pct...the struggles are real!


New Member
hey all, first time posting. been lurking for a while but finally decided to create an account. lots of good info on here, greatly appreciate everyone with their input. so i just finished my first cycle, as follows.

W 1-10 Test Enth 250mg 2x week
W 1-12 Adex 0.5mg EOD (reduce to 0.25mg EOD in last week)

W 13 Nolva 20mg 2x/d
W 14-16 Nolva 20mg/d

I used all geneza products and the cycle started off great. i was seeing size and strength gains (gained about ten pounds despite starting my cut). was starting to see some acne problems as the weeks went on. the acne (on face and back) got progressively worse throughout pct and is still not really going away (i'm about a week after finishing my pct). i ended up adding some clomid to my pct as well, but my size and strength gains are pretty much all gone (combined with the cut, lost about 15 pounds since end of cycle and starting pct). now i know plenty of people have experienced both the onset of acne in pct as well as losing most the gains, but i also wonder if my pct was bunk? i guess my question is if this is more common than i thought even with pct or if it's more likely the pct was bunk. anyone with experience, your input is much appreciated.
hey all, first time posting. been lurking for a while but finally decided to create an account. lots of good info on here, greatly appreciate everyone with their input. so i just finished my first cycle, as follows.

W 1-10 Test Enth 250mg 2x week
W 1-12 Adex 0.5mg EOD (reduce to 0.25mg EOD in last week)

W 13 Nolva 20mg 2x/d
W 14-16 Nolva 20mg/d

I used all geneza products and the cycle started off great. i was seeing size and strength gains (gained about ten pounds despite starting my cut). was starting to see some acne problems as the weeks went on. the acne (on face and back) got progressively worse throughout pct and is still not really going away (i'm about a week after finishing my pct). i ended up adding some clomid to my pct as well, but my size and strength gains are pretty much all gone (combined with the cut, lost about 15 pounds since end of cycle and starting pct). now i know plenty of people have experienced both the onset of acne in pct as well as losing most the gains, but i also wonder if my pct was bunk? i guess my question is if this is more common than i thought even with pct or if it's more likely the pct was bunk. anyone with experience, your input is much appreciated.
Really only way to know if your Pct was bunk is if you got your pre bloods done before your first cycle and compare them to your post bloods would be my guess. But I'm not sure. I just finished my pct from my first cycle 2 weeks ago. I feel great. I lost a little strength ya but I kept a good bit of muscle from my cycle. But man I went hard in the gym. Busted my ass in the gym those 12 weeks. Kept my diet on point. From what I understand you'll lose strength after. That's normal. But more experienced guys could help you more than me.
Really only way to know if your Pct was bunk is if you got your pre bloods done before your first cycle and compare them to your post bloods would be my guess. But I'm not sure. I just finished my pct from my first cycle 2 weeks ago. I feel great. I lost a little strength ya but I kept a good bit of muscle from my cycle. But man I went hard in the gym. Busted my ass in the gym those 12 weeks. Kept my diet on point. From what I understand you'll lose strength after. That's normal. But more experienced guys could help you more than me.
appreciate it! yeah i know most lose at least some strength and size but man i lost pretty much all of it. i purposely didn't take preworkouts during my cycle so that i would jump on caffeine after to keep my workouts up but didn't help much.
I'll be starting my first cycle next week. My research showed that I should wait 'until esters clear' before starting pct.

I see your cycle you started pct the very next week after the cycle? I'm curious to know more about that.
I'll be starting my first cycle next week. My research showed that I should wait 'until esters clear' before starting pct.

I see your cycle you started pct the very next week after the cycle? I'm curious to know more about that.
weeks 11 and 12 i was only running arimidex, no test
i guess a second part of my question (don't want to create a million threads and be that guy) is do people find tapering more effective than conventional pct?
weeks 11 and 12 i was only running arimidex, no test
what I found out was that test e esters takes 8-12 days to clear depending who's info you go by.

Hence I had calculated that i would have to wait 4-6 weeks before starting pct. I was thinking waiting 5 weeks. I'm not sure how the arimidex factors in this.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in.
I'll be starting my first cycle next week. My research showed that I should wait 'until esters clear' before starting pct.

I see your cycle you started pct the very next week after the cycle? I'm curious to know more about that.
Well the half life on test e is 5 to 7 days. So 2 to 3 weeks is what I'm told. Best to wait 3. Unless you really start to feel like shit before week 3 go ahead and start pct after week 2. 500 mg after 7 days would be 250mg . 7 more days would be 125mg. 7 more days would be 62.5mg
That's how I understand it. That's just a rule of thumb. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Idk I'm seeing test e as 10days. I'm curious to know as I'll be starting my first cycle next week. So I have 10 weeks to figure this out. Just when I thought I had it figured it out :(

How Long to Leave the Body
Ya I was a bit wrong on what I wrote up top. I got it from the comprehensive guide to pct. I would link it but I don't know how. Great read. I didn't remember it accurately so I was a little off. But don't go by what I say. Just read it. It's in the pct thread
i guess a second part of my question (don't want to create a million threads and be that guy) is do people find tapering more effective than conventional pct?
Not sure about the tapering off stuff.
Guys... fuck.

When you use a longer ester, test E in this case, you need to swap to a shorter ester like prop for the last 4 weeks and clear out the enanthate ester completely. At least give it 2 weeks, if not 4. You're not supposed to just stop injecting test and continue blocking your estrogen production. Where did you even get that idea from? I mean really. Too many people using AAS and don't have a god damn clue what they're doing, not even a little clue.. That's probably a reason why gear is illegal these days.
Hopefully you got pre-labs and now go get post labs done. Next, use pharma grade pct drugs only next time. At least that way you can eliminate the whole "is my shit bunk theory?".

I would say yes it probably was or your training and or diet was not as good as you thought! Also, I know a few guys that prefer to lower the volume of workouts in pct. Still putting up the same weight but not the same amount of sets and time in the gym. Your body has no test or nearly no test being produced, so you don't want to overwork it during this time.

Just my thoughts.
Guys... fuck.

When you use a longer ester, test E in this case, you need to swap to a shorter ester like prop for the last 4 weeks and clear out the enanthate ester completely. At least give it 2 weeks, if not 4. You're not supposed to just stop injecting test and continue blocking your estrogen production. Where did you even get that idea from? I mean really. Too many people using AAS and don't have a god damn clue what they're doing, not even a little clue.. That's probably a reason why gear is illegal these days.
Thanks for that advice. I'm not on cycle right now but I'm planning my second. Probably not for another 2 months but Test p for the last 4 weeks don't sound like a bad idea. But if your running 500mg a week. You would still run that same 500mg with the p right? But you'd have to pin every two days for the last 4 weeks? I've also read that pip is more common with test p. But fuck it. No pain no gain
Guys... fuck.

When you use a longer ester, test E in this case, you need to swap to a shorter ester like prop for the last 4 weeks and clear out the enanthate ester completely. At least give it 2 weeks, if not 4. You're not supposed to just stop injecting test and continue blocking your estrogen production. Where did you even get that idea from? I mean really. Too many people using AAS and don't have a god damn clue what they're doing, not even a little clue.. That's probably a reason why gear is illegal these days.
Oh you NEED to? I can't tell you how many people have successfully run long ester gear without switching to short ester at the end. To be fair I've seen a number of stupid posts out of you as well.
Oh you NEED to? I can't tell you how many people have successfully run long ester gear without switching to short ester at the end. To be fair I've seen a number of stupid posts out of you as well.

If you insist, "need" isn't the correct word.

my suggestion is the "smarter" way to go about it, to start PCT quickly and more efficiently.

To be fair, I've seen a few from you as well. More along the lines of ignorant. We all learn things every day. get used to that.
If you insist, "need" isn't the correct word.

my suggestion is the "smarter" way to go about it, to start PCT quickly and more efficiently.

To be fair, I've seen a few from you as well. More along the lines of ignorant. We all learn things every day. get used to that.
The fact that you have issues atm from more than likely over using Injection sites then recomend first time users switch to pinning ed or eod, illustrates my point perfectly. And insinuating they are wrong for not doing so? Since your so smart when should he drop the enanthate injections and begin the prop? If your going to hand out suggestions it's best not to leave out vital information. Just my opinion.
If you would read my comment, instead of acting off of your bias towards me, you'd see that I had answered that.
Also, I recommended SHORT cycles of ED or EoD pinning. My issues, if it IS overuse of injection sites, is a very rare thing to happen apparently. It did not happen, nor have I ever heard of complications, involving short esters in a short cycle. It's a smarter way to do things.
Also, I recommended SHORT cycles of ED or EoD pinning. My issues, if it IS overuse of injection sites, is a very rare thing to happen apparently. It did not happen, nor have I ever heard of complications, involving short esters in a short cycle. It's a smarter way to do things.
I'll agree on the short cycles, but the reality is it just isn't feasible for most first timers to pin ed or eod, when they can barely bring themselves to pin at all. This is why we see so many wishfully asking if they can get away with oral only cycles. Regardless of what they say the reason is, I'd wager 90% of those cases originate from fear of pinning. Anyways, I apologize for the attack. I could have found a better way to state my disagreement with your advice.