MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

You have no shame. I sure as hell would not publicly announce I was ordering from pharmacom again after that thread. I'll let you live. I accomplished my goal

just wanted to say thank you publicly. we've never exchanged a single communication and I don't know you but that dumb fuck Bill really went out of his way to talk shit on Pcom with only his gut feeling and you called him out on it. Good job. I've been on here awhile and cycling for 20 years and yet I'm still amazed how fucking stupid some people are.
The Mix 2 needs some attention...see thread with failed lab tests. Not sure if the legitimacy of the test, but pretty sure we at least need a response. Thanks!
The Mix 2 needs some attention...see thread with failed lab tests. Not sure if the legitimacy of the test, but pretty sure we at least need a response. Thanks!
Few months ago our MIX2 were tested in Simec. Results below:

There were only 2 substances tested, because Simec has no proven method to test masteron.
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Just wanted to wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
Thank you to our customers using our products, this gives us motivation to work. Thanks to those who is criticizing us, it gives us a reason to reconsider and enhance our policies and services.
Hopefully we launch new products in new year and gladden you with even better quality and service.
I wish to have a great Christmas weekend to everyone!

p.s. if someone has issues with our promo (page with bonuses is reloading not letting to complete the order), please let us know. However, i checked everything several times at mobile device and from Windows as well as Macos and all worked fine.
Just wanted to wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
Thank you to our customers using our products, this gives us motivation to work. Thanks to those who is criticizing us, it gives us a reason to reconsider and enhance our policies and services.
Hopefully we launch new products in new year and gladden you with even better quality and service.
I wish to have a great Christmas weekend to everyone!

p.s. if someone has issues with our promo (page with bonuses is reloading not letting to complete the order), please let us know. However, i checked everything several times at mobile device and from Windows as well as Macos and all worked fine.

Those are the same xmas pictures from last year. Lame.
Are you guys trusting the amps?

Just placed a big order, but I know there hasn't been much data on em..

You will be fine. They overestimated demand for amps and made too many. The sale is simply to clear out old inventory. If you trust their vials there is no reason at all not to trust their amps.
I'm thinking next time I'll stay away from the mixes as well, probably even PC all together. Went through 4 bottles of mix two last year and was tremendously unimpressed. Not only that but i had their straight tren a and cyp 250 and although i did gain on cycle it wasn't nearly what it should have been. Plus i used to make my own tren back in the day and i had NO sides whatsoever. Although i was suspicious and saved the bottles i never shared my negative experience on EVO bc PC was gone by then. Now that I'm on Meso and PC has a presence here i thought i should share, especially after reading this. I wanted it to not be true so i literally just cracked open one more bottle i had of each mix 2 and tren a and did a big blast of both, second shot coming in t minus a few minutes. But yeah i wish i hadn't opened them now knowing i could have sent them in for testing, and bloods are not going to do any good since I don't have nearly enough and need to add my vermodje products soon. I just wanted to give them another shot and see if the last two bottles would give me some of those all too familiar tren sides. I may give Franks amps a shot since they're so cheap but I'll find my tren elsewhere unless i get some sign of even the most miniscule sides these next few weeks

I'm thinking next time I'll stay away from the mixes as well, probably even PC all together. Went through 4 bottles of mix two last year and was tremendously unimpressed. Not only that but i had their straight tren a and cyp 250 and although i did gain on cycle it wasn't nearly what it should have been. Plus i used to make my own tren back in the day and i had NO sides whatsoever. Although i was suspicious and saved the bottles i never shared my negative experience on EVO bc PC was gone by then. Now that I'm on Meso and PC has a presence here i thought i should share, especially after reading this. I wanted it to not be true so i literally just cracked open one more bottle i had of each mix 2 and tren a and did a big blast of both, second shot coming in t minus a few minutes. But yeah i wish i hadn't opened them now knowing i could have sent them in for testing, and bloods are not going to do any good since I don't have nearly enough and need to add my vermodje products soon. I just wanted to give them another shot and see if the last two bottles would give me some of those all too familiar tren sides. I may give Franks amps a shot since they're so cheap but I'll find my tren elsewhere unless i get some sign of even the most miniscule sides these next few weeks

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Why do the tops look like that?
Gotta get every last drop come on bro you don't throw that .2 ml in the bottle you can't get with the topper on haha do you?

Haha exactly! Hulk shred! But not so much with mix 2!
That's for the T gods lmao

Nobody will ever be able to say you wasted any
Haha fucking right! A pair of needle nose and the tops pop right off. Don't tell me you won't be doing this from now on haha yeahhh budddyyy!
Lol, honestly no. Too much work, I make sure I buy enough. I take a small loss into consideration when ordering and planning cycle
The T gods need their share too
I am on TrenE and finally started to get some feeling to it, i.e sweats when sleeping.. This doesnt mean much but, seems good enough for now.