Pct for short ester test and nandrolone

It can I believe. What's your point though?


You can find many different researches about how tamox impacts on progesterone receptors, but this is not first one you need to think about before you going to use tamox, check sides effects....Tamox was made in the distant 1962.... old one drug, in our time we have much more effective drugs like clomid and toremifen and they show in clinical use much more interesting effects for BB
You can find many different researches about how tamox impacts on progesterone receptors, but this is not first one you need to think about before you going to use tamox, check sides effects....Tamox was made in the distant 1962.... old one drug, in our time we have much more effective drugs like clomid and toremifen and they show in clinical use much more interesting effects for BB
Again the rise in progesterone is minimal and with Nolvadex being an antagonist as well it is sufficient for PCT and combating gyno. It also is great on lowering cholesterol as toremifene is not.

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Clin Chim Acta. 1993 Dec 31;223(1-2):43-52.
Effect of tamoxifen on serum cholesterol and lipoproteins during chemohormonal therapy.
Dnistrian AM1, Schwartz MK, Greenberg EJ, Smith CA, Schwartz DC.
Author information

The effect of tamoxifen on serum cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) and the ratio of LDL-cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol (LDL-C/HDL-C) was investigated in breast cancer patients undergoing therapy for advanced disease. Longitudinal studies in 24 patients treated with tamoxifen (10 mg, twice daily) indicated average decreases in total serum cholesterol (17%) and LDL-cholesterol (27%), whereas the effect of tamoxifen on HDL-cholesterol varied with the individual patient. There was a significant decrease in the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio (33%) consistent with a decreased risk for coronary artery disease. This beneficial influence of tamoxifen on risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease was evident in both premenopausal and postmenopausal patients whether tamoxifen was administered alone or in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapy.

Again the rise in progesterone is minimal and with Nolvadex being an antagonist as well it is sufficient for PCT and combating gyno. It also is great on lowering cholesterol as toremifene is not.


Toremifene is much better for PCT and impact on gyno more effectiv than tamox (info from practis). About lipids you also wrong... tamox reduces only LDL, toremifen reduces LDL ( effect was more pronounced), enhances HDL and after long use also reduces TAG level (info from practis). Side effects less pronounced than tamox. Anyway I recomend how it should be, all my advice is only to help you guys))
Toremifene is much better for PCT and impact on gyno more effectiv than tamox (info from practis). About lipids you also wrong... tamox reduces only LDL, toremifen reduces LDL ( effect was more pronounced), enhances HDL and after long use also reduces TAG level (info from practis). Side effects less pronounced than tamox. Anyway I recomend how it should be, all my advice is only to help you guys))

Toremifene Improves Lipid Profiles in Men Receiving Androgen-Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: Interim Analysis of a Multicenter Phase III Study
Matthew R. Smith, S. Bruce Malkowicz, Franklin Chu, John Forrest, Paul Sieber, K. Gary Barnette, Domingo Rodriquez, and Mitchell S. Steiner

In the subset of nonusers of cholesterol-lowering medications, total cholesterol decreased by 0.2% ± 2.2% from baseline to month 12 in the placebo group and decreased by 9.2% ± 1.7% in the toremifene group (P = .002). LDL cholesterol increased by 3.1% ± 3.3% in the placebo group and decreased by 11.6% ± 3.1% in the toremifene group (P = .001). HDL cholesterol decreased by 6.7% ± 1.9% in the placebo group and increased by 3.2% ± 3.2% in the toremifene group (P= .005). Triglycerides increased by 12.4% ± 6.9% in the placebo group and decreased by 14.6% ± 5.2% in the toremifene group (P = .045). The ratio of total to HDL cholesterol increased by 8.9% ± 3.1% in the placebo group and decreased by 9.7% ± 2.3% in the toremifene group (P < .001).

I understand you are trying to help but you are giving out wrong information.

Toremifene Improves Lipid Profiles in Men Receiving Androgen-Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: Interim Analysis of a Multicenter Phase III Study
Matthew R. Smith, S. Bruce Malkowicz, Franklin Chu, John Forrest, Paul Sieber, K. Gary Barnette, Domingo Rodriquez, and Mitchell S. Steiner

In the subset of nonusers of cholesterol-lowering medications, total cholesterol decreased by 0.2% ± 2.2% from baseline to month 12 in the placebo group and decreased by 9.2% ± 1.7% in the toremifene group (P = .002). LDL cholesterol increased by 3.1% ± 3.3% in the placebo group and decreased by 11.6% ± 3.1% in the toremifene group (P = .001). HDL cholesterol decreased by 6.7% ± 1.9% in the placebo group and increased by 3.2% ± 3.2% in the toremifene group (P= .005). Triglycerides increased by 12.4% ± 6.9% in the placebo group and decreased by 14.6% ± 5.2% in the toremifene group (P = .045). The ratio of total to HDL cholesterol increased by 8.9% ± 3.1% in the placebo group and decreased by 9.7% ± 2.3% in the toremifene group (P < .001).

I understand you are trying to help but you are giving out wrong information.


I give you info , which I've checked myself with hundreds of BB guys, anyway I just recommend clinical exp. My main message based on help you;) nothing more, and I know what I talking about, that's why I give advices... I work as md more than 10 years...In my practice i stop use tamox and switched to torem and I get better results)
I give you info , which I've checked myself with hundreds of BB guys, anyway I just recommend clinical exp. My main message based on help you;) nothing more, and I know what I talking about, that's why I give advices... I work as md more than 10 years...In my practice i stop use tamox and switched to torem and I get better results)

There is no way on God's green earth that you are a MD. That is pure bullshit.

Also, Mands is right...as is par for the course with him.
There is no way on God's green earth that you are a MD. That is pure bullshit.

Also, Mands is right...as is par for the course with him.

I stand by my decision, you can stay with yours. I don't need to prove you who I am)))My point was to help and here your call use help or not... you chose wrong one.
I give you info , which I've checked myself with hundreds of BB guys, anyway I just recommend clinical exp. My main message based on help you;) nothing more, and I know what I talking about, that's why I give advices... I work as md more than 10 years...In my practice i stop use tamox and switched to torem and I get better results)
You're are a doctor and choose to rep and help a UGL. Come on man. Doctor's not getting paid that much in your country these days?

I stand by my decision, you can stay with yours. I don't need to prove you who I am)))My point was to help and here your call use help or not... you chose wrong one.

There's no way you could prove whom you are anyway bc you're not a doctor. You're a distinguished doctor in your country and you're also a lowly helper for a steroid seller lol. Just the hired help.

You have no idea what you're talking about so you don't know what's right and wrong but thanks for trying.
There's no way you could prove whom you are anyway bc you're not a doctor. You're a distinguished doctor in your country and you're also a lowly helper for a steroid seller lol. Just the hired help.

You have no idea what you're talking about so you don't know what's right and wrong but thanks for trying.

please go on)