Pct problem / help

Info wensday secend blood

Let us know the results, hopefully it’s better. I’d think you’d feel different dropping that much if it is accurate. I mean you probably wouldn’t notice much dropping 212 points if you were at 700, but 212 from 290 is much more likely to be felt.

After 15yrs of usage it will take his body some time to recover. It could be he's doing PCT incorrectly- as you would need to stop HCG before going into PCT. Also, depending on his cycle and half-life of each compound. IMO, it should look like this:
2 weeks before last pin stop HCG
4-6 weeks after last pin.. no pct, sarm, etc...allow the compound to exit the body.
week 7-14 start your PCT with nolva and/or clomid
week 15 -20 stop pct and get blood work on week 20.
If no recover.. restart PCT for another 4 weeks and re-test.

But for your friend I recommend he STOP everything and allow the body to recover naturally. It's going to suck major donkey balls and could take up to 6+ months. You can't fix this within a year and maybe forever if his HPTA is F'd up. But homeboy should have thought about it before going on a 15yr "I don't give a FK" tour lol!.
Let us know the results, hopefully it’s better. I’d think you’d feel different dropping that much if it is accurate. I mean you probably wouldn’t notice much dropping 212 points if you were at 700, but 212 from 290 is much more likely to be felt.
I have new blood
Test 160
Lh 1.5
Fsh 3
Estro 44

Why my test lecel is still low..
I do over 3 months hcg
I have new blood
Test 160
Lh 1.5
Fsh 3
Estro 44

Why my test lecel is still low..
I do over 3 months hcg

Doing hcg will suppress natural fsh and lh through several functions, most notably raising estrogen thus not providing a negative feedback loop.

What needs to happen:
Stop taking hcg/hmg.
Take clomid/nolva/serm of choice for 4-6 weeks. Wait another 4-6 weeks taking nothing. Get bloodwork done.
@NandroXL , It could be due to tested getting desensitized from high amounts of hcg that is why endogenous test dropped.
My endocrinologist told me desensitization can occur and going off of hcg for a couple of weeks will fix the issue.
A few years ago, I was on 1000ius of hcg eod for a year in a row for trt mono therapy and for maintenaning fertility and my test production was at upper end of normal range at arou 700. So, perhaps, 1500 ius eod is too much and caused desensitization.
How long you been on 1500ius of hcg eod?
What does your sperm analysis look like?
I alredy off evrything from november 10

November 10 i stop hcg clom hmg..

And blood is from last week.. weiting for sperm...
@NandroXL , It could be due to tested getting desensitized from high amounts of hcg that is why endogenous test dropped.
My endocrinologist told me desensitization can occur and going off of hcg for a couple of weeks will fix the issue.
A few years ago, I was on 1000ius of hcg eod for a year in a row for trt mono therapy and for maintenaning fertility and my test production was at upper end of normal range at arou 700. So, perhaps, 1500 ius eod is too much and caused desensitization.
How long you been on 1500ius of hcg eod?
What does your sperm analysis look like?
I was on hcg from may... till november

Sperm before april was 5mln very low...
Its looks like that ...
November 10 (i was on hcg 2500 clom 50 hmg 75)

And i have appointment to endo...
He say ..best option is stop evrything for 3 months... and do sperm and blood ..
I stop evrythung now 15

Blood from last week
Test 290
Free 44
Lf 4
Fsh 3.7

Sperm i have next week

@The Terminator @TRT@40

There’s a good chance your sperm improved. It takes time, sometimes it can take 12-24 months before fertility is restored so don’t be too worried.
There’s a good chance your sperm improved. It takes time, sometimes it can take 12-24 months before fertility is restored so don’t be too worried.
What haplend when i now go to trt
100-150 tc ew.. to keeped test in high norm... ?
Lh fsh go down to 0.1 again..

Can i have baby on trt ?

I fill like shit ...gained 20 lbs fat :(
What haplend when i now go to trt
100-150 tc ew.. to keeped test in high norm... ?
Lh fsh go down to 0.1 again..

Can i have baby on trt ?

I fill like shit ...gained 20 lbs fat :(

Well some guys can, but with your semen results from a few months ago trt will probably make things worse. Trt plus hCG and maybe also hmg guys can have kids, but no trt plus fertility meds will be the fastest.
What haplend when i now go to trt
100-150 tc ew.. to keeped test in high norm... ?
Lh fsh go down to 0.1 again..

Can i have baby on trt ?

I fill like shit ...gained 20 lbs fat :(
Let me begin by saying I don't recommend at all what you are about to read, except for the part I say I recommend...lol
Here is what I did for 4 months during a prep for conception:
1. 250mg/wk testcyp
2. 350mg/wk primo e
3. 1000ius of HCG EOD; prescription
4. 75ius of HMG EOD; prescription
5. 3-4ius of generic HGH daily
My free testosterone results came in around 2800 and over 1 billion sperm count; I know unbelievable but not really!
What is equally important is motility and morphology compared to sheer count. You can see from the attachment even though sperm concentration is high but motility is poor. I believe poorer motility is due to items 1 and 2 above which was a stupid choice, in retrospect, to add because of the fear of losing gain, feeling like shit and gaining fat.
I am sharing this info so others can learn something from my experience.

What I recommend, which is what i am starting next, is the lowest possible dose of exogenous test like 50mg/wk if you absolutely must in the event of HCG is not helping with test as much. On top of HCG/HMG, Add pharma grade HGH if you can afford, especially for your lady if she is older than 35 as studies show it helps with egg quality.

Following supplements as well:
1. Himalaya Spemen tablets, the same company making LIV52
2. Zinc, Selenium
3. Coq10-ubiquinol form
4. Taurine
5. Acetyl-l-carnitine
6. Histamine
7. Highly recommend Himalaya Evecare only the liquid form-almost 100% guarantee to rejuvenate the female reproductive system

There are a few more supplements for fertility I am not recalling at the moment.

Untitled.pngThis is my story and everyone responds differently; just keep that in mind folks.

Let the roasting begin! All kidding aside, if fertility is your priority stay off of AAS as much as you can
Correction: It is 310 million not 1 billion sperm.

As a reference when I was blasting on test and deca, sperm was almost non existent at a total of a few million. Point is getting off gear or reducing AAS to minimum helps a great deal with fertility and HCG+HMG makes a huge difference as well.
@NandroXL, earlier you mentioned "hcg /hmg I mixed every 6 days .."
I am pretty sure you used bacteriostatic water for both. Can you confirm?
A follow up question: does anyone know for how long after reconstituting HMG keeps its potency?
I ask because most of the HMG products I have seen are either 75 or 150iu single dose vials. Prescriptions are mostly written for 75 or 150ius.

