Pharma mix 2 pharmacom - chem clarity lab test


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I'd say that the mix2 missed the mark by a long shot if this test is correct? It doesn't test for tren? Or did it not detect any tren?
I'd say that the mix2 missed the mark by a long shot if this test is correct? It doesn't test for tren? Or did it not detect any tren?

Tren was not detected, I found these lab tests on the forum uk muscle. still it seems strange. some of you have tried pharma mix 2?

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But if memory serves me correctly if you do a search here of the mix2, other guys had a better experience so don't take my word for it... I never did bloods to back up any claim oneway or the other
but a guy from uk forum
Op appreciate your effort and the info sharing. But outside testing from non members is void on Meso. How can Meso members guarantee the legitimacy of the OP? Is the testing OP a competitor? Personal beef? Reverse scammer? Imo best to post testing that's in house.
Op appreciate your effort and the info sharing. But outside testing from non members is void on Meso. How can Meso members guarantee the legitimacy of the OP? Is the testing OP a competitor? Personal beef? Reverse scammer? Imo best to post testing that's in house.

I think that all the lab tests (chem clarity, simec, Chemtox), must be taken with pliers, I personally, I believe 100% if I am, to send the sample. I shared these lab tests, then everyone interprets them, as he wants.

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