PCT for husband...

Not that he hates needles.. He just lays there and I stick him. .

Enough said, lol.

Like others the fact your hubby is not asking these questions seems odd at best. After all HE is the one cycling AAS and only he can truly KNOW what the physiological effects are.

That being said I hope your only acquiring these PCT drugs for you hubby and NOT using them yourself.
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Well considering I don't have testicles I don't see why I would need them.

I finally got him to at least read up and get educated in pct this week. So I think he's pretty comfortable now. He just trusted my knowledge on steroids because I've grown up around them... But my pops was always blasting and cruising so I never really learned a whole lot about pct. My original questions and research before he started his cycle was all answered with the clomid/nolva combo. It was just recently stated to me that there were other things that he "should" be doing as well. I feel like I have gotten the best info from these boards and that's why I asked here.
Well considering I don't have testicles I don't see why I would need them.

I finally got him to at least read up and get educated in pct this week. So I think he's pretty comfortable now. He just trusted my knowledge on steroids because I've grown up around them... But my pops was always blasting and cruising so I never really learned a whole lot about pct. My original questions and research before he started his cycle was all answered with the clomid/nolva combo. It was just recently stated to me that there were other things that he "should" be doing as well. I feel like I have gotten the best info from these boards and that's why I asked here.
I think your circumstance just deviates from the norm...I certainly didn't mean to come off abrasive bc you seem sincere. However, there are a lot of "well my friend..." around here and usually if someone starts right off the bat with a lie guys aren't inclined to volunteer their time to help the OP.

There is a ton of collective knowledge @MESO, at the end of the day it's up to the individual to weigh the risk vs reward for themselves in their unique circumstances. This is why it may seem odd to some of us that your husband is not here researching on his own behalf, many guys will argue that if you are not willing to put in the time and research you are not ready to start tinkering with your endocrine system. I think that is always a valid argument, we see threads pop up daily from guys that are essentially 911 prayers....you can bet those guys did not do their research before they jumped "on".
I completely understand!!
I have my own log on here of my own cycle.
And I'll be the first to say if it's me.. No need to beat around the bush. I have no shame in asking questions or admitting to running something wrong. I wouldn't be able to get the right info by handing out the wrong info!
And I really do appreciate all the help. This board has been much more informative than most.
Well considering I don't have testicles"

And "how does that make you feel" :)

Just messin w ya gal, but I'd like to see your hubby more actively involved in this procees, primarily bc of the miscommunication which is an inherent theme to essentially all third party health care efforts.

Welcome to the forum
Well... Considering I've been taking test prop... I feel like I probably have the libido of one with testicles. Kudos to you men. I don't know how you manage.

That was my concern. I know there's a lot that goes on emotionally post cycle and that was something I couldn't convey to him or felt comfortable in trying to explain. So he's finally doing some footwork.