Pharma mix 2 pharmacom - chem clarity lab test

Way underdosed mast.
Not even supposed to have test prop.
And missed tren completely.

Should this test warrant a response from pharmacom??
The guy drew and transferred. So right there you will have questions come into play.
I compare it to Naps sending in their own gear. Then posting their results here with flying colors lol
Yes I have and wasn't impressed... I'd buy the compounds separately and use them, which is what I did

I have a friend who had the same experience. Wasn't impressed with the blend at all but no bloodwork. He had previously had luck with running each of compounds separately in their short ester forms from PCom. He has since gone back to doing that with better results. Unfortunately he has a big supply of Mix 2 still left.

For what it is worth he would se shocked if there was no tren in the mix based on many different factors but his belief was it was potentially under dosed.

Also for what it is worth I believe PCom posted some simec Mix 2 results which showed it being almost spot on not that long ago.
I have a friend who had the same experience. Wasn't impressed with the blend at all but no bloodwork. He had previously had luck with running each of compounds separately in their short ester forms from PCom. He has since gone back to doing that with better results. Unfortunately he has a big supply of Mix 2 still left.

For what it is worth he would se shocked if there was no tren in the mix based on many different factors but his belief was it was potentially under dosed.

Also for what it is worth I believe PCom posted some simec Mix 2 results which showed it being almost spot on not that long ago.
I did the exact same thing, all pcom stuff with good results... the first time I experienced the tren cough was during this time as well... yep hit a vein or nicked one I would say... I have one mix2 vial around some where myself but not a lot like your buddy... I read where bros suggested just get the compounds separately and I too suggest that myself
I've also ran mix 2 with tren like blood work, but can say it was full of gear, just can't say exactly what compounds or how much. Only ran 1ml/ enough for a mild dose to show effects. This was also at least a year ago...
Finally hang up the PC tin foil hat and now hearing this! lmao I give up :confused:

I hear you. I would put more faith in a host of good simec reports from anonymous samples @Millard Baker was responsible for than a report on one sample sent in by who knows who and what there motivation was.

Other than the dbol and mix2 I haven't seen or heard much negative on Pcom in terms of product quality. Obviously there have been some operational issues over the past 12 months which people can judge on their own before ordering as to how serious the problems are.
I hear you. I would put more faith in a host of good simec reports from anonymous samples @Millard Baker was responsible for than a report on one sample sent in by who knows who and what there motivation was.

Other than the dbol and mix2 I haven't seen or heard much negative on Pcom in terms of product quality. Obviously there have been some operational issues over the past 12 months which people can judge on their own before ordering as to how serious the problems are.
Don't forget the GH ;)
Testo rapid alpha pharma

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Interesting...considering that Alpha Pharma has come back underdosed using this same test(company) on other boards. Definitely thought provoking...
Seems that alpha pharma typically has correct doses for their product. I'm thinking I'm gonna do an all alpha pharma cycle after as my 2nd one and compare to Pcom.
Seems that alpha pharma typically has correct doses for their product. I'm thinking I'm gonna do an all alpha pharma cycle after as my 2nd one and compare to Pcom.
Ive heard positive things about Alpha. However, i have seen underdosed results with this particular testing company. Nothing significant I might add. Nor have I investigated this thoroughly...just from scrolling around. Running a comparison of two cycles comparing AP & PC would definitely be interesting...
Ive heard positive things about Alpha. However, i have seen underdosed results with this particular testing company. Nothing significant I might add. Nor have I investigated this thoroughly...just from scrolling around. Running a comparison of two cycles comparing AP & PC would definitely be interesting...

I'll make note of that and keep a log. Hopefully there will be some benefit. But I would have to preface the review as the Pcom cycle will be my first cycle to run of aas. I've completed several pro hormone cycles but I doubt that holds any weight. I just know I'm prone to the puffnips.
Interesting...considering that Alpha Pharma has come back underdosed using this same test(company) on other boards. Definitely thought provoking...

Alpha pharma underdosed? Perhaps, you are doing confusion with another brand

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however, in general, the mixes were very inaccurate on chem clarity lab test, many brands have problems with the mix. For example Rhom labs with the blend omnadec (200 mg/ml sustanon + 200 mg/ml deca)

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@ronin17 @Whoremoans talk about to ironic lol Can't believe I'm going to say this. Considering most of the PC Anobolic testing results here have bin a postive. I'm kinda skeptical seeing these results :eek: o_O

@CdnGuy I opened this up and laughed my ass off. Talk about coincidence after last nights topic right?

I agree with you, after years of members independantly sending in tests, Al tests, members blood work, all of which were good, I find these results suspicious to say the least.

Also, these are the same people who tried to discredit AL in order to push thier own lab.
I do trust Simec but I do not know who are the rest. When I spoke to the guy doing the testing he sounded like he did not have clue what he is doing.

I see on some 125 mg/ml test prop, I assume the vial was marked 100 mg/ml, that would be really overdosed. I do not believe those results are credible.
Alpha pharma underdosed? Perhaps, you are doing confusion with another brand

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AP test E came back at 183mg/ml.
Same testing service, so not sure what to believe really.
Also note, the results say drostanolone enanthate, not propionate (which is what mix 2 is supposed to have)

Hope that the results here are BS because I've got a handful of this stuff I plan to run this spring.