PCT after 2 year Blast cruise

Week 2:
- BW: 74.5 kg.
- BF: 9 %.
- Increased protein. Weekly avg. kcal is 3150.
- Off day 2780 kcal (270 g protein, 250 g carbs, 80 g fat).
- Training day 3320 kcal (235 g protein, 485 g carbs, 50 g fat).
- Strenght (Incline dumbell press): 25 kg 3 sets 12 reps, went from 3 sec negative to 1 sec negative (to decrease intensity), 9 RPE.
- Visual changes: bit less veiny, but overall close to as Week 0.
- Mood: feeling normal (8/10).
- Libido: same as Week 0.
Week 3:
- BW: 74.5 kg.
- BF: ca. 9 %.
- Off day: same as Week 2
- Training day: same as Week 2
- Strenght (Incline dumbell press): same as Week 2.
- Visual changes: 50% less veiny, didn't lose any fullness and cuts.
- Mood: quite good (8.5/10).
- Libido: less horny, but still doing the Lord's work.