Hey Tao thanks for the response. I did find alot of info on Letro / clomid pct but alot of them had kind of conflicting info. Like one said if you have Letro that nolva is useless and that nolva actually makes the Letro less efficient. I don't have nolva because it was out of stock when I ordered. The short cycle is just so I can recover faster so I really wanna get the PCT down.
Another post mentioned the importance of having it "dialed in". In other members experience is that like .25mgs eod? Any members try anything different with success? Really appreciate the advice, kind of fear I should be posting it in a different forum now, sorry if I'm improperly posting this.
Bro your just trying to push down the negative information about PEP asking for advice.
Other members are answering you and your getting them to help you unknowingly.
Your new here and 80 % of your posts are about PEP.
Sure you posted on a few other threads trying to blend in but it's obvious your a PEP schill.
If your not, which I doubt, go post your cycle questions in the steroid forum section.