PCT - Time of Doses Question


New Member

i want to go Power PCT

-every 5days 1shot 5000hcg ui for 20days so 4shots 20.000ui in total
-clomid 100mg daily (50mg twice per day) for 30day
-nolvadex 40mg daily (20mg twice per day) for 45day

-what is best time of the day to take hcg shot is it at night or does not matter what time is it ?
-what is best time of the day to take clomid doses so take 50mg 12h apart or one dose 100mg better and if one dose what is best time for that ?
-what is best time to take nolvadex doses so take 20mg 12h apart or one dose 40mg better and if one dose is best time to take nolvadex is at night before bed ? or what is best time ?

i need to know the answers as fast possible please because i need to start PCT after 2days max

thank you
I have no personal experience this type of recovery program, but is there any particular reason youre opting for the Power PCT? Long cycle? Fertility? Or ?

Just wondering..
as said in other thread i took with no cycle just with ignorance
means to balance my body and stable my hormons because i still have these side effects as said in thread
To high on all doses. People tend to do that with SERMs especially.

50/d Clomid
20/d Nolva
That should be enough. Timing desn't matter much at all. The half lives are such that a daily dose will keep the levels pretty constant after a week.

hCG I would run differently.

wk1 1500 iu EOD
wk2 1000 iu EOD
wk3 500 iu EOD

Start SERMs middle of week 3 (~17 days into PCT). That's how I run it and I recovered into the 500-600 ng/dL range by week 12 - 16 until I was 53. Now it just takes longer.
What thread?? I have no clue what youre talking about and im not about to chase down threads. If you want answers include ALL the information in one thread so myself and others can contribute informed responses based on complete details. I'll check back later.