Pharma Grade UGL for trt?


New Member
Good evening ladies and gents im looking for what you guys think is the closest to pharma grade ugl out there for (trt), Ive done research on beligas, geneza, pharmacom, ultima, euro-pharmacies, prestige pharmaceuticals, pharmaqo etc. I would love some insight from you guys as i cannot make up my mind, Thank you

There’s no such thing as pharma grade ugl gear.

Find sources that ship to your country. Read their threads, usually takes hours, not minutes.
Check their testing threads too. See if they’re consistently testing raws, finished oils, new batches, etc. offering good testing incentives that are actually being used and blind tested by users that are matching what they’re putting out.
See how they handle fuck ups. See what kind of fuck ups they’re having.

Just read and make an informed decision.
Stop asking to be spoon fed. Take control of the spoon mother fucker
I;m using beligas now. Bloodwork is good. Ive used other smaller ugl in the past and they were fine as well. Also used pharma before but the price is so much more. Dont know if there is much of a difference
First things first, you can easily source real pharma grade testosterone if you're willing to spend extra money.

Finding a UGL and staying with it long term, meaning use something that harms as little as close to zero your health with toxic carrier oils and solvents isn't that hard. Do your research and find a UGL that brews with an organic oil, like sesame seed, GSO, MCT etc and besides that has only BA and BB. Nothing more. Try it and do a bloodwork after a month, if you tolerated well and CRP hasn't rise then you can stick with it as long as you will. Just my opinion.
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