pct start time after deca


New Member
I think a good pct start time after test cycle is considered when the serum test level is below the offcycle test level. but what about deca? can someone please estimate what quantity of deca (using the pct calculator) will be optimal to start the hpta? 10mg? or even less 2-3mg.
thank you
After ND, I would use 7-10 day half-life. What dose?

for a cycle with 750mg/week TE and 350mg/week ND for example. using a 7 day half life for TE and 10 day half life for ND, at day 123 (38 days after last TE injection) there will be aprox 30mg TE and 20mg ND. I think the TE is ok for starting SERMs, but is the ND still suppressive? should it be close to zero?
thank you for your answer
I can give you an easier way. After your long ester cycle factor in 1-2 extra weeks and switch to short ester(s). Then after the 2 weeks is up you can figure much closer...you also avoid the hormone plummet blues.
I used a short ester taper on my last cycle. I won't ever do it any other way again. It was beautiful! And if you are running HCG with your cycle, time the last two weeks to taper the HCG down concurrently so your balls are ready to get back to business as you start your PCT.