Juice n Goose
New Member
Look my Brothers...I'm just a guy like ya'll but I've gotta tell you about PEP: I gotta guy who after 41/2 weeks tren-A,100mgED;T-prop,100mg ED;T-CYP 250mg,M-W-F is up 20.25lbs. 4,000Kcal/day(2G protein/lb of body mass/ day) ALL of my men are up appx 7-12% LBM in 4-5 weeks! The flax(both seed and oil) help so much as does GOOD protein! You can't just pin and get big. DIET,VERY HARD lifts(almost to exhaustion we don't believe in overtraining!) And PEP are the key!!! Wants your Gifts FAST? Packaged like a locomotive EVERY TIME? Just GO PEP!!!! Note:this is an unpaid endorsement!! HAHA!!! Seriously I have seen INCREDIBLE stuff from this gear!! Wanna make your dreams come true? Not afraid to WORK? Just GO PEP!! GOOSE