Peds in highshcool


New Member
Do you think a lot of top recruits in football like the best of the best use gear while their not tested innhoghshcool
I knew guys that had no shot in the NFL that were running gear... One of them is also dead now. I don't think it was directly because of steroid abuse, but just generally his wreckless nature
Well considering we have an 18 year old posting all over the forum for a cycle advice and a 20 year old finishing his cycle wanting to do another cycle.. I can only imagine some kids younger than that are running gear.

If i could have gotten it that young I’d have 100% used and now that I’m an adult I know I would have 200% wished I didn’t.
We really are so stupid at those ages, it’s a miracle we even have male adults.
Well considering we have an 18 year old posting all over the forum for a cycle advice and a 20 year old finishing his cycle wanting to do another cycle.. I can only imagine some kids younger than that are running gear.

If i could have gotten it that young I’d have 100% used and now that I’m an adult I know I would have 200% wished I didn’t.
We really are so stupid at those ages, it’s a miracle we even have male adults.
Well considering we have an 18 year old posting all over the forum for a cycle advice and a 20 year old finishing his cycle wanting to do another cycle.. I can only imagine some kids younger than that are running gear.

If i could have gotten it that young I’d have 100% used and now that I’m an adult I know I would have 200% wished I didn’t.
We really are so stupid at those ages, it’s a miracle we even have male adults.
Who’s the 18 year old
Iv seen several some even specifically saying they are doing it for football. The 1 he's referring to isn't that hard to find he's got a few threads going.
It was pretty rampant when I went to highschool even here in Canada and seems to only be getting worse with fitness influencers
I'm sure it's pretty rampant nowadays. It's almost as easy to get as weed now, maybe easier. Studies show it's likely over 10% of high schoolers who have used or are currently using. If you have scouts looking at you, could just be the edge to push you over the top. I can certainly understand the draw.
I'm sure it's pretty rampant nowadays. It's almost as easy to get as weed now, maybe easier. Studies show it's likely over 10% of high schoolers who have used or are currently using. If you have scouts looking at you, could just be the edge to push you over the top. I can certainly understand the draw.
“Studies show” that 100% of “natty” bioed tik tok influencers are using lol
It’s been 22+ years since my high school days and I had had full of friends doing orals /PH in grades 9-12. Surprisingly none had any life changing side effects , except for the one who passed away of an addiction problem.
I've seen on a few boards a guy bragging about his son in high school taking steroids over the spring and summer so he could play D3 basketball in college.

You heard that right, Division III basketball. Fucking pathetic. What's next, high schooler taking steroids in the spring and summer so they can play D3 golf as a freshman in college?

I don't know though. I wouldn't say many in high school do. I think it is much easier for them to do it these days. It makes no sense to me though. The natural test levels they have at that age are crazy.

Back in the day, most real athletes at real colleges would start taking juice for various sports sometime in their sophomore years. These are the guys that already showed work ethic and outstanding athletic potential before a drug ever touched their bodies.
I imagine most that use are a result of over zealous dads wanting their sons to live their unfulfilled dreams. Toxic sports parents.
Exactly. Washed up dads with nothing going for them pushing steroids on their kids and hoping their kids actually get PT and don't wind up on the bench sucking hind teat like they did in HS.
There are probably hundreds of high-school kids who are not even athletes abusing gear in the chase of the almighty pussy. Don't underestimate the capacity of the male psyche to do anything to able to get women.
There are probably hundreds of high-school kids who are not even athletes abusing gear in the chase of the almighty pussy. Don't underestimate the capacity of the male psyche to do anything to able to get women.
LOL, I remember the same in high school. I think back then I was like it will make me aggressive and stronger and all I have to do is put up with some acne? Where do I sign up?