloods when its all done
dex is fine. dose can vary a little but 0.25-0.5mg eod is usually a good range. i rec start with lower and up it if needed.

I finally got a change in pharmacies, the new one ships me 0.5mg Adex pills - so now I can split them Previous place did capsules, so I couldn't do partial.

I'll do 0.25 EOD once I'm out of capsules.
I got pharm nolva and clomid. I'm still running HCG. I'm going to run the 50/50/50/50 clomid and the 20/20/20/20 nolva. Hope this works out. Will post pre cycle and post PCT bloods when its all done
yeah thats a good pct IMO. im looking forward to bloods!
i would rec waiting 6-8 weeks after stopping pct to get bloods. dont do it right after, to get a more accurate reading you should give it a little time after the SERMS.
So I know you guys are going to think this is crazy, but when I first did my blood work I was taking deer antler velvet from a really good private source. No one believes me, but I have the bloods to prove it. My IGF 1 levels were 297! (reference 121-237 norm) and I had never touched AAS or any prohormones at that point. Everything else was midline. 560 total t. I'm not posting the brand so I don't look like I'm shilling, but I plan to add it to my pct. I noticed the libido effects from it immediately when I take it, and I mega-dose it.

Do you guys recommend any other additional supplementation besides a multi and fish oil for PCT?

Also, have you guys always recovered back to your pre-cycle levels eventually after PCT?
So I know you guys are going to think this is crazy, but when I first did my blood work I was taking deer antler velvet from a really good private source. No one believes me, but I have the bloods to prove it. My IGF 1 levels were 297! (reference 121-237 norm) and I had never touched AAS or any prohormones at that point. Everything else was midline. 560 total t. I'm not posting the brand so I don't look like I'm shilling, but I plan to add it to my pct. I noticed the libido effects from it immediately when I take it, and I mega-dose it.

Do you guys recommend any other additional supplementation besides a multi and fish oil for PCT?

Also, have you guys always recovered back to your pre-cycle levels eventually after PCT?
if you dont mind pep shots i really like a ghrp/mod grf combo or straight igf1 during pct. helps hold muscle and might even help recovery IMO if using the combo i would use it for atleast 3mo IMO .
also i would rec cia (cialis) its great to have on hand just incase you run into any issue or just want to have an extra fun weekend ; )

sup wise i always rec these daily:
2-3g taurine ed
2-4g creatine ed
1000 + iu vitd (d3)
healthy fat supp like flax seed, alge extract, or fish oil if you eat fish (i dont)

you can get taurine in bulk powders for pretty cheap and its good for many things in body. I think people under hype it tbh
So I know you guys are going to think this is crazy, but when I first did my blood work I was taking deer antler velvet from a really good private source. No one believes me, but I have the bloods to prove it. My IGF 1 levels were 297! (reference 121-237 norm) and I had never touched AAS or any prohormones at that point. Everything else was midline. 560 total t. I'm not posting the brand so I don't look like I'm shilling, but I plan to add it to my pct. I noticed the libido effects from it immediately when I take it, and I mega-dose it.

Do you guys recommend any other additional supplementation besides a multi and fish oil for PCT?

Also, have you guys always recovered back to your pre-cycle levels eventually after PCT?

IMO, if it works for you keep taking it! No need to tell us the name-just keep it your little secret! lol! As for recovering to baseline.. Again IMO, you never fully recover to baseline-always a few point lower (it's the price we pay to play!) But as long your slamming the girl/wife every night and all your blood work return to "normal" then you can say "yes, I've recovered"

I've always take multi and fish regardless if I am on or off cycle.. never hurts!