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I wasn't trying to scam anyone. I was upset with my results. And who are you? You come in here 2 months ago and start racking up likes and messages commenting constantly, seemingly looking for approval....sound just like joedoe to me....trying to get everyone to like and trust you real quick...then rob people quick and bounce....calm down fuckboy. I'm not scamming anyone. I made my peace. I wanna help the community. And myself. I appreciate this site and I'm learning. I very much appreciate that a much more notable member such as @CdnGuy, that actually has roasted me before, is now wishing me well on my cycle. We live we learn. Once again sorry for causing waves in the past. If I had known I needed bloods to get credit from everyone I would have. I ended up not being able to afford it. I realize this makes me look assholish....we've all been there. I would appreciate it if you'd let me live justfish. Otherwise I'll keep on riding and put my blinders on when u comment.
You have no shame. I sure as hell would not publicly announce I was ordering from pharmacom again after that thread. I'll let you live. I accomplished my goal
It was just blatant he was trying to scam free gear with that thread in my eyes. I'll let it go though. I just figured people should see what kind of shit he was trying
In my eyes, I know I wasn't. So really it doesn't matter to me what anybody thinks. And let it go?? No please let's keep it going fucker. I'll fuckin throw fire right back at you home skillet. Tactic number one of corrupt mother fuckers: keep the attention and blame on someone else in an attempt to make yourself look better while you run off with the loot. Come on Mr. Corrupt, tell them more how horrible I am.
You know what? I need someone to let it all out on right now. Get me goin fucker. Bill Bixcer your neighborhood reverse scamming shill is back in business. Let's do this guy
Damn right bro....I got no shame in my game....nothing to hide. I put it all out there. Sometimes I look like an asshole because of it. But at least I don't hide it. Or run from it. So please sir let's do this. I love sitting behind a computer screen and hearing some pussy act like he's the shit but in person wouldn't swing on me if I was attached to a slide and a seesaw in a playground. I've had mixed experiences with many companies. Sometimes the same company is good one cycle then shit the thing I learned, next time I'll get bloods. To me it felt like I wasn't getting much more than I could get naturally from that cycle...excluding the dbol which was THE BOMB. FIRE. FUEGO. I'm admitting like a man that perhaps I was wrong and just upset. I was just reading a pic and post of bloods a couple weeks ago from a dude using i think pharmacom test 500....and his bloods came back way under what they should be. So maybe I was expecting a much better result and not getting it?! Idk. That's why when my buddy did his cycle, and everything was a success, I said fuck it one more shot. I really do like the pharmacom presentation. The vial stoppers are silicone and don't leave floaters in my needles or the vial. The "ingredients" and overall presentation....very nice. Large selection to choose from. And your from Jersey? Shouldn't you be on the shore doing jager-bombs with your Polo shirts collar popped and twelve lbs of gel and hairspray holding your ceasar haircut up?? Or getting a nice oompa loompa orange spray tan?
Damn right bro....I got no shame in my game....nothing to hide. I put it all out there. Sometimes I look like an asshole because of it. But at least I don't hide it. Or run from it. So please sir let's do this. I love sitting behind a computer screen and hearing some pussy act like he's the shit but in person wouldn't swing on me if I was attached to a slide and a seesaw in a playground. I've had mixed experiences with many companies. Sometimes the same company is good one cycle then shit the thing I learned, next time I'll get bloods. To me it felt like I wasn't getting much more than I could get naturally from that cycle...excluding the dbol which was THE BOMB. FIRE. FUEGO. I'm admitting like a man that perhaps I was wrong and just upset. I was just reading a pic and post of bloods a couple weeks ago from a dude using i think pharmacom test 500....and his bloods came back way under what they should be. So maybe I was expecting a much better result and not getting it?! Idk. That's why when my buddy did his cycle, and everything was a success, I said fuck it one more shot. I really do like the pharmacom presentation. The vial stoppers are silicone and don't leave floaters in my needles or the vial. The "ingredients" and overall presentation....very nice. Large selection to choose from. And your from Jersey? Shouldn't you be on the shore doing jager-bombs with your Polo shirts collar popped and twelve lbs of gel and hairspray holding your ceasar haircut up?? Or getting a nice oompa loompa orange spray tan?
Lmao. Do you know where the cast of jersey shore was from? Your ignorance is only eclipsed by how much of a broke bitch you are. Have fun trying to scam more free gear loser. Your right I wouldn't swing on you I would wait for you to swing that way when shit goes bad it was self defense. Your so tough, that's why your avi is a motorcycle lol. Frail ass pussy. The gear is not the reason your still a bitch. It's your piss poor genetics and general lack of work. Which you obviously need to do more of so you don't have to cry like a bitch on a public forum trying to scam free gear.
In my eyes, I know I wasn't. So really it doesn't matter to me what anybody thinks. And let it go?? No please let's keep it going fucker. I'll fuckin throw fire right back at you home skillet. Tactic number one of corrupt mother fuckers: keep the attention and blame on someone else in an attempt to make yourself look better while you run off with the loot. Come on Mr. Corrupt, tell them more how horrible I am.
You know what? I need someone to let it all out on right now. Get me goin fucker. Bill Bixcer your neighborhood reverse scamming shill is back in business. Let's do this guy
I hope @Pharmacom Labs sends you vegetable oil for trying to scam them lol
Lmao. Do you know where the cast of jersey shore was from? Your ignorance is only eclipsed by how much of a broke bitch you are. Have fun trying to scam more free gear loser. Your right I wouldn't swing on you I would wait for you to swing that way when shit goes bad it was self defense. Your so tough, that's why your avi is a motorcycle lol. Frail ass pussy. The gear is not the reason your still a bitch. It's your piss poor genetics and general lack of work. Which you obviously need to do more of so you don't have to cry like a bitch on a public forum trying to scam free gear.
I said the shore....not the cast of jersey shore. And at 6ft 195lbs 15% bodyfat....what makes you such a hard worker?? And yes I would expect you to wait for me to swing because you are bitch made. My AVI....I guess most everyone else also must have shitty genetics....including all the most well known members because most of them don't use their mirror selfies as well.
I haven't got an abscess from test suspension myself. I just got 6 bottles for this cycle and 2 bottles of tren suspension just for preworkout. Oh and justfish buddy, you'll be the first to know if I do!! I figure you'll like it.
Oh and while we're at it, what are your stats Mr. genetic king??? I'm 6ft as well 218 lbs at the present moment, 10-12% bf, my right arm is 18" left 17.5". I don't like to ever make fun of someone and how they look but....What's up with the teenie baseball sized biceps bro?? I mean I know I'm no genetic wonder boy but buddy....I'm not trying to be judgemental it's just....well....a guy shaped like Michael Phelps shouldn't go throwing stones.
I said the shore....not the cast of jersey shore. And at 6ft 195lbs 15% bodyfat....what makes you such a hard worker?? And yes I would expect you to wait for me to swing because you are bitch made. My AVI....I guess most everyone else also must have shitty genetics....including all the most well known members because most of them don't use their mirror selfies as well.
Where do those bennies come from you ignorant fucking loser? Not from Jersey you dumb fuck. Good luck with the source scamming loser
Oh and while we're at it, what are your stats Mr. genetic king??? I'm 6ft as well 218 lbs at the present moment, 10-12% bf, my right arm is 18" left 17.5". I don't like to ever make fun of someone and how they look but....What's up with the teenie baseball sized biceps bro?? I mean I know I'm no genetic wonder boy but buddy....I'm not trying to be judgemental it's just....well....a guy shaped like Michael Phelps shouldn't go throwing stones.
And how much scammed free gear did it take you to get there? Obviously more than you can afford lol
Oh and while we're at it, what are your stats Mr. genetic king??? I'm 6ft as well 218 lbs at the present moment, 10-12% bf, my right arm is 18" left 17.5". I don't like to ever make fun of someone and how they look but....What's up with the teenie baseball sized biceps bro?? I mean I know I'm no genetic wonder boy but buddy....I'm not trying to be judgemental it's just....well....a guy shaped like Michael Phelps shouldn't go throwing stones.
I've only been back to lifting a year after being out for 3 years. And only on Trt dosage. What's your excuse? PS: those stats and avi are old lol
Oh and while we're at it, what are your stats Mr. genetic king??? I'm 6ft as well 218 lbs at the present moment, 10-12% bf, my right arm is 18" left 17.5". I don't like to ever make fun of someone and how they look but....What's up with the teenie baseball sized biceps bro?? I mean I know I'm no genetic wonder boy but buddy....I'm not trying to be judgemental it's just....well....a guy shaped like Michael Phelps shouldn't go throwing stones.
That's why there's a motorcycle in your avi. You've already proven your word means shit. You are a lying scheming scumbag. Good luck with that. Now get the fuck out
I said the shore....not the cast of jersey shore. And at 6ft 195lbs 15% bodyfat....what makes you such a hard worker?? And yes I would expect you to wait for me to swing because you are bitch made. My AVI....I guess most everyone else also must have shitty genetics....including all the most well known members because most of them don't use their mirror selfies as well.
Ask your girl about my hard work
Haha!! Nice justfish!!! You are obviously a sherlock holmes in his prime ;) you have got me figured right out lololololol. I seriously apologize to the members of meso for all of these horrible things I've done that our dear justfish has so eloquently exposed me for. Forget "get the fuck out" of this board, I just may have to honorably take my own life for my scandalous and inexplicable unwarranted actions.

This has been yet another message from your local neighborhood reverse scamming shill, BILL BIXCER.
Oh and "those stats are old" in the 2 months you've been on meso if you've been cycling you MUST be up to a whopping 200 lbs of pure the way your body screams planet fitness weight machine limit....(in a jersey accent)today bro, I hit the 240 limit on the chest press machine....yeah, I'm going pro.