Pct for short ester test and nandrolone


How soon after I stop an 8 week test propionate and npp cycle do I start pct? I haven't been able to find a definite answer, is it the next day, 3 days later, or a week? Thanks
This is a hard one really because of the NPP. Even being a short ester of nandrolone there are metabolites left around for long periods of time. The controversy is that these metabolites can hinder your recovery.

If it was just test prop I would start my pct around 5-7 days after last pin.

I really can't give you solid advice on the NPP except stop it a couple weeks before you stop the Test prop.

How soon after I stop an 8 week test propionate and npp cycle do I start pct? I haven't been able to find a definite answer, is it the next day, 3 days later, or a week? Thanks
IMO you should always use HCG during cycle to make recovery easier.
For a long enough cycle (8 weeks is enough) other than long esters slowly washing off, it wouldn't matter if you used long or short esters.

I prefer to continue injecting HCG 2-3 (sometimes 4) weeks after last pin.
Watch your estro, add 1/2 Letro tab A WEEK if needed, often you'll need little or no Nolva for pct.
IMO you should always use HCG during cycle to make recovery easier.
For a long enough cycle (8 weeks is enough) other than long esters slowly washing off, it wouldn't matter if you used long or short esters.

I prefer to continue injecting HCG 2-3 (sometimes 4) weeks after last pin.
Watch your estro, add 1/2 Letro tab A WEEK if needed, often you'll need little or no Nolva for pct.
@master.on you know I don't bust your balls too much but what in the F did you just recommend him.

Starting PCT 3-4 weeks after his last pin of Test prop?

Using Letro during PCT or to control E2 while on HCG?

Not using Nolva during PCT?

Just stop right now. I feel like @EcpertRealistic just took over your account.

@master.on you know I don't bust your balls too much but what in the F did you just recommend him.

Starting PCT 3-4 weeks after his last pin of Test prop?

Using Letro during PCT or to control E2 while on HCG?

Not using Nolva during PCT?

Just stop right now. I feel like @EcpertRealistic just took over your account.

Did you even read/understand my post?
I advised him to
1 use HCG during the whole cycle
2 and keep on injecting hcg 2-3 weeks after last pin
3 Get Test/Estro bloodwork
4 Use some tiny dose Letro if Estro were high
5 Start Nolva 2-3 weeks after pinning (he'd be on hCG during these 2-3 weeks)
Did you even read/understand my post?
I advised him to
1 use HCG during the whole cycle
2 and keep on injecting hcg 2-3 weeks after last pin
3 Get Test/Estro bloodwork
4 Use some tiny dose Letro if Estro were high
5 Start Nolva 2-3 weeks after pinning (he'd be on hCG during these 2-3 weeks)
I rest my case. That’s not what your OP states. Still bad advise and they way you lay out your recommendations are confusing at best.

Did you even read/understand my post?
I advised him to
1 use HCG during the whole cycle
2 and keep on injecting hcg 2-3 weeks after last pin
3 Get Test/Estro bloodwork
4 Use some tiny dose Letro if Estro were high
5 Start Nolva 2-3 weeks after pinning (he'd be on hCG during these 2-3 weeks)

So I should wait 2 weeks to start pct after using short esters? I'm gonna wait a week, so that I'm not completely fucked for a week. And we're not supposed to run hcg during pct since it's suppressive from what I understand.
So I should wait 2 weeks to start pct after using short esters? I'm gonna wait a week, so that I'm not completely fucked for a week. And we're not supposed to run hcg during pct since it's suppressive from what I understand.
You can actually run it the first week while introducing your SERM's.

Last injection was 6 days ago. I ran nolva the whole cycle and was fine. 10mg/day the first 4 weeks and 10mg/eod the rest of the cycle.
Last injection was 6 days ago. I ran nolva the whole cycle and was fine. 10mg/day the first 4 weeks and 10mg/eod the rest of the cycle.

Nolva and nandrolones very bad idea, 6 day... Hm, you can start your PCT right now. I recommend you clomid 1wk 150 mg 2wk 100 mg 3 wk 100 mg 4wk 50mg 5wk 50 mg or toremifene 1wk 90mg 2wk 60mg 3wk 60mg 4wk 30 mg 5wk 30 mg or C+T 1wk C100mg+T60mg 2wk same 3wk C50+T30mg 4wk same. Also don't forget PCT means not only "recover" your eggs function...liver/lipids/kidneys/metabolic system...