PCT and kidneys

WHY do you ask?
My creatinine level went from 1.6 to 2.5 in a week. BUN also increased. Trying to figure out what is causing it. I couldn't find anything online that said they are kidney toxic. Only other change recently was adding arginine as pre workout. I did read that it can interact with meds that lower bp but is uncommon. Just trying to narrow it down so i can stop taking whatever is causing it.
My creatinine level went from 1.6 to 2.5 in a week. BUN also increased. Trying to figure out what is causing it. I couldn't find anything online that said they are kidney toxic. Only other change recently was adding arginine as pre workout. I did read that it can interact with meds that lower bp but is uncommon. Just trying to narrow it down so i can stop taking whatever is causing it.

A creatinine of 1.6mg/DL is worrisome alone but one of 2.5mg/DL indicates something potentially much more SERIOUS is the cause!

You NEED to see your own physician ASAP.
A creatinine of 1.6mg/DL is worrisome alone but one of 2.5mg/DL indicates something potentially much more SERIOUS is the cause!

You NEED to see your own physician ASAP.
I have. Doing labs weekly but was trying to find the cause of the change. Ultrasound is Tuesday. Hoping it was the arginine. You ever heard of arginine affecting creatinine levels?
Doing labs weekly but was trying to find the cause of the change. Ultrasound is Tuesday.?

The fact your being evaluated and followed by a physician for an elevated creatine is the FIRST thing you should have mentioned!

I can only hope you have told your HCP
about ALL the PEDS, supplements (creatine in particular) herbals, "vitamins" or pro-hormones your taking!

And with a creatnine of 2.5mg/DL I would stop them ALL, but that's me bc I'm not to fond of dialysis.

Follow the advice of your DOC, but tell him the whole truth, rather than defer the use of PEDs to the opinions of those on a AAS forum.

Good luck
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The fact your being evaluated and followed by a physician for an elevated creatine is the FIRST thing you should have mentioned!

I can only hope you have told your HCP
about ALL the PEDS, supplements (creatine in particular) herbals, "vitamins" or pro-hormones your taking!

And with a creatnine of 2.5mg/DL I would stop them ALL, but that's me bc I'm not to fond of dialysis.

Follow the advice of your DOC, but tell him the whole truth, rather than defer the use of PEDs to the opinions of those on a AAS forum.

Good luck
Sorry. It just started the day i posted the question. The lab results were told to me that day. Creatinine levels are always watched since they are always around 1.5. Doc told me to have list of supplements I'm taking for next appt. At the time i wasn't taking anything other than nolva and asin. I never thought arginine could be a possible factor in kidney function. Was only thinking about PED stuff, which I'm not even on right now (but doc knows). When i told my doc about asin he had no idea what it was. I have stopped taking everything but thought someone might know if the pct stuff could be the cause since i wanted to figure it out before next week if possible.
The fact your being evaluated and followed by a physician for an elevated creatine is the FIRST thing you should have mentioned!

I can only hope you have told your HCP
about ALL the PEDS, supplements (creatine in particular) herbals, "vitamins" or pro-hormones your taking!

And with a creatnine of 2.5mg/DL I would stop them ALL, but that's me bc I'm not to fond of dialysis.

Follow the advice of your DOC, but tell him the whole truth, rather than defer the use of PEDs to the opinions of those on a AAS forum.

Good luck
A creatinine of 1.6mg/DL is worrisome alone but one of 2.5mg/DL indicates something potentially much more SERIOUS is the cause!

You NEED to see your own physician ASAP.

I thought 1.6 wasn't uncommon for a bigger guy who lifts weights, at least that's what my doctor said.
What was the time frame between when you tested 1.5 to when you going out you were at 2.5? Definitely keep on that and listen to your doc bro... stay off everything, even multivitamins. Just eat decent food and drink water until you figure this out.. hope your alright bro
Update on this question.... i went and got hard copies of labs. Turns out creatinine was 1.5, not 2.5. The nurse was reading the wrong note or whatever. Doc is pissed that he ordered an ultrasound for no reason. I'm pissed i was freaked out for nothing BUT happy that it seems everything was fine. I am still interested in anyone's info though in regards to: are PCT orals toxic to kidneys. Also if anyone has read arginine having any negative effect on kidneys. Thx.