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Any Updates from Pharmacom Labs regarding the Mix-2 result?

BTW If the SIMEC can not test Masteron, Why didn't they test the Masteron in Mix-2 and Mix-6 with any other third party lab?
The Masteron actually are not contained in them, are it?
Any Updates from Pharmacom Labs regarding the Mix-2 result?

BTW If the SIMEC can not test Masteron, Why didn't they test the Masteron in Mix-2 and Mix-6 with any other third party lab?
The Masteron actually are not contained in them, are it?
Hello, our position is clearly enough: Pharma mix 2 pharmacom - chem clarity lab test
We don't know what was tested but this is not our product.
If you want to ask something about Simec work, better way to ask them directly:
Contact Us - Anabolic Lab
Because we don't know specific of Simec work.
And our MIX2 and MIX6 contains Masteron
Hello, our position is clearly enough: Pharma mix 2 pharmacom - chem clarity lab test
We don't know what was tested but this is not our product.
If you want to ask something about Simec work, better way to ask them directly:
Contact Us - Anabolic Lab
Because we don't know specific of Simec work.
And our MIX2 and MIX6 contains Masteron

Yeah i don't trust that test either since it's wrong in so many aspects. At least i hope it's not right, actually it better not be fucking right! Haha but truth is so many labs struggle with mixes and PC is no different. You can show us those labs all you want but i went through 4 full bottles of mix 2, an ml roughly every 36hrs. And it fucking sucked! Absolutely no sides at all and results were not at all what they should have been. I'm not even sure their test was that good bc i was not shut down after cycle whatsoever but maybe i was just unlucky. This was all before A-labs and the offer of Simec testing. I wanted to give basic another shot so i cracked open another bottle of mix 2 and straight tren a like 5 days ago which i absolutely regret BC i would have sent it straight to Simec. I don't want to talk to much shit bc i have no proof except empty bottles but I'll see if these last bottles of each produce any sides. I would get bloods but like I've stated before i don't have enough and need to supplement my cycle with vermodje soon.
Yeah i don't trust that test either since it's wrong in so many aspects. At least i hope it's not right, actually it better not be fucking right! Haha but truth is so many labs struggle with mixes and PC is no different. You can show us those labs all you want but i went through 4 full bottles of mix 2, an ml roughly every 36hrs. And it fucking sucked! Absolutely no sides at all and results were not at all what they should have been. I'm not even sure their test was that good bc i was not shut down after cycle whatsoever but maybe i was just unlucky. This was all before A-labs and the offer of Simec testing. I wanted to give basic another shot so i cracked open another bottle of mix 2 and straight tren a like 5 days ago which i absolutely regret BC i would have sent it straight to Simec. I don't want to talk to much shit bc i have no proof except empty bottles but I'll see if these last bottles of each produce any sides. I would get bloods but like I've stated before i don't have enough and need to supplement my cycle with vermodje soon.

for not wanting to talk much shit, you sure talked a lot of
Hello, our position is clearly enough: Pharma mix 2 pharmacom - chem clarity lab test
We don't know what was tested but this is not our product.
If you want to ask something about Simec work, better way to ask them directly:
Contact Us - Anabolic Lab
Because we don't know specific of Simec work.
And our MIX2 and MIX6 contains Masteron

MIX2 and MIX6 indeed might contain some Masteron, but nobody knows how much in them, until they are all tested and analyzed properly..

Regarding Anabolic Lab, there is Lab Analysis of Pharmacom DRO-P100 on the list in Anabolic Lab Website.. It means that they can test and analyze Drostanolone / Masteron, don't they?

But Why they can not test and analyze Drostanolone / Masteron in each MIX2 and MIX6 ??
Yeah i don't trust that test either since it's wrong in so many aspects. At least i hope it's not right, actually it better not be fucking right! Haha but truth is so many labs struggle with mixes and PC is no different. You can show us those labs all you want but i went through 4 full bottles of mix 2, an ml roughly every 36hrs. And it fucking sucked! Absolutely no sides at all and results were not at all what they should have been. I'm not even sure their test was that good bc i was not shut down after cycle whatsoever but maybe i was just unlucky. This was all before A-labs and the offer of Simec testing. I wanted to give basic another shot so i cracked open another bottle of mix 2 and straight tren a like 5 days ago which i absolutely regret BC i would have sent it straight to Simec. I don't want to talk to much shit bc i have no proof except empty bottles but I'll see if these last bottles of each produce any sides. I would get bloods but like I've stated before i don't have enough and need to supplement my cycle with vermodje soon.
Another @Bill Bixcer
Do you work for pharmacom @Just Fish ???? You seem to be going the extra mile and not letting shit go....maybe your shilling for them??? Getting or trying to get cut-backs?? To be honest I don't know nor do I care. I can say this, I'm having an excellent experience so far at 6 shots in. No bloods yet to prove but this pharmacom batch is absolutely legit. Perhaps the last one was as well and I was just off because of stressful shit in my life last time....
You honestly are a child. And I don't like to attack people's genetics but when mine are attacked....what I'm trying to say is, maybe your just a sore pussy looking for a fight all the time like a menstruating female because you literally have the shape/genetics of a scrawny woman.....seriously. You know how some people think they can sing and have no idea they sound terrible??? Well if you could see your AVI like everyone else does, you'd realize how much of a female you not only look, but keep making me feel you are.
MIX2 and MIX6 indeed might contain some Masteron, but nobody knows how much in them, until they are all tested and analyzed properly..

Regarding Anabolic Lab, there is Lab Analysis of Pharmacom DRO-P100 on the list in Anabolic Lab Website.. It means that they can test and analyze Drostanolone / Masteron, don't they?

But Why they can not test and analyze Drostanolone / Masteron in each MIX2 and MIX6 ??
That test was done by Frank for the mixes not AL and AL had them done by Chemtox not simec
Do you work for pharmacom @Just Fish ???? You seem to be going the extra mile and not letting shit go....maybe your shilling for them??? Getting or trying to get cut-backs?? To be honest I don't know nor do I care. I can say this, I'm having an excellent experience so far at 6 shots in. No bloods yet to prove but this pharmacom batch is absolutely legit. Perhaps the last one was as well and I was just off because of stressful shit in my life last time....
You honestly are a child. And I don't like to attack people's genetics but when mine are attacked....what I'm trying to say is, maybe your just a sore pussy looking for a fight all the time like a menstruating female because you literally have the shape/genetics of a scrawny woman.....seriously. You know how some people think they can sing and have no idea they sound terrible??? Well if you could see your AVI like everyone else does, you'd realize how much of a female you not only look, but keep making me feel you are.
No bloods? what a surprise you broke ass scamming loser
Do you work for pharmacom @Just Fish ???? You seem to be going the extra mile and not letting shit go....maybe your shilling for them??? Getting or trying to get cut-backs?? To be honest I don't know nor do I care. I can say this, I'm having an excellent experience so far at 6 shots in. No bloods yet to prove but this pharmacom batch is absolutely legit. Perhaps the last one was as well and I was just off because of stressful shit in my life last time....
You honestly are a child. And I don't like to attack people's genetics but when mine are attacked....what I'm trying to say is, maybe your just a sore pussy looking for a fight all the time like a menstruating female because you literally have the shape/genetics of a scrawny woman.....seriously. You know how some people think they can sing and have no idea they sound terrible??? Well if you could see your AVI like everyone else does, you'd realize how much of a female you not only look, but keep making me feel you are.
Your obviously to fucking stupid to get pre bloods so what's the point anyway?
Haha nah no where near that goof, he was fishing for gear and then tried PC again a few months later, after he had "NO" results supposedly. I in fact had some but attribute it to my training. Although PC seems solid their mixes just aren't as spot on as they claim. Has A-labs ever tested their mixes? And how about this, since i have already opened my bottles i can't simec them but i can continue pinning the mix 2 at roughly 3 1/2 pins a week which is what like only a bit over 250mgs of test phenylprop but if i hold off on adding any other test products would it be worth it to you guys to get bloods after 3 weeks on that dose, should definitely produce some numbers right? I'll literally take a video from bottle to pin to ass and then of the docs office to put this to rest. Now tell me worth it or not and what numbers would be sufficient? If y'all tell me it should be OK I'll do exactly this. This is not a scientific board, it's mostly opinions, and we're all strangers even bloods, labmax, etc can be manipulated or just plain false and mean shit to me. I honestly feel opinions from good bros are better, and it's easy to see who the good knowledgeable bros are. The guys that just continuously post unhelpful nonsense obviously don't have a clue to say anything else helpful. If you can't even contribute or put a cycle together help advise young bros so they don't hurt themselves then gtfo. Should they do their research, sure! But even 40 year olds just want an honest opinion from someone that has been there done that, not just what the internet says. I've been doing this almost 15 years now i know how to cycle. Finding a good lab on the other hand not so easy. Take my opinion for what it's worth, like it or not it's the truth. PC might have decent gear but it's definitely no ttokyo or quality vet. Half you posting shit probably have never heard these names let alone seen them in person. Plus we all know many members, even prominent ones, are just spectators and never even done a cycle haha come on guys let's be honest. I'm here to help. Can i say this lab or that lab is great? No, but can i tell you how to train, eat, and cycle? Yes! I used to think PC was OK, but maybe some third party is getting their hands on the shit and putting out underdosed gear or even fakes. Again just my OPINION haha take it or leave it.
Do you work for pharmacom @Just Fish ???? You seem to be going the extra mile and not letting shit go....maybe your shilling for them??? Getting or trying to get cut-backs?? To be honest I don't know nor do I care. I can say this, I'm having an excellent experience so far at 6 shots in. No bloods yet to prove but this pharmacom batch is absolutely legit. Perhaps the last one was as well and I was just off because of stressful shit in my life last time....
You honestly are a child. And I don't like to attack people's genetics but when mine are attacked....what I'm trying to say is, maybe your just a sore pussy looking for a fight all the time like a menstruating female because you literally have the shape/genetics of a scrawny woman.....seriously. You know how some people think they can sing and have no idea they sound terrible??? Well if you could see your AVI like everyone else does, you'd realize how much of a female you not only look, but keep making me feel you are.
I'm not going to leave you alone. You are a scamming piece is shit that is not welcome at meso. Might as well take the walk of shame
Hey @Just Fish where is that latest quote from haha i couldn't find it? 6 shots in and feeling great haha nice! Are these shots once a week as well? And let me guess you're on test e 250mg week and deca 300mg week and pin every Monday right?
@Bill Bixcer is too funny! From PC hater and scam claimer to their biggest fan in only 6 shots! Did they give in and actually send him free gear?
They could have. That loser spent a week whining over 8 pages of his thread. I posted it when I exposed him for trying to scam free gear. Just go back a few pages you'll find it.
Hello, our position is clearly enough: Pharma mix 2 pharmacom - chem clarity lab test

We don't know what was tested but this is not our product.

If you want to ask something about Simec work, better way to ask them directly:

Contact Us - Anabolic Lab

Because we don't know specific of Simec work.

And our MIX2 and MIX6 contains Masteron

That test was done by Frank for the mixes not AL and AL had them done by Chemtox not simec

Yes, I do know.. I am experienced in this area as well..

MIX2 and MIX6 contain 3 different compounds in each, then it should have been stated and analyzed properly about what compound in each of them (whether right or wrong compound type) and how many mg content in every ml (match the label claim or not) in their lab analysis..

Pharmacom should not just test only 2 compounds of them like their lab analysis of MIX2 and MIX6..

If indeed Pharmacom is a good, trusted and reliable company, then Pharmacom should have things cleared up for the sake of their customers and users..
These things has still become questions and Pharmacom have left some uncertainty in their customer's and user's thought..

Thank You..