Peds in highshcool

High school football players in Texas and Florida were using anabolic steroids in the 1960s. So maybe a few more 60+ years later in the 2020s.

High school football players in Texas, Florida, and California were using anabolic steroids in the 1960s. So maybe a few more 60+ years later in the 2020s.

Was not aware of that. What do you think the % is of high school athletes on steroids specifically (because I think other PEDs are used besides steroids)?

Also, what are your thoughts on parents that push steroids on their kids (high school athletes)?

I think if your kid has a chance to go to a major college and even some day be a pro, I kind of see that, but even so I think its so easy for teens to get today, why push your kid in that way?

The example of the guy I gave earlier that bragged about his kid taking steroids in high school the semester and summer before starting college to play Division III basketball seems pretty lame to me.

For the kids that do go into major colleges clean, chances are they will end up getting it pushed on them at that time anyways by others at the college.
The benefits are so huge, that if you don’t and someone else does your chances or making the cut are drastically diminished. And as with everything when the payout is big, the risk of getting caught is small (and that doesn’t even always have to be so), you’re guaranteed that people cut corners…
Do you think a lot of top recruits in football like the best of the best use gear while their not tested innhoghshcool
Doubt it….cause they’re usually 20 years old alreay… who’ve been held back 5 years…. And just dominate people in their “grade” who are like 4 years younger than them…. On top of being already genetically gifted…

I’m sure some highschool sports player use though

Ps: 100 percent doing that with my son.
Going to tell the teacher each year….I’m not too impressed with his reading skills, hold him back…Hell thank me later when he’s a 18 year old freshman in highschool with a full ride to college lined up.
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When I was in hs there was at least 2 kids on my team on gear I knew for sure. I'd bet 2-4. Not to mention the sdrol that was legal and the original jacked 3d. One kid I played with dropped dead at the dinner table with his family massive heart attack.

But if ur gana need that in high school ur not gana make it past d4.
I was in high school many years ago and there was a few kids on the team who were taking gear. There was even a few who were pushing the limits and looked like grown men at 17.
Doubt it….cause they’re usually 20 years old alreay… who’ve been held back 5 years…. And just dominate people in their “grade” who are like 4 years younger than them…. On top of being already genetically gifted…

I’m sure some highschool sports player use though

Ps: 100 percent doing that with my son.
Going to tell the teacher each year….I’m not too impressed with his reading skills, hold him back…Hell thank me later when he’s a 18 year old freshman in highschool with a full ride to college lined up.
Maybe but back then kids like me made damn sure to make fun of “special” kids like that who needed to be held back so that they knew their place. I wasn’t the only one
Definitely man. Go watch some of the documentaries about steroid scandals getting caught. Puts it in perspective big time.

My friend dominated his way to the state finals in wrestling one year. Dude was making people with twice his experience look like JV scrubs.

His opponent in the finals was from a school that had a lot of steroid accusations on their football team. He walked out looking like a hulk. Most jacked 180lbs I’ve ever seen and barely 18 years old. This guy was so strong my friend couldn’t do a damn thing to him. The gap between 1st and 2nd place didn’t even make sense. I met a guy from that town a few years later and he told me that their school definitely had students on gear.
High school football players in Texas and Florida were using anabolic steroids in the 1960s. So maybe a few more 60+ years later in the 2020s.

WOW….. it baffles my mind how the athletes are able to do this, i mean LOOK!!! At the beasts that are fufilling the positions today, it so obvious they are juicing. Its confusing when you see this type of behavior being allowed, yet then the league and people running it talk about “rules” saying there is “anti” doping protocols are in place. When they are performing and look as they do now. And its so obviously, not occuring.

Then you see college athletes getting praise for doing it too, when they are breaking the rules. And to an outside eye or naive eye like my own, you believe it, because the rules are being “enforced”.
I used Epistane multiple times in highschool (2009ish) before I fully comprehended what it actually was. Dude at complete nutrition just it was the best they had for baseball players, lmao. This was back when it was stocked next to methyl test, dmz, sdrol and the like.

Between that and a pretty gnarly ball injury at 18 it set me.up to be on TRT for life by my early 20's. I'll make damn sure my son knows not to screw around with hormonal agents until they're old enough to warrant them.
And everyone says no to dbol only. Looks like it worked wonders for these football players back in the day.
Canada lost a gold medal in the olympics because of M. Johnson tested positive for stanazolol. Tbf it can be oral or injectable suspension.
Canada lost a gold medal in the olympics because of M. Johnson tested positive for stanazolol. Tbf it can be oral or injectable suspension.
Got it im aware of that, and I agree. But tbf i highly doubt those high school kids in the 60's took injectable dbol. Even Arnold said he was taking so many dbol tabs a day, In fact I'd probably bet money on it.

And injectable or oral if the same compound should have very similar results, beside the shot being less hepa toxic most likley.
Yeah I don’t think people cared about liver effects lol. They pop them like candies.
Yea I wish I could handle them they work great. Dbol adrol even anavar can mess with my IBD probably for the best I dont , I dont wana mess up my liver also my stomach an colon are already f'd up.