PCT recommendation


New Member
hey guys
i was wondering if anyone could recommend me a PCT for Test E and winny cycle and dosages awell.


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Start pct after about 20 days from last pin. Clomid at 50mg a day for 4 weeks and nolva at 20mg a day for 4 weeks.

Hey savagesteve, why does some people recommend for PCT:

Weeks 1-2: 100mg Clomid ED and 40mg Nolvadex ED.
Weeks 3-4: 50mg Clomid ED and 20mg Nolvadex ED.

I am asking because I am also starting my first cycle and I still have not decided which to do, everyone says that it is according to how your body responds, like if you get depressed then you are taking too much clomid, but what if I feel depressed and I take a lower dosage of clomid and then by PCT is not successful? I know it may be a dumb question but I am just trying to learn.
Hey savagesteve, why does some people recommend for PCT:

Weeks 1-2: 100mg Clomid ED and 40mg Nolvadex ED.
Weeks 3-4: 50mg Clomid ED and 20mg Nolvadex ED.

I am asking because I am also starting my first cycle and I still have not decided which to do, everyone says that it is according to how your body responds, like if you get depressed then you are taking too much clomid, but what if I feel depressed and I take a lower dosage of clomid and then by PCT is not successful? I know it may be a dumb question but I am just trying to learn.
I would think it depends on their cycles. I run 50/50/50/50 and 20/20/20/20 but I havent ran over a gram of gear per week. I'm sure some more seasoned vets could chime in as well.
I would think it depends on their cycles. I run 50/50/50/50 and 20/20/20/20 but I havent ran over a gram of gear per week. I'm sure some more seasoned vets could chime in as well.

Sorry forgot to mention, I will do the classic first cycle:

Weeks 1-12:
500 mg weekly (2x 250mg)
.25mg Arimidex EOD (may increase if necessary)
500 UI of HCG Weekly (2x 250 UI)

I know I am paranoid but I am just trying to make things the safest as possible lol, so what do you think about the PCT?
Sorry forgot to mention, I will do the classic first cycle:

Weeks 1-12:
500 mg weekly (2x 250mg)
.25mg Arimidex EOD (may increase if necessary)
500 UI of HCG Weekly (2x 250 UI)

I know I am paranoid but I am just trying to make things the safest as possible lol, so what do you think about the PCT?
I think it looks good but with that cycle of just run 50/50/50/50 and 20/20/20/20. What ester of test are you running?
I think it looks good but with that cycle of just run 50/50/50/50 and 20/20/20/20. What ester of test are you running?

Test E.. Primoteston Depot 250 from Bayer, which I can buy at the Drug store, it's 250 mg per single use little vial.. I don't know the word in english.. I think it's ample? lol
Test E.. Primoteston Depot 250 from Bayer, which I can buy at the Drug store, it's 250 mg per single use little vial.. I don't know the word in english.. I think it's ample? lol
Okay just asking because the ester determines how long after last pin you start pct. with test e the wait is usually about 20 days before starting pct. I didn't like the long wait from my first cycle so I ended this one with test prop so I can start pct about 8 days after last pin.