Okay I meant it like this; OP starts his pct let's say 3 weeks after his cycle and then he starts the 2 weeks protocol which I advised.
So if you're saying "not everything works for everyone" then what makes your PCT advice which by the sound of things, you've only read, any more superior to mine? Are you on TRT yourself?
What do you mean by the sound of things? Are you on TRT? I would be surprised if you weren't. Doing retardedly high doses of HCG.
I've done the PCT 3 times. Recovered my test levels back into the 900's twice. Last time was 700. TRT is up in the air on if I compete or not.
My PCT advice was CORRECT because by the time your original PCT would be finished, the esters would finally be at a level that would support recovery.
100mg of clomid isn't going to hurt him, but consistently for 30 days is not needed.
If you start it 3 weeks after stopping deca... the deca is probably still suppressing him, that's why you stop it and run test for a few more weeks, give it adequate time to clear.
I don't see a place where you were right, except for the fact you labeled Nolva and clomid as PCT drugs. Kudos on that.
If you want to learn more on how your advice was pretty fucking reckless, go read up some more.
Speaking of reading. Isn't that what you want to do? Educate yourself before talking a gram and a half of something every other day?
Sounds like you have some moronic views on AAS and ancillaries.