PEDs and aging


Hey guys, anyone else notice severe aging when on PEDs I’m on my second cycle and I was looking back at some of my photos and I swear iv aged so much. Not a real problem or anything but do steroids age you permanently or is it just a on cycle thing?
There was such question asked recently.

I notice aging, I think most do who are in their 20's or early 30's. Worst are probably tren and some dhts. Testosterone too, but not as bad. Anavar and Eq are neutral I'd say.

It does reverse after I go on a cruise/trt, usually I need to lower Test to 200mg/week or less to achieve this.

Test 300-600mg I look like I'm 35.
Cruise 200mg or less I look about 30.
On steroids your sebaceous glands (skin oil glands) get larger, making your pores bigger, so skin, especially on the face, looks older. Sebaceous glands also increase in size with age.

You'll see this most clearly on and around your nose.

That reverses somewhat when you come off, but not back to the size they were before.

The only lasting cure is a 4-6 month cycle of accutane, which will permanently shrink sebaceous glands and restore smooth skin.