Pct dosage


New Member
300mg Test E 1-10
300mg Deca 1-10
600mg Test E 11-12
HCG 500mg once a week
Aromasin 12.5-25mg a day

HCG 2x week after last injection for two weeks
Clomiphene What dosage? How long? 2 weeks after last shot right?
Will takong MK-677 (hgh secretagogue) interfere with PCT?

Is it best to taper down the test dosage or as described?

I took this to heal some muscle strain injuries it worked 90%. I worked out a bit to much. I just took my week 12 shot and plan to do no heavy lifting for the next 7days.
I've been told I'm better of not using nolva. And also would using an hgh secretagogue interfere with PCT?