PCT Review


New Member
Background: This will be my second simple cycle, plan on running 500mg test e for 12 weeks with test p at the end to extend it to 14 weeks (50 eod, 75 eod, 100 eod).

week 12-13 Hcg 500iu twice a week
week 14-15 Hcg 1000iu E3D
week 15-18 pct
50 Clomid for 4 weeks
40 Nolva for 2 weeks, 20 Nolva for 2 weeks

I am doing 50 Clomid the whole time because my last cycle I didn't feel great during the 100mg weeks. I guess my biggest concern is if my hcg looks accurate as this is my first time running it.
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have you tried taking the 100mg clomid at night before bed, seemed to negate the sides for me

as far as HCG, many will say run it from the start, as it allows for an easier transition into PCT
Good call on your clomid protocol. 100mg seems to be too much for most men. Your hCG protocol is fine, but i prefer to include it on cycle @ 250iu 2/wk. If you choose this route and have a 5k vial simply count backwards ten weeks from beginning of PCT, and then begin hCG in order to utilize a 5000iu vial.
have you tried taking the 100mg clomid at night before bed, seemed to negate the sides for me

as far as HCG, many will say run it from the start, as it allows for an easier transition into PCT

Yeah I always took it before bed and the first two weeks were rough but I still feel overall I bounced back nice so I dont want to totally drop it.

Good call on your clomid protocol. 100mg seems to be too much for most men. Your hCG protocol is fine, but i prefer to include it on cycle @ 250iu 2/wk. If you choose this route and have a 5k vial simply count backwards ten weeks from beginning of PCT, and then begin hCG in order to utilize a 5000iu vial.

I hear ya brother and I will probably do that when I do more advanced cycles but since I didn't feel I needed it last cycle I chose to go with what some people say and just "prime" at the end.
Background: This will be my second simple cycle, plan on running 500mg test e for 12 weeks with test p at the end to extend it to 14 weeks (50 eod, 75 eod, 100 eod).

week 12-13 Hcg 500iu twice a week
week 14-15 Hcg 1000iu E3D
week 15-18 pct
50 Clomid for 4 weeks
40 Nolva for 2 weeks, 20 Nolva for 2 weeks

I am doing 50 Clomid the whole time because my last cycle I didn't feel great during the 100mg weeks. I guess my biggest concern is if my hcg looks accurate as this is my first time running it.
How much prop are you using the last 2 weeks? Using the test e alone you will not be ready to pct until week 16 or 17. You need to delay pct at least another 2 weeks the way you have your cycle laid out. Run test e 11 weeks and finish on test p until week 13. You can then start pct on week 15.
Yeah I always took it before bed and the first two weeks were rough but I still feel overall I bounced back nice so I dont want to totally drop it.

I hear ya brother and I will probably do that when I do more advanced cycles but since I didn't feel I needed it last cycle I chose to go with what some people say and just "prime" at the end.
You need hcg on cycle. Anyone who told you different is incorrect. You want the twins to be responsive when you hit pct.
How much prop are you using the last 2 weeks? Using the test e alone you will not be ready to pct until week 16 or 17. You need to delay pct at least another 2 weeks the way you have your cycle laid out. Run test e 11 weeks and finish on test p until week 13. You can then start pct on week 15.

Let me double check with you because I am a little confused. My test E is for 12 weeks which would put the start of my PCT at week 14 correct? But since I am adding test P at weeks 12, 13, and 14 I would then start PCT about 5 days after last dose of test P? Am I wrong with how long of time needs to be between test P and PCT?
Background: This will be my second simple cycle, plan on running 500mg test e for 12 weeks with test p at the end to extend it to 14 weeks (50 eod, 75 eod, 100 eod).

week 12-13 Hcg 500iu twice a week
week 14-15 Hcg 1000iu E3D
week 15-18 pct
50 Clomid for 4 weeks
40 Nolva for 2 weeks, 20 Nolva for 2 weeks

I am doing 50 Clomid the whole time because my last cycle I didn't feel great during the 100mg weeks. I guess my biggest concern is if my hcg looks accurate as this is my first time running it.

To clarify, are you using Clomid throughout your cycle, rather than as PCT, if so why?
What signs/symptoms were you having?

Furthermore considering what I presuppose are SERM related adverse effects, your age of 25 years and the fact you're cycling TT at a relatively low dose of 500mg/weekly, I see NO REASON for a dual SERM PCT protocol!

Finally with respect to HCG, as NN mentioned, high vs low dose HCG matters little if it's being used as an INTRA-CYCLE mechanism to maintain endogenous TT production. Consequently the most effective interval to use HCG is a week or two before AND after your cycle is completed.
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To clarify, are you using Clomid throughout your cycle, rather than as PCT, if so why?
What signs/symptoms were you having?

Furthermore considering what I presuppose are SERM related adverse effects, your age of 25 years and the fact you're cycling TT at a relatively low dose of 500mg/weekly, I see NO REASON for a dual SERM PCT protocol!

Finally with respect to HCG, as NN mentioned, high vs low dose HCG matters little if it's being used as an INTRA-CYCLE mechanism to maintain endogenous TT production. Consequently the most effective interval to use HCG is a week or two before AND after your cycle is completed.
To clarify, are you using Clomid throughout your cycle, rather than as PCT, if so why?
What signs/symptoms were you having?

Furthermore considering what I presuppose are SERM related adverse effects, your age of 25 years and the fact you're cycling TT at a relatively low dose of 500mg/weekly, I see NO REASON for a dual SERM PCT protocol!

Finally with respect to HCG, as NN mentioned, high vs low dose HCG matters little if it's being used as an INTRA-CYCLE mechanism to maintain endogenous TT production. Consequently the most effective interval to use HCG is a week or two before AND after your cycle is completed.

Clomid was only used in PCT, not during. My first week of 100mg I didn't notice any difference which was good but the second week of 100mg I couldnt get a boner to save my life and had to desire to get one. Once I started the thirs and fourth week at 50mg that went away to a more normal state.

Good to know! Would you suggest seeing how I react to Nolvadex at a "regular" dose or try Clomid again at a lower dose now that my cycle will be in the 500mg/wk range?

I must have originally got that info from one of your stickies. How would the timeline change if someone were doing a test p only cycle since I am under the impression PCT should start within a week?
Clomid was only used in PCT, not during. My first week of 100mg I didn't notice any difference which was good but the second week of 100mg I couldnt get a boner to save my life and had to desire to get one. Once I started the thirs and fourth week at 50mg that went away to a more normal state.

Good to know! Would you suggest seeing how I react to Nolvadex at a "regular" dose or try Clomid again at a lower dose now that my cycle will be in the 500mg/wk range?

I must have originally got that info from one of your stickies. How would the timeline change if someone were doing a test p only cycle since I am under the impression PCT should start within a week?

Good God no "boner" or sex drive for an entire week! Why thats just not fair but is analogous to females who are "concerned bc their flow was a little different" over the past week.

Ive had AAS users expect the sensation of putting on trousers to cause Johnny to rise to the occasion. Some of you fellas could benefit from a real medical issue to keep thing in perspective; like priapism, then you'll understand and appreciate a little softness down yonder. Im being facetious but you chose to use drugs that are guaranteed to alter ones libido, and for better or worse, accept it or don't use AAS

The dosage should be that which is currently recommended as a means of inducing ovulation in FEMALES, (or enhanced spermatogenesis in MALES) which is 50 mg of Clomid QD. If a rise in LH is not noted the dosage may be increased to 100 mg QD

Tamoxifen has not been studied or is it FDA approved for this purpose!
Good God no "boner" or sex drive for an entire week! Why thats just not fair but is analogous to females who are "concerned bc their flow was a little different" over the past week.

Ive had AAS users expect the sensation of putting on trousers to cause Johnny to rise to the occasion. Some of you fellas could benefit from a real medical issue to keep thing in perspective; like priapism, then you'll understand and appreciate a little softness down yonder. Im being facetious but you chose to use drugs that are guaranteed to alter ones libido, and for better or worse, accept it or don't use AAS

The dosage should be that which is currently recommended as a means of inducing ovulation in FEMALES, (or enhanced spermatogenesis in MALES) which is 50 mg of Clomid QD. If a rise in LH is not noted the dosage may be increased to 100 mg QD

Tamoxifen has not been studied or is it FDA approved for this purpose!
I believe it's been studied but I'm not certain about approval, but I would say you are most likely correct.
