PCT not enough? SERM? Need some advice


New Member
Okay first post on here had a concern. I did some research but can not find a direct answer. After finishing PCT a few weeks go by and nipples become a bit sensitive and slightly poofy. Honestly I didn't pay any mind to it. It never got worse, just consistent. Another two month goes by and I start a new cycle; nipples return to "normal" about a week in. Same thing happens after finishing PCT (sensitive and slightly poofy). I would now like to start a third cycle, but this time once they're normal I'd like to keep them that way. I can only assume this is a lack of a SERM? If anyone has advice or confirmation I'd appreciate it. Stack info below its pretty simple as I just bought the "stack" from IML with minimal research the first time and took the novice dose. (Love it by the way, yes should of researched a lot more but live and learn)

Male, age 30, weight 190 lbs
"Weeks 1-4 ~ Super-DMZ Rx™ – 2 capsules per day (1 cap AM & 1 cap PM)
Weeks 1-4 ~ 4-Andro Rx™ – 2 capsules per day (improved mood, energy and libido)
Weeks 1-8 ~ Advanced Cycle Support Rx™ – 2 capsules per day (organ and lipid support)
Weeks 5-8 ~ Ultra Male Rx™ – 1 capsule per day (post cycle therapy)
Weeks 5-8 ~ E-Control Rx™ – 1 capsule 3 times per day (post cycle therapy) "

I stuck to this except I took ultra male entire cycle.
Most of us would never even consider the "cycle" you posted.
Are those even steroids?
With a real cycle, we would take an aromatase inhibitor to keep the excess testosterone from converting to estrogen, thus avoiding puffy nipples.