Pharma mix 2 pharmacom - chem clarity lab test

Lol, your last sentence is definitely true. I'm not here for the community - just like most are just here for themselves. Seriously, do guys actually join these kind of forums to get part of one big cozy family and hug, dance and altruistically share whatever they're sharing? Sounds pretty sad to me but to each there own.

And maybe we should continue this conversation in fluent Dutch so you can see mate is not an exclusive word used by native UK people? Or maybe get ultimate proof and pick up the gauntlet thrown at mercury? What do you think bloke?

I think I like dutch people even less after this thread. In all seriousness though, I have lost intrest in spending anymore time on you.

You have an agenda which is to discredit AL and simec. What your motivations are for doing so Im not sure.

Being that both have been extremely successful in both harm reduction and making educated decisions in this lifestyle makes me really question your motives.

Why would you try to discredit something that has been extremely positive for not only our "community" but the bb community as a whole?

I can only guess but it usually revolves around money. That or you're just a complete tool that has way too much time on his hands and shouldn't be involved in this community or lifestyle.

And yes many of us do consider this a family and a community because we're not a bunch of self-serving Twinks like yourself.

So cheerio and have a nice Christmas or whatever it is you fucking people do :)
Could you please send me link on this thread in PM ?

I don't beleive in this. Underdosed/crashed gear it's "standard claims". But here we see that:
1) Missed Tren
2) MastE insted MastP
3) TestProp instead Test Phenyl

Ehm, it's simply impossible. I don't know what was tested but it's not our product.

This is what I am talking about this lab is a complete mess or scam or they do not have clue how to test. I looked at reports posted which came from this lab, those results are not credible.

Simec cost more but Simec and other reputable labs are the way to go not this guy.
I always questioned where the gear came from that was my biggest question. Whenever I seen independent tests being done on UGLs in the past the test results were all over the place and then AB comes along and every body is hitting bullseyes left and right. That is what I find suspicious coming off with your attitude was not cool. I have a right to an opinion just as you do and my opinion is something isn't right. I don't think simec is deliberately taking bribe money to give the gtg. Maybe one person in their outfit is maybe someone is funneling cherry picked vials for testing to simec with just enough fails to give a feeling of legitimacy. But some of the labs in question have had multiple complaints about being weak and underdosed but then simec comes along and they are putting out pharmacy grade gear? Call me a conspiracy theorist but I'm not the only one who feels this way and have had many conversations privately about this subject but few are willing to speak up and go against the grain due to AB's popularity on here.

And I respect your opinion. I apologize if I came off aggressive. There are plenty of failed test though. There are plenty of over-under dosed products.

I believe one of the reasons there are a high number of "good tests" is because it usually the bigger ugls that get tested.

They seem to do a better job than most.
You have an agenda which is to discredit AL and simec. What your motivations are for doing so Im not sure.
I tried to have a solid discussion with, even asking you to ignore my supposed motives and only focus on the substance of my arguments but you continue to attack my character by calling me names and mispresenting my statements. Not sure wether you're doing this intentionally or you simply lack reading comprehension - but by reading your post history it seems to be a consistent pattern.

Regardless, I never attacked AL. If you go back to my first post I clearly stated that I think that *if* there is any problem it is originating from SIMEC's side and not AL:

I don't think it's p2p however. If that were the case crap UGL's like Shree who have consistently tested bad would a) have outed this and b) showed their own analysis (with a clean sample or not) to disprove these results. If anything is going on it's coming from SIMEC's side (dry labbing) - which might actually be known - or not - to the testers involved.

Being that both have been extremely successful in both harm reduction and making educated decisions in this lifestyle makes me really question your motives.

Why would you try to discredit something that has been extremely positive for not only our "community" but the bb community as a whole?

With all due respect but that's not an argument at all. Besides the fact that both argument are entirely dependent on the validity of the lab analyses (which yes, I do question), my supposed motives are *AGAIN* entirely seperate from the substance of my arguments.

I can only guess but it usually revolves around money. That or you're just a complete tool that has way too much time on his hands and shouldn't be involved in this community or lifestyle.

And yes many of us do consider this a family and a community because we're not a bunch of self-serving Twinks like yourself.

So this is coming from a guy who was has been in the AAS game for just over a year and adds dozens of post to this board on Christmas Eve?! Not sure why I'm even responding to this - so I'll just quit arguing with you right here. Feel free to re-open our 'discussion' once you can mature up and are able to get past the fallacies, biases and childish adhominems.

Merry X-mas :)
I tried to have a solid discussion with, even asking you to ignore my supposed motives and only focus on the substance of my arguments but you continue to attack my character by calling me names and mispresenting my statements. Not sure wether you're doing this intentionally or you simply lack reading comprehension - but by reading your post history it seems to be a consistent pattern.

Regardless, I never attacked AL. If you go back to my first post I clearly stated that I think that *if* there is any problem it is originating from SIMEC's side and not AL:

I don't think it's p2p however. If that were the case crap UGL's like Shree who have consistently tested bad would a) have outed this and b) showed their own analysis (with a clean sample or not) to disprove these results. If anything is going on it's coming from SIMEC's side (dry labbing) - which might actually be known - or not - to the testers involved.

With all due respect but that's not an argument at all. Besides the fact that both argument are entirely dependent on the validity of the lab analyses (which yes, I do question), my supposed motives are *AGAIN* entirely seperate from the substance of my arguments.


So this is coming from a guy who was has been in the AAS game for just over a year and adds dozens of post to this board on Christmas Eve?! Not sure why I'm even responding to this - so I'll just quit arguing with you right here. Feel free to re-open our 'discussion' once you can mature up and are able to get past the fallacies, biases and childish adhominems.

Merry X-mas :)

Ill tell you what, Ill give you th benefit of the doubt. You produce tangible evidence that there are flaws with simecs testing procedures and I will review it.

Dont post a link about the "possibility" of dry sampling or any other possible scenarios.

Real evidence. Not conjecture. Bias or not Simec is the standard here for good reason.

I like how you backtracked on Al. Discrediting simec is discrediting al.
I think that all the lab tests (chem clarity, simec, Chemtox), must be taken with pliers, I personally, I believe 100% if I am, to send the sample. I shared these lab tests, then everyone interprets them, as he wants.

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Sir, first of all, let's straighten some things out, Chemtox and SIMEC are testing laboratories, GMP and ISO accredited. ChemClarity is not a company, it's just an internet project with a good story behind claiming to send the products to a third party testing laboratory.

ChemClarity intensely advertise their services on several boards, including on UK-M. You will never see SIMEC and CHEMTOX, laboratories working with governmental agencies and sports federations advertising on UG boards. They also tried to open a thread here on MESO for advertising but failed miserably in delivering the proper answers, proving themselves to be selective readers when several members starting a small investigation of their project ( false HLPC graphics showing on their page, their location in a small house near a forest as the satellite images showed etc: New Testing Company -

Now, regarding the posts from UK-M. They were all DELETED and my replies regarding the MIX-2 subject on that thread were never approved, pending for moderation for more than a week now. The mods announced that ChemClarity created a lot of fuss and lot's of lab reps were trying to register to comment on the results and they don't want to transform UK-M into that. It's very hard for me to trust that answer when ChemClarity's banners proudly stands on their homepage.

The owner of ChemClarity is a UK-M member. They discredited both SIMEC and AnabolicLab several months ago. When they figure out that there is a serious possible financial gain from working with MESO and not against them, they changed their speech and joined this forum.

This test initiative came from Eroids, a board where Pharmacom Labs is the oldest source, active since 2010 and always ranked in Top 3.
Even the person who sent the Mix-2 vial for testing was shocked to see the results "NO TREN PRESENT" since he clearly experienced all the tren related sides:

I have been following pharmacom for couple years and been using pharmacom with success every time.
And as far as it goes for mix 2, 100% tren presents, I know how I feel and react to tren and it was there. Personally I loved mix2 that's why I do not believe this results to be legit.

I still find it hard to believe that mix 2 had 50 prop 30 mast e. I got great results of it and it was the best blend I used which I also stated in the topic. But technically I am right, they have created a chaos with all the lab results been released lately. Even real pharma grade products coming back well off which makes me doubt them even more.

In one of my replies to this matter, that wasn't accepted, I was offering 50 vials of Mix-2 from the same batch to members for them to test it and indeed confirm that there is no Tren inside. Let's not forget what the results were, Mix-2 is not Tren-underdosed ... it has ABSOLUTELY NO tren inside, not present !! :))

2 more members from UK-M with several hundreds posts chimed in and also stated they used Mix-2 this year and there is no way Tren wasn't present there:

1: I've used Mix2 a good few times and it 100% had tren a in it you can taste it lol.

2: Used pharmacom mix 2 twice and its best rip blend I used

On Eroids, since August, we offered at least 30k worth of samples each month. Our promo giveaways on that board are always huge and lots of members review our products and share honest feedback. Mix-2 was widely used by our customers this year so HUNDREDS of reviews can be found of it, not just on Eroids ... it was ranked our 7th place best seller product this year which represents a HUGE demand for such a blend of compounds.

Not mentioning our Mix-2 was tested by SIMEC this year. They couldn't test Masteron Propionate so only released results for the other 2 compounds (Tren and Mast) ... apparently ChemClarity could test Masteron, probably due to their state of the art technology but also found that our product contains Test-P instead of Test-PH and also Mast-E instead of Mast_P ...... JESUSSSSS CHRIST !!!!!

We don't even know if our product was the one that was tested. There is a small tube, unlabeled, which says Pharmacom Mix-2. As you well know, samples are sent for testing SEALED and of course, in their original packaging.
We tend to agree too much only because that thing, a project or a company has an internet page and a plausible background story with some nice pics.
90% of our customers also think we are a pharmaceutical company legally distributing in many states just because our professional presentation, but we're not, we're still an UGL, one of the best and biggest in the world, but still an UGL that needs to be verified on the boards, tested and inspected as you have all the right to claim and do.

Most of you still think that making some gear with the right concentrations is very hard or impossible to do by an UGL. That's not true, it's not rocket science.
We're not researching cures for Cancer or Aids nor do gene therapy. You just have put some fucking raws in an oil and make sure while you cook them everything's sterile. It's very easy if you have the proper finance to invest in the right equipment and optimum legislation in the origin country. For example our 500mg/1ml products were tested many times perfectly and many still claim now that you can't suspend an ester to more than 250mg ....

Bad rep in the UGL world is because there are many bathtub gear manufacturers with fancy websites and cool story behind which eventually fail miserably. This has fueled the skepticism of the whole UG community to trust any kind of UGL, justly. However, we are only a few manufacturers currently operating that have a product line that can always compete with pharma grade stuff.

Pharmacom Labs invested millions in the production line and also in its own testing equipment. In addition to our own testing we send to accredited labs samples of raws before the manufacturing process is started and also finished products at the end.
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People said the same thing about Alpha Pharma. They had this untouchable reputation - then we saw a video of what looked like one of their labs get busted in Poland.

The reply from above was not written by a source owner, a lab rep or not even a regular board member. It was written by CHEMCLARITY itself on Uk-M.
Very interesting to say the least and unethical from a so called LAB TESTING COMPANY to comment on such things. "busts ... UG reputations .." smh ...

Far beyond their competence to comment something like that, officially, even on their homeboard, UK-MUSCLE

We are among the few manufactures that are extremely favored by new authorized testing companies on the market which can be accessible for our customers to use because this will sort most of the shady UGL and shed more light to this industry.

However, when we see their report of our PharmaMix-2 with no Trenbolone agent present yet the person who sent you the sample reported all the Tren signs and sides, same as 2 other members who posted afterwards that used the same batch ... I'll let others to judge ...
However, when we see their report of our PharmaMix-2 with no Trenbolone agent present yet the person who sent you the sample reported all the Tren signs and sides, same as 2 other members who posted afterwards that used the same batch ... I'll let others to judge ...

I have pointed it a few times that this guy is not a chemist, he does not have clue what he is talking about and the test results are questionable.

I rather spend $300 on Simec and have reliable results than wasting on this guy $10 and getting made up or fake test results. I saw him trying to discredit AL and Simec while he has not idea about testing and chemistry.
Lines on pic are obviously due to cropping. Original can be found on ukm
To coincide with Chemclarity/Chemtox/Simec etc, someone on UKM was sponsored by a lab, Infiniti, now called Sis, probably one of the top 3 ugl's in the country. Infinit supplied this person with his gear as he was trying to hit powerlifting pb's.
He used their TTM500, 300 test e, 100 tren e, 100mast e.
He sample from his vial was sent to ChemClarity, if he had any affiliation with this lab he certainly wouldn't have posted the lab report up. Infiniti didn't believe the result so paid for a Chemtox test from the same vial, results are above, the Chemtox report being nearly 3x that of Chemclarity from the same vial.

It seems that Chemclarity do indeed use a legitimate well established lab to test their gear but they only appear to rent the HPLC machine for one or two days a week. The tester has no chemistry knowledge whatsoever and has had a crash course in the use of the equipment which obviously leads to inconsistencies. On UKM he asks too many school boy questions that any first year lab tech could answer. One being he thought the breakdown point of raws was indeed their melting point. The breakdown temp is written in the Merck Index, a publication used globally as a reference for most chemistry/science labs. For him not to know this just shows his limited knowledge


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The tester has no chemistry knowledge whatsoever and has had a crash course in the use of the equipment which obviously leads to inconsistencies.

This is what I am talking about, this guy is pushing his web site as big testing company but it is all too shady. He is just opportunist trying to make some money, they same like scammers selling you fake gear.

You can see right away that he has no clue about testing and the equipment, it is just waste of time and money on questionable results. You want real and accurate results you need to spend some money on lab like Simec.
Op appreciate your effort and the info sharing. But outside testing from non members is void on Meso. How can Meso members guarantee the legitimacy of the OP? Is the testing OP a competitor? Personal beef? Reverse scammer? Imo best to post testing that's in house.

You again hit the nail on the head. Reading through the thread shows that this "test" is bogus from a guy who has no business broadcasting his "findings" of aas compounds and their dosing.

Spot on bro.
Don't forget the GH ;)

Their GH is degraded and they to my knowledge have yet to own up to it.
Its expensive and its degraded. I shot 5iu of pcom HGH exactly 3 hours before bloods and my GH serum level was only at a 2 and change! Ive pulled a 12 and change HGH serum level from a boom dose of mod grf and Ipam.

Ive been very happy with their gear. But i want my 500 bucks back for the shit GH.
Their GH is degraded and they to my knowledge have yet to own up to it.
Its expensive and its degraded. I shot 5iu of pcom HGH exactly 3 hours before bloods and my GH serum level was only at a 2 and change! Ive pulled a 12 and change HGH serum level from a boom dose of mod grf and Ipam.

Ive been very happy with their gear. But i want my 500 bucks back for the shit GH.
Their GH is degraded and they to my knowledge have yet to own up to it.
Its expensive and its degraded. I shot 5iu of pcom HGH exactly 3 hours before bloods and my GH serum level was only at a 2 and change! Ive pulled a 12 and change HGH serum level from a boom dose of mod grf and Ipam.

Ive been very happy with their gear. But i want my 500 bucks back for the shit GH.
That's the latest test on pharmatropin. It shows that it contain 9.4 iu of hgh in 10 iu vial.
Not in my batch bro. This shit is degraded. I get more CT from peptides than "5iu" of this stuff. id bet mine has less than 2iu of gh per vial going by my bloods.

Im hoping that theyre really addressing this issue. But im sticking with anny's from here out.
Their GH is degraded and they to my knowledge have yet to own up to it.
Its expensive and its degraded. I shot 5iu of pcom HGH exactly 3 hours before bloods and my GH serum level was only at a 2 and change! Ive pulled a 12 and change HGH serum level from a boom dose of mod grf and Ipam.

Ive been very happy with their gear. But i want my 500 bucks back for the shit GH.
And where are these imaginary bloods?
Labs_9_08_16.png Right here:
Bloods from September - boom dose of IPam+mod 1-29 before bloods were drawn
GH at serum at a 12.15 ng/ml


Here are my most recent bloods from when i hit 5 iu's of Pcom GH exactly 3 hours before blood was taken. The results speak for themselves, pathetic.