Peptide GHRP-6

i have done ghrp6 and cjc 1295 together 100mcg eacg 2x a day for a couple months - they work well - i would compair then to taking like 50mg anVAR a day / the ghrp6 make you very hungry which i love and the cjc-1295 makes your skin better and lose fat - neither build a high amount of muscle but you lose fat and get more musculare - my advise would be to use both together , but if you just had to use 1 use ghrp6 for the hunger effects to gain weight

i used mod, ghrp-6, ghrp2 combo. 300 units 3x day on workout days. If you don't combine them they are useless imo

morning, pre or post gym, and couple hours before bed.

I had one guy put on 16lbs with just mod, and he was already in good shape and low bf, even though i wouldnt do it that way.

Have you ever done rhgh? I know a lot of people just expect too much out of the peptides, rhgh is great, but the effect is much more subtle than most people think, and ive used phizer too.
Interesting the timing of this thread. Im actually starting a run of ghrp-6 / and cjc1293 ( or 1295 no dac or modified blah blah)
Ill be injecting 100mcg of each- 3x/day ..empty stomach. Ill also be running slin with them at 15ius. My protocol will be:
1-Upon rising: pin peps / 30 mins later pin slin (im starting slin at 5iu's and working up to 15) carb /pro shake during workout / pwo meal. Non workout days still do essentailly the same.
2-Midday peps on empty stomach.
3-Before bed peps on empty stomach.
Im also cruising on 225mgs test and 150 mgs deca e5d.

Ive heard so much conflicting data I decided I need to try for myself. I have a 12+ weeks supply and if i see anything i will go another 12.
I was considering a 5 on 2 off protocol as I like that with slin and thought perhaps it may aid in prevention of so called "desensitization".
Any thoughts ?

Looks good to me, it does keep some guys up at night though, if thats the case for you just move your last shot to a little earlier in the day.

I have an auto pen for mine, nor fridge or mixing needed :) I got sick of being restricted to the house to get my 3 shots in, the pen made it a lot easier for me :D

Lots of people say desensitization, but I am not entirely sure about it. I usually use them 3-4 months ad take a break anyway, since they seem to do work faster that rhGH for me.
Where do you get the pen from?
I have heard of the pen but don't know how to fill the cartridges or whatever. Please explain how it works.
Where do you get the pen from?
I have heard of the pen but don't know how to fill the cartridges or whatever. Please explain how it works.

I get the pen from my TRT provider, cartridges come filled :) its brainless :D

Its a bit more expensive through them but........:drooling: its good stuff
IGF-1 peptide is not the same as produced by the liver. The peptide IGF-1 is garbage. If you had any success with IGF-1 or MGF I would surely be surprised, localized growth my ass.

If you had some more posts I might not mistake you for a promoter.

Juced Blergs stop the shit please

friend was still logged in, anyway.

I never said local growth.. for the most part, i think that is bs myself.
why i pin subq and not IM.

IGF1 has shown many effects in growth in studies AND from my own use.
YEAH i promote IGF-1 because i have used it many times and LOVE it, have seen growth myself along with many others.

your pissed your pep cycle isnt working out, sorry to hear.
but dont bash all peptides many use and love them.
we are all promoters? I guess.
i guess TB500, igf1 lr3/des/ ec, ghrp,cjc,sermolin....all is BS ? [:eek:)]

you don't WANT to change what you think, thats the issue.
your wrong about peptides. if you think I am, thats fine. move on...
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For sure, you don't hear a lot of people happy with their peptide results so it's duly noted. alot expect WAY to much from peptides thats the issue, long term with new tissue it MAKES a big diff Well besides dipshit promoter Juced/Blergs..

Dude whats your f-ing issue with me.
im not pushing anyone to any stores or any products.
Im only saying and standing by what i believe, IGF and peptides WORK!
sorry yours dont... many others are with me.
dont fight with only me.
you think I am wrong? ok.. good for you. i feel bad your that close minded.

Dude whats your f-ing issue with me.
im not pushing anyone to any stores or any products.
Im only saying and standing by what i believe, IGF and peptides WORK!
sorry yours dont... many others are with me.
dont fight with only me.
you think I am wrong? ok.. good for you. i feel bad your that close minded.
I have no problem with you! Blergs is annoying though :)
The IGF-1 you buy from peptide companies isn't the same they use in studies. In most studies they inject directly into the tissue. Why would you do IGF-1 SubQ? You can hold your breath longer than it is active in your system. If you get results from IGF pinning subQ, I would be very happy to congratulate you. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. If you like them, that's great.
Words from the Old Vet: Everyone is different (to some degree), but after spending a lot on peptides, I just gave up waiting, waiting, waiting for significant results. Went back to hGH and was loving the slow increasing effects (until I discovered they could be killing me). Damned! No growth hormone releasers compare with exogenous growth hormone (of good quality) and that's a fact.

That being said, I think Melanotan II is a pretty effective peptide!:cool:

Melanotan is nice, you guys were talking about it so much I had to get some. Got a couple freckles that are darker now. Random spots, but other than that I liked it. Cialis & Melanotan can make things awkward in public though..
Melanotan is nice, you guys were talking about it so much I had to get some. Got a couple freckles that are darker now. Random spots, but other than that I liked it. Cialis & Melanotan can make things awkward in public though..
Wear loose swimming suit and tight shorts. :D

Words from the Old Vet: Everyone is different (to some degree), but after spending a lot on peptides, I just gave up waiting, waiting, waiting for significant results. Went back to hGH and was loving the slow increasing effects (until I discovered they could be killing me). Damned! No growth hormone releasers compare with exogenous growth hormone (of good quality) and that's a fact.

That being said, I think Melanotan II is a pretty effective peptide!:cool:


And which head would you be thinking with..........
Words from the Old Vet: Everyone is different (to some degree), but after spending a lot on peptides, I just gave up waiting, waiting, waiting for significant results. Went back to hGH and was loving the slow increasing effects (until I discovered they could be killing me). Damned! No growth hormone releasers compare with exogenous growth hormone (of good quality) and that's a fact.

That being said, I think Melanotan II is a pretty effective peptide!:cool:


How old are you Solo? The reason I ask is because the peptides don't work on the older guys, if the machinery up there is broken, you can not get stimulation. Anyone near or over 50 should consider rhGH over the peptides.
How old are you Solo? The reason I ask is because the peptides don't work on the older guys, if the machinery up there is broken, you can not get stimulation. Anyone near or over 50 should consider rhGH over the peptides.

Yeah, I've thought about that. My BW shows almost no LH or FSH activity, and, after all these years, there's probably very little natural GH either. So maybe the peptides had nothing to kick into gear. Exogenous GH, however, always did wonders for me, after a bit.

And you know I'm one of the frick'n ancients!:cool:
